1,022 research outputs found

    Determinants and structural development of FDI in Pacific-Rim developing countries

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    The movements of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the recent past are marked by a relatively very high growth in the Pacific Rim (PR) countries (Australia, Brunei, China, Hongkong, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand). The developing countries of this area were able to raise considerably their share of the total world outflows in the first half of this decade (Table Al) . In the following analysis an attempt is made to work out the determinants of FDI in these countries. Unlike trade there is no well developed general theory explaining all patterns of FDI. Therefore a useful approach is to look at the past record of these countries in the light of factors such as economic growth, level of development or political relations, which generally play an important role in the inflow of these investments.

    Foreign direct investment in developing countries : the case of Germany.

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    Direktinvestition; Entwicklungsländer; Deutschland;

    Regulationist Measures: Prostitution and Politics in the State of Mysore

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    The paper explores official policies towards Prostitution and the spread of Venereal Diseases in the Cantonment and Mysore Provinces. A medico-military discourse emerged in the Cantonment with the spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases among white troopers. Transgressive sex was tolerated despite prostitutes being considered a receptacle of diseases. In not recognizing the dynamics of disease transmission, regulatory measures and race, sex, and class-bias blatantly vilified prostitutes. Though civilian spaces in the State of Karnataka were not as complex, regulations were enforced in tandem with the Cantonment during the colonial rule. Consequently, after the independence, the State’s measures were coincidental with the social purity movement’s censure of Devadasis

    The future of the world economy: An appraisal of Leontief's study

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    The UN study concludes that by the end of this century a substantial reduction in the present income gap between developed and developing countries is feasible. The resource base for realizing the envisaged growth rates is not seen as a limiting factor; limits might rather be imposed by the inflexibility of the international economic order as well as by economic, social and political institutions in developing countries. Industrialization in developing countries based on heavy industries is expected to serve as the engine of growth, the capital requirements for which are met primarily by domestic sources. Different conclusions, however, are arrived at in this appraisal of major aspects of the UN study: A high concentration of productive resources in heavy industries tends to aggravate the developing countries' problems of unemployment and balance-of-payments deficits, since technologies involved are labor-saving, capital requirements are too high and export chances are low. There is not enough empirical evidence to support the UN study's optimism that investment in heavy industries of the order of magnitude involved can be financed by increasing domestic savings and by the inflow of foreign capital into developing countries. 0 An industrialization strategy which aims at exploiting existing resources of developing countries more efficiently should concentrate on labor- and /or raw material-intensive activities. An industry-mix based on present and potential comparative advantages will increase their international competitiveness and encourage direct investment from abroad. The proposition to increase the relative prices of developing countries' primary commodity exports would neither help reduce their balance-of-payments deficits nor improve their income position over the long run. On the contrary, it would result in a world-wide misallocation of resources and induce resource saving in the developed countries. --

    I Know Your Family: A Hybrid Information Retrieval Approach to Extract Family Information from Microblogs

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    The aim of this project is to identify the family related information of a person from their Twitter Data. We use their personal details, tweets and their friends' details in order to achieve this. Since, we deal with the modern world short text data; we have used a hybrid information retrieval methodology taking into account the Parts of Speech of the data, Phrase Similarity and the Semantic Similarity of the data along with the openly available twitter data. The future use of this research is to develop a Client Side protection tool that will help users validate the data to be posted for privacy breech

    Globalisation of production and markets.

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    Internationale Arbeitsteilung; Direktinvestition; Internationale Unternehmenskooperation; Industriegüteraußenhandel; Internationaler Wettbewerb; Welt; EU-Staaten; USA; Japan;
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