2 research outputs found

    A CORBA-based Facility for Information Access and Interchange between Cooperating Organizations

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    In this paper we present a CORBA-based facility for information access and interchange, the Repository Services. This facility provides a flexible approach to information access and interchange by the means of a repository which contains information giving dynamically access to the detail information. The information may be available in different formats at different locations, and is grouped both within and between domains. 1. Introduction The need for information access and interchange between and within decentralized organizations is increasing as corporate structures become more complex and cooperation increases and changes rapidly. In the times of Business Process Reenigineering (BPR) and virtual companies it is important to have a flexible means of information exchange across system boundaries, locations, representations, and companies. The information stored is often the backbone of a company, and it is a goal to enable the company to get good value of this information both int..

    SISIP - A Systems Integration Platform based on Distributed Persistent Objects

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    Integrated environments in general may support the four integration areas: data-integration, control-integration, presentation-integration and process-integration. The SISIP architecture takes a unified object-oriented approach to these four integration areas. The underlying infrastructure is based on distributed persistent objects, realized by a combination of objectoriented database technology and distributed object technology. The SISIP object model, SIOM, provides a unified object model for all four integration dimensions. The object model combines a structural object model based on EXPRESS and the ODMG object model, with a behavioral object model based on the OMG Interface Definition Language. Modeling for SISIP-based systems is supported through the object-oriented SIMOD methodology, which is based on the OOram role modeling methodology. The SIDE development environment is itself SISIP compliant. The SISIP approach is being specialized for various domains, in particular GEOSIP fo..