54 research outputs found

    Stress experienced by women after premature labor is conditioned by their personality

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to analyze a possible correlation between personality traits and the level of stress experienced by women after premature labor. Material and methods: The analysis was carried out on the basis of a study conducted in 96 women after premature labor. The following tools were used: Personality Inventory NEO-FFI, Parental Stressor Scale: NICU (SSR:OITN), and personal data questionnaire. It was an exploratory study since the SSR:OITN method is only applied to find out the characteristic features of stress induced by prematurity, and, therefore, it cannot be applied to study the control sample (i.e. women who delivered at term). Results: The obtained results revealed significant correlations between the level and structure of stress connected with premature labor and personality traits. The general level of stress and all its components (infant’s clinical characteristics and medical procedures, personal and interpersonal problems as well as parental competence) correlated positively with Neuroticism. Negative correlations between the general level of stress together with its parental competence factor and Extraversion and Openness to experience were found. Agreeableness correlated negatively with parental competence stress. No correlation between the level of stress and Conscientiousness was observed. Conclusions: Our findings shed new light on how women after premature labor experience stress, and suggested an ef­fective medical-psychological-therapeutic support aiming at reducing the level of trauma. The SSR:OITN Scale is proposed as one of the basic methods used to diagnose difficulties experienced by the investigated women

    The feeling of hopelessness and ways of coping with stress in women after preterm delivery

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    Abstract Objectives: The goal of this work was to compare ways of coping with stress used by women after Praterm delivery and term delivery, as well as to determine possible connection between hopelessness and ways of doping with stress in these two groups. Materials and Methods: 33 patients after preterm delivery and 54 after term delivery participated in the study. The Beck Hopelessness Scale questionnaire (by Beck) to investigate hopelessness. the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations questionnaire (by Endler and Parker), and a personal questionnaire were used in the study. Results: The two groups of women differed in their styles of the task-oriented coping. This style was significantly less frequent in the repertory of remedial behaviors in women after preterm delivery. Hopelessness reached similar levels in both groups, and was estimated as mild, and significantly correlated with coping styles with stress in both groups under study. Conclusions: A positive correlation between hopelessness and the emotions-oriented coping is very characteristic for both groups of women. This indicates that the tendency to use the emotions-oriented coping grows with an increasing feeling of hopelessness

    Agrobacterium-Mediated Gene Transfer to Cereal Crop Plants: Current Protocols for Barley, Wheat, Triticale, and Maize

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    The development of powerful “omics” technologies has enabled researchers to identify many genes of interest for which comprehensive functional analyses are highly desirable. However, the production of lines which ectopically express recombinant genes, or those in which endogenous genes are knocked down via stable transformation, remains a major bottleneck for the association between genetics and gene function in monocotyledonous crops. Methods of effective DNA transfer into regenerable cells of immature embryos from cereals by means of Agrobacterium tumefaciens have been modified in a stepwise manner. The effect of particular improvement measures has often not been significantly evident, whereas their combined implementation has resulted in meaningful advances. Here, we provide updated protocols for the Agrobacterium-mediated generation of stably transgenic barley, wheat, triticale and maize. Based upon these methods, several hundred independent transgenic lines have been delivered, with efficiencies of inoculated embryos leading to stably transgenic plants reaching 86% in barley, 10% in wheat, 4% in triticale, and 24% in maize

    Poród a schorzenia narządu wzroku

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    There are many controversies among ophthalmologists and obstetricians regarding indications for caesarean section due to preexisting eye diseases. Many ophthalmologists still believe myopia, retinal detachment, glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy to be indications for a caesarean section. There is a discrepancy between clinical practice and evidence-based medicine, as none of the published trials have reported any retinal changes after vaginal delivery. This report provides information on the infl uence of physiological changes on eye diseases during the fi nal stage of the delivery. We conclude that an eye disease is not an indication for a caesarean section.Wskazania do skrócenia drugiego okresu porodu z powodu współistniejących schorzeń okulistycznych stanowią wciąż źródło wielu kontrowersji zarówno wśród okulistów, jak i ginekologów. Schorzenia narządu wzroku, takie jak: krótkowzroczność, odwarstwienie siatkówki, retinopatia cukrzycowa oraz jaskra są nadal uważane przez wielu okulistów za wskazanie do cięcia cesarskiego. Istnieje rozbieżność pomiędzy praktyką kliniczną a doniesieniami naukowymi, nie istnieją bowiem żadne udokumentowane publikacjami badania potwierdzające pogorszenie stanu narządu wzroku będące wynikiem porodu siłami natury. Niniejsza praca przedstawia zmiany fizjologiczne zachodzące w oku podczas końcowych etapów porodu. Wnioskujemy, że choroby narządy wzroku nie są wskazaniem do cięcia cesarskiego

