3 research outputs found

    A Transformational- Generative Approach towards Understanding Al-Istifham

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the formation of interrogative sentences in Arabic through the application of the basic linguistic concepts and to explain the derivation of those sentences with their transformations via the employment of the Transformational-Generative tools and concepts. This paper attempts to examine the ways and manners which al-Istifham could be understood through a transformational-generative approach. It begins with an introduction with a sketchy overview of the origin and development of Arabic grammar in the Arab world. Effort is made to explain the theoretical framework used in the paper. Basic terms and concepts are carefully explained. We have been able to show that, Arabic, as a language with VSO word-order, allows a right hand movement. It is discovered that it is categorized mainly into two, viz: (1) al-Istifham al-Lughawi (linguistic question) and (2) al-Istifham al-Adabi (literary question). The formal is characterized by abhathun lughawiyyah (linguistic analysis) but the latter is characterized by aghradun balaghiyyah (rhetorical objectives). The study shows that where two particles of Istifham Hal and Hamzah are  used they both have a syntactic and semantic markers which would be answered by any of Adawatul-Jawab (answer tools)

    Science of Arabic Lexicography: A Survey of Its Emergence and Evolution

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    The roof of everything starts from the root, when the root is properly and effectively nurtured definitely the root spreads its sprout magnificently. On the other hand, the root is nowhere to be found if it is uncared for. The same thing happens with regards to Arabic lexicography which its pioneer, al-Khalil took a great pain in leaving a work on which other lexicographers brought a leaf. This paper attempts to examine the ways and manners through which the science of Arabic lexicography had started.  It begins with an introduction, a sketchy overview of the origin and the development of Arabic lexicography in the Arab world. Effort is made to review some methods adopted in the Arabic lexical works. This is followed by having a look at Arabic lexicography as it affects neighbouring areas and subsequently discuss on European lexicon.  Afterwards, the paper ends with a conclusion. The paper is based mainly on data and information collected from various scholars. Other materials were also obtained from private libraries to form the data base. The study revealed that there are three main types of lexicographical books: the dictionary, the general classified vocabulary, and the short specialized vocabulary. Arabs excelled in all the three. Arabic bilingual dictionaries were rare in the Arab world, the chief exception being al-Zamakhshari’s (d.538A.H./1144 A.D.) Arabic-Persian Dictionary

    The Gradualism of Cultural Resurgence of Afro-Arabic in the Shadow of Civilization

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    Intellectual vitality of the Arabic culture came into stagnation through the close of the 18th century.However, the beginning of the 19th century potrayed the rebirth of the Arabic culture seen first in Lebanon, Syria and Egypt, from where it spread gradually in varying degrees to other parts of the Arab world. This cultural resurgence with its full import of the Arab Muslim society especially in Africa has prompted the rise in Arab national consciousness (nationalism) as well as religious (Islamic) reawakening, which have a wonderful over effect on the contemporary World Order.The methodology adopted in this paper was document review. This paper tried to investigate the gradual process of the Arabic cultural resurgence, which has found expression in the shifting paradigm of Arabic literary works of some literati and religious revivalism in Africa.In fact, it is noticed that Arab ism has been an integral part of Islam; the activities of the nationalist movement and that of Islamic reformers have political and cultural consequences in the modern world