184 research outputs found

    Harmonic functions on the real hyperbolic ball I : Boundary values and atomic decomposition of Hardy spaces

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    We study harmonic functions for the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the real hyperbolic ball. We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for this functions and their normal derivatives to have a boundary distribution.In doing so, we put forward different behaviors of hyperbolic harmonic functions according to the parity of the dimension of the hyperbolic ball. We then study Hardy spaces of hyperbolic harmonic extensions of distributions belonging to the Hardy spaces of the sphere. In particular, we obtain an atomic decomposition of these spaces.Comment: LATEX + Bibtex file, 16 pages, no figures, to appear in Colloq. Mat

    Uncertainty principles for orthonormal bases

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    In this survey, we present various forms of the uncertainty principle (Hardy, Heisenberg, Benedicks). We further give a new interpretation of the uncertainty principles as a statement about the time-frequency localization of elements of an orthonormal basis, which improves previous unpublished results of H. Shapiro. Finally, we show that Benedicks' result implies that solutions of the Shr\"{o}dinger equation have some (appearently unnoticed) energy dissipation property

    A characterization of Fourier transforms

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    The aim of this paper is to show that, in various situations, the only continuous linear map that transforms a convolution product into a pointwise product is a Fourier transform. We focus on the cyclic groups Z/nZ\Z/nZ, the integers Z\Z, the Torus \T and the real line. We also ask a related question for the twisted convolution.Comment: In memory of A. Hulanick

    Zero-free regions of radar ambiguity functions and moments

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    In this article, we give an estimate of the zero-free region around the origin of the ambiguity function of a signal uu in terms of the moments of uu. This is done by proving an uncertainty relation between the first zero of the Fourier transform of a non-negative function and the moments of the function. As a corollary, we also give an estimate of how much a function needs to be translated to obtaina function that is orthogonal to the original function

    Uniqueness results for the phase retrieval problem of fractional Fourier transforms of variable order

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    In this paper, we investigate the uniqueness of the phase retrieval problem for the fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) of variable order. This problem occurs naturally in optics and quantum physics. More precisely, we show that if uu and vv are such that fractional Fourier transforms of order α\alpha have same modulus ∣Fαu∣=∣Fαv∣|F_\alpha u|=|F_\alpha v| for some set τ\tau of α\alpha's, then vv is equal to uu up to a constant phase factor. The set τ\tau depends on some extra assumptions either on uu or on both uu and vv. Cases considered here are uu, vv of compact support, pulse trains, Hermite functions or linear combinations of translates and dilates of Gaussians. In this last case, the set τ\tau may even be reduced to a single point (i.e. one fractional Fourier transform may suffice for uniqueness in the problem)

    Moving and oblique observations of beams and plates

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    We study the observability of the one-dimensional Schr{\"o}dinger equation and of the beam and plate equations by moving or oblique observations. Applying different versions and adaptations of Ingham's theorem on nonharmonic Fourier series, we obtain various observability and non-observability theorems. Several open problems are also formulated at the end of the paper
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