    Zastosowania Skali Stresu Rodziców: OITN (SSR:OITN) w diagnostyce klinicznej kobiet po porodzie przedwczesnym

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    Aim: The aims of the study were: 1) to evaluate the effectiveness of the Polish equivalent of the NUPS Scale, i.e. SSR: OITN [Skala Stresu Rodziców: Oddział Intensywnej Terapii Noworodka],2) to evaluate the possibilities of employing the described method in clinical diagnosis of women after preterm delivery. Material and methods: The analysis was carried out on the basis of the research conducted at the Department and Clinic of Obstetrics and Maternal–Fetal Medicine SPSK 4 [Autonomous Public Teaching Hospital No. 4] inLublin among 96 patients after preterm delivery. The factor validity of the questionnaire was evaluated on the basis of factor analysis with the use of identifying principal components method. The reliability was assessed with the use of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient as well as the correlation values of particular factors with the full scale score. Results: Strong psychometric properties of the method (global as well as concerning particular factors) substantiate its use and the statistical analysis of the obtained results. Conclusions: The results of this study validate the application of the SSR: OITN questionnaire to assess the level and structure of stress among women after preterm delivery.Cel pracy: Celem prezentowanej pracy była: 1) ocena trafności i rzetelności polskiej wersji narzędzia NUPS Scale, w polskiej wersji zwanego SSR:OITN (Skalą Stresu Rodziców: Oddział Intensywnej Terapii Noworodka); 2) ocena możliwości zastosowania opisanego narzędzia w diagnostyce klinicznej wśród pacjentek po porodzie przedwczesnym. Materiał i metody: Analizę przeprowadzono w oparciu o badania realizowane w Katedrze i Klinice Położnictwa i Perinatologii SPSK 4 w Lublinie wśród 96 pacjentek po porodzie przedwczesnym. Trafność czynnikową kwestionariusza oceniano stosując analizę czynnikową metodą wyodrębniania głównych składowych. Ocenę rzetelności dokonano przy użyciu współczynnika alpha Cronbacha oraz wartości korelacji poszczególnych czynników z sumarycznym wynikiem skali. Wyniki: Wysokie właściwości psychometryczne metody (globalne oraz dla poszczególnych czynników) uzasadniają możliwość jej stosowania oraz opracowywania statystycznego uzyskanych wyników. Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają zasadność użycia kwestionariusza SSR:OITN do oceny poziomu i struktury stresu doznawanego przez pacjentki po porodzie przedwczesnym

    Selected determinants of body mass in premature infants

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    Abstract Design: The following study is an attempt to determine whether and to what extent body mass at birth in premature infants is conditioned by some specific demographic and medical factors. Materials and Methods: The following investigation tools have been applied: standardized EUROPOP GROUP poll questionnaire with our own modifications and adjustments, corresponding to Polish conditions, as well as a poll questionnaire designed by the authors of the following work investigating women’s lifestyle during pregnancy, and medical records analysis. The study group consisted of 555 respondents, whose pregnancy ended between 22 and 36 completed weeks’ gestation, calculated from the first day of the last menstrual bleeding. Results: Statistical analysis of data confirmed the relationship between body mass in premature infants and family income (

    Obesity among women. Pregnancy after bariatric surgery: a qualitative review

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    Abstract Bariatric surgery is a safe and most effective method of achieving substantial long-term weight loss. Surgery should be considered in case of all patients with a BMI of more than 40kg/m2 and for those with a BMI of over 35kg/m2 with obesity-related co-morbidities, after conventional treatment failure. The most frequently used procedures in surgical treatment of obesity, performed mostly laparoscopically, are restrictive operations limiting energy intake by reducing gastric capacity (vertical banded gastroplasty, adjustable gastric band, sleeve gastrectomy) and restrictive/ malabsorptive surgeries also inducing decreased absorption of nutrients by shortening the functional length of the small intestine (Roux-en-Y gastric bypass). Frequent complications following surgery may include hyperemesis, intragastric band migration, gastric perforation, nutritional deficiencies, anastomotic leak, bleeding, anastomotic stricture, internal hernia, wound infection. It is generally recommended for women after bariatric surgery to wait approximately at least 12 months before becoming pregnant. There exists considerable threat that rapid weight loss (relative starvation phase) may be unhealthy for a mother and a baby. Pregnancy after weight loss surgery is not only safe for the mother and the baby but may also be less risky than pregnancy in morbidly obese patients. Postoperative nutrient supplementation and close supervision before, during, and after pregnancy adjusted to individual requirements of a woman can help to prevent nutrition-related complications such as deficiencies in iron, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin K, folate and calcium, and improve maternal and fetal health

    Efficacy and safety of Black cohosh (Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa) in the treatment of vasomotor symptoms – review of clinical trials

