934 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Massive MIMO Networks with Random Unitary Pilot Matrices

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    A common approach to obtain channel state information for massive MIMO networks is to use the same orthogonal training sequences in each cell. We call this the full-pilot reuse (FPR) scheme. In this paper, we study an alternative approach where each cell uses different sets of orthogonal pilot (DOP) sequences. Considering uplink communications with matched filter (MF) receivers, we first derive the SINR in the large system regime where the number of antennas at the base station, the number of users in each cell, and training duration grow large with fixed ratios. For tractability in the analysis, the orthogonal pilots are drawn from Haar distributed random unitary matrices. The resulting expression is simple and easy to compute. As shown by the numerical simulations, the asymptotic SINR approximates the finite-size systems accurately. Secondly, we derive the user capacity of the DOP scheme under a simple power control and show that it is generally better than that of the FPR scheme.Comment: Draf

    Outage Capacity of Opportunistic Beamforming with Random User Locations

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    This paper studies the outage capacity of a network consisting of a multitude of heterogenous mobile users, and operating according to the classical opportunistic beamforming framework. The base station is located at the center of the cell, which is modeled as a disk of finite radius. The random user locations are modeled using a homogenous spatial Poisson point process. The received signals are impaired by both fading and location dependent path loss. For this system, we first derive an expression for the beam outage probability. This expression holds for all path loss models that satisfy some mild conditions. Then, we focus on two specific path loss models (i.e., an unbounded model and a more realistic bounded one) to illustrate the applications of our results. In the large system limit where the cell radius tends to infinity, the beam outage capacity and its scaling behavior are derived for the selected specific path loss models. It is shown that the beam outage capacity scales logarithmically for the unbounded model. On the other hand, this scaling behavior becomes double logarithmic for the bounded model. Intuitive explanations are provided as to why we observe different scaling behavior for different path loss models. Numerical evaluations are performed to give further insights, and to illustrate the applicability of the outage capacity results even to a cell having a small finite radius.Comment: To appear in Globecom 2013, Atlanta, US

    Vector Broadcast Channels: Optimality of Threshold Feedback Policies

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    Beamforming techniques utilizing only partial channel state information (CSI) has gained popularity over other communication strategies requiring perfect CSI thanks to their lower feedback requirements. The amount of feedback in beamforming based communication systems can be further reduced through selective feedback techniques in which only the users with channels good enough are allowed to feed back by means of a decentralized feedback policy. In this paper, we prove that thresholding at the receiver is the rate-wise optimal decentralized feedback policy for feedback limited systems with prescribed feedback constraints. This result is highly adaptable due to its distribution independent nature, provides an analytical justification for the use of threshold feedback policies in practical systems, and reinforces previous work analyzing threshold feedback policies as a selective feedback technique without proving its optimality. It is robust to selfish unilateral deviations. Finally, it reduces the search for rate-wise optimal feedback policies subject to feedback constraints from function spaces to a finite dimensional Euclidean space.Comment: Submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, St. Petersburg, Russia, Aug 201

    Transmission Rank Selection for Opportunistic Beamforming with Quality of Service Constraints

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    In this paper, we consider a multi-cell multi-user MISO broadcast channel. The system operates according to the opportunistic beamforming framework in a multi-cell environment with variable number of transmit beams (may alternatively be referred as the transmission rank) at each base station. The maximum number of co-scheduled users in a cell is equal to its transmission rank, thus increasing it will have the effect of increasing the multiplexing gain. However, this will simultaneously increase the amount of interference in the network, which will decrease the rate of communication. This paper focuses on optimally setting the transmission rank at each base station such that a set of Quality of Service (QoS) constraints, that will ensure a guaranteed minimum rate per beam at each base station, is not violated. Expressions representing the achievable region of transmission ranks are obtained considering different network settings. The achievable transmission rank region consists of all achievable transmission rank tuples that satisfy the QoS constraints. Numerical results are also presented to provide further insights on the feasibility problem.Comment: To appear in IEEE ICC 2014, Sydney, Australi

    Vector Broadcast Channels: Optimal Threshold Selection Problem

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    Threshold feedback policies are well known and provably rate-wise optimal selective feedback techniques for communication systems requiring partial channel state information (CSI). However, optimal selection of thresholds at mobile users to maximize information theoretic data rates subject to feedback constraints is an open problem. In this paper, we focus on the optimal threshold selection problem, and provide a solution for this problem for finite feedback systems. Rather surprisingly, we show that using the same threshold values at all mobile users is not always a rate-wise optimal feedback strategy, even for a system with identical users experiencing statistically the same channel conditions. By utilizing the theory of majorization, we identify an underlying Schur-concave structure in the rate function and obtain sufficient conditions for a homogenous threshold feedback policy to be optimal. Our results hold for most fading channel models, and we illustrate an application of our results to familiar Rayleigh fading channels.Comment: Submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, St. Petersburg, Russia, Aug 201
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