40 research outputs found

    Achievement motivation in a group of educated Blacks in the mining industry and its implications on job performance

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    Summary: The central purpose of this study was to establish whether there is a positive relationship between a high achievement motive (as measured by the Thematic Apperception Test, using the Arnold's scoring system) in Blacks and Good Job Performance (as measured by good merit and supervisory ratings). Factors taken into consideration in the study were: (i)level of urbanization (ii)resistance to change (iii)job satisfaction. An alternative method of scoring the T.A.T. (McClelland) was compared with the Arnold System. A novel T.A.T. was designed with pictures with which the Blacks could easily identify, so that the writing of stories was facilitated. The level of urbanization and resistance to change were measured on the Urban- Rural Scale. Job satisfaction was measured by means of the Job Satisfaction Index. The measures of job performance were obtained by means of 'man specifications' and merit ratings. The Achievement Motivation Score was found to be significantly positively correlated at the ,05 level with job performance ratings, but a predictive study would have to be carried out before it can be accepted as predictive of job performance. Level of urbanization had no significant effect on the achievement, motivation scorer (Arnold System) whereas 'the 'Resistance to Change' factor was found to be significantly negatively correlated at the ,05 level with the achievement motivation scores (Arnold). 'Too little information was available to establish the relationship between high achievement motivation scores (Arnold), low job performance ratings and low job satisfaction scores. No significant correlations was obtained between the McClelland scores on the T.A.T., and the Arnold scores as well as between the McClelland scores on the T.A.T. and job performance ratings. The T.A.T., using the Arnold scoring system, proved to be a reliable test (both test - retest and inter - scorer reliabilities This study showed that the T.A.T. has strong possibilities of playing a large role in the selection of Blacks for higher level jobs in industry

    Quantized valley Hall response from local bulk density variations

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    The application of a mechanical strain to a 2D material can create pseudo-magnetic fields and lead to a quantized valley Hall effect. However, measuring valley-resolved effects remains a challenging task due to their inherent fragility and dependence on the sample’s proper design. Additionally, non-local transport probes based on multiterminal devices have often proven to be inadequate in yielding conclusive evidence of the valley Hall signal. Here, we introduce an alternative way of detecting the quantized valley Hall effect, which entirely relies on local density measurements, performed deep in the bulk of the sample. The resulting quantized signal is a genuine Fermi sea response, independent of the edge physics, and reflects the underlying valley Hall effect through the Widom-Středa formula. Specifically, our approach is based on measuring the variation of the particle density, locally in the bulk, upon varying the strength of the applied strain. This approach to the quantized valley Hall effect is particularly well suited for experiments based on synthetic lattices, where the particle density (or integrated density of states) can be spatially resolved

    Quantized valley Hall response from local bulk density variations

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    The application of a mechanical strain to a 2D material can create pseudo-magnetic fields and lead to a quantized valley Hall effect. However, measuring valley-resolved effects remains a challenging task due to their inherent fragility and dependence on the sample's proper design. Additionally, non-local transport probes based on multiterminal devices have often proven to be inadequate in yielding conclusive evidence of the valley Hall signal. Here, we introduce an alternative way of detecting the quantized valley Hall effect, which entirely relies on local density measurements, performed deep in the bulk of the sample. The resulting quantized signal is a genuine Fermi sea response, independent of the edge physics, and reflects the underlying valley Hall effect through the Widom-St\v{r}eda formula. Specifically, our approach is based on measuring the variation of the particle density, locally in the bulk, upon varying the strength of the applied strain. This approach to the quantized valley Hall effect is particularly well suited for experiments based on synthetic lattices, where the particle density (or integrated density of states) can be spatially resolved.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Quelle pédagogie au service de la réussite de tous les élèves ?

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    Le regard du praticien Je voudrais, en guise d’introduction, dire à quel titre je prends la parole aujourd’hui. Je suis formateur d’enseignants, une pratique qui m’amène, à visiter des écoles fondamentales et secondaires, dans des contextes fort différents des plus favorisés aux plus défavorisés ; à rencontrer de nombreux enseignants, à dialoguer avec eux à propos de leurs pratiques ; à côtoyer quotidiennement de jeunes adultes qui ont choisi de devenir enseignant ; à réfléchir, avec mes coll..

    Communication sur les meules omaliennes de la Hesbaye Liégeoise

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    Destexhe-Jamotte J. Communication sur les meules omaliennes de la Hesbaye Liégeoise. In: Bulletin de la Société préhistorique de France, tome 48, n°9-10, 1951. pp. 474-478

    Le gisement à raclettes de Moha (vallée de la Méhaigne) et Observations générales sur la taille abrupte en Belgique

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    Destexhe-Jamotte J. Le gisement à raclettes de Moha (vallée de la Méhaigne) et Observations générales sur la taille abrupte en Belgique. In: Bulletin de la Société préhistorique de France, tome 50, n°4, 1953. pp. 249-258

    Note sur un biface moustérien trouvé à Wommersom (Brabant)

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    Destexhe-Jamotte J. Note sur un biface moustérien trouvé à Wommersom (Brabant). In: Bulletin de la Société préhistorique de France, tome 47, n°11-12, 1950. pp. 536-538