9 research outputs found

    pedigree data for 6 captive populations

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    Tab delimited file containing pedigree information for 6 populations, bred at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago, Illinois. Populations are listed under 'Treatment' and 'WildCaught' individuals were progenitors of all populations. Other columns include: ID-unique ID numbers; SEX-m=male, f=female; F-inbreeding coefficient; GEN-generation; DAM-dam of individual; SIRE-sire of individual; GNAW-time spent gnawing; FLIP-time spent flipping


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    Average pair-wise allele sharing estimates in csv format. The zipped file includes allele sharing estimates and the variance using 500 subsampled loci for both ddRAD and SNP chip approaches. One thousand bootstrap replicates with replacement were performed. Results with minor allele filtering (snpCHIP2 and ddRAD2) and without minor allele filtering (snpCHIPall and ddRADall) are included


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    Stacks 1.01 catalog output files with summary statistics. This file must be unzipped