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    Abstract The occurrence of vasomotor symptoms in women is directly related to deficiency of estrogen, which occurs as a result of natural or surgical menopause. Hot flushes may also be a major problem for patients with a history of breast cancer, as they may result directly from cancer treatment (oophorectomy, chemotherapy-induced ovarian failure or adjuvant tamoxifen citrate therapy). Despite the lack of reliable data regarding their efficacy and safety, in recent years the usage of herbs among menopausal women has increased dynamically all over the world. The following paper reviews professional literature about Black Cohosh (Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa), either used alone or in combination with other medicinal herbs administered in management of vasomotor symptoms. Extracts of the rootstock of Black cohosh contain such potentially biologically active constituents as triterpene glycosides (actein, cimicifugoside, deoxyacetein), isoferulic acid and alkaloids (n-methylcytisine). The mechanism of its action remains unclear. Some authors suggest that Black Cohosh contains substances with selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) activity. Recent data has demonstrated that Black Cohosh may have an effect on dopaminergic and serotoninergic systems. Thirty-two papers formed the basis for this review. Openlabel, noncomparative studies, as well as treatment-controlled, randomized, open trials, have proven that Black Cohosh significantly reduced frequency or severity of hot flashes. The results of randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trials were contradictory. Adverse symptoms have been rare (5,4%), mild and reversible. Most of them included gastrointestinal upsets, rashes, headaches, dizziness and mastalgia. Nevertheless, single cases of serious adverse events, including acute hepatocellular damage, have been reported, but without a clear causality relationship

    Apoptosis of HeLa and CaSki cell lines incubated with All-trans retinoid acid.

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the concentrations of a soluble form of APO-1/Fas antigen (sFas, CD95) and a soluble Ligand for APO-1/Fas antigen (sCD95L, sFasL) in supernatants from CaSki and HeLa cell line cultures after the incubation with All-trans-retinoic acid. HPV-16 and HPV18 - positive cell lines were cultivated with All-trans-retinoic acid in concentrations of 1 x 10(-6) M/L and 1 x 10(-8) M/L. The cultures were incubated for 24 hours. Control culture with 3 microl of dimethyl-sulphoxide (DMSO) was incubated under identical conditions. The concentrations of soluble APO-1/Fas antigen and Fas Ligand in cell culture supernatants were estimated using immunoenzymatic methods. The obtained results showed significant decrease of concentrations of soluble APO-1/Fas antigen in supernatants from HeLa cell lines incubated with retinol in comparison with the control culture. Moreover, the concentrations of soluble Ligand for APO-1/Fas antigen in the supernatants of CaSki and HeLa cell lines were significantly lower in the culture incubated with All-trans retinoid acid when compared to the control culture. Higher concentrations of soluble APO-1/Fas antigen in supernatants from HeLa cell line without retinol may constitute a protective mechanism of the cells infected with the virus before undergoing Fas/FasL-dependent apoptosis. Lower concentrations of soluble APO-1/Fas antigen and soluble Ligand for APO-1/Fas in the supernatants from CaSki and HeLa cell cultures incubated with retinol suggest that retinoids can decrease the synthesis of soluble APO-1//Fas and soluble FasL in HPV-16 and HPV - 18 positive cells and that mechanisms protecting infected cells against Fas/FasL-mediated apoptosis become defective under the influence of retinol

    Maternal pre-pregnancy obesity and the risk of preterm birth: a systematic overview of cohort studies with meta-analysis

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    Objective: Despite numerous studies assessing the risk of preterm birth in obese women compared with normal weight patients, the scope of the association remains unclear. Therefore, we conducted a systematic overview and meta-analysis to summarize the available evidence from cohort studies on the relationship between maternal obesity and the risk of preterm birth. Methods: We searched bibliographic database: MEDLINE (PubMed) and EMBASE for all relevant articles, with no language restrictions, which were published from January 1990 to September 2010, using a combination of the following search terms: maternal obesity or high body mass index (BMI) and preterm birth or pregnancy outcome. Crude odds ratios (OR) for individual outcomes were calculated for each study and were pooled by using the random-effects model. Results: Twenty seven studies proved eligible under the selection criteria. The crude OR of preterm birth were 1.18 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.07 to 1.30], 1.28 (95% CI 0.93 to 1.75) and 1.11 (95% CI 0.98 to 1.25) among obese, severely obese and morbidly obese women, respectively, compared with normal weight women. We found an elevated risk of induced preterm birth among obese (OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.45 to 2.04), severely obese (OR 1.70, 95% CI 1.32 to 2.18) and morbidly obese pregnants (OR 1.66, 95% CI 1.33 to 2.07) but a reduction in the risk of spontaneous preterm birth: OR = 0.98 (95% CI 0.80 to 1.20), OR=0.85 (95% CI 0.55 to 1.31) and OR=0.77 (95% CI 0.60 to 0.99), respectively. Obese women, independently of category the of obesity, also are at a higher risk of very preterm delivery (