146 research outputs found

    The Physics Of Supernova Neutrino Oscillations

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    On February 23, 1987 we collected 24 neutrinos from the explosion of a blue super-giant star in the Large Magellanic Cloud confirming the basic paradigm of core-collapse supernova. During the many years we have been waiting for a repeat of that momentous day, the number and size of neutrino detectors around the world has grown considerably. If the neutrinos from the next supernova in our Galaxy arrive tomorrow we shall collect upwards of tens of thousands of events and next generation detectors will increase the amount of data we collect by more than an order of magnitude. But it is also now apparent that the message is much more complex than previously thought because many time, energy and neutrino flavor dependent features are imprinted upon the signal either at emission or by the passage through the outer layers of the star. These features arise due to the explosion dynamics, the physics of nuclei at high temperatures and densities, and the properties of neutrinos. In this proceedings I will present some aspects of the physics of supernova neutrino oscillations and what we should expect to observe when the neutrinos from the next Galactic supernova (eventually) arrive.Comment: Talk presented CIPANP2015. 8 pages, LaTeX, 2 eps figure

    Neutrino flavor transformations in supernovae as a probe for nonstandard neutrino-scalar interactions

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    We explore the possibility of probing the nonstandard interactions between the neutrino and a hypothetical massive scalar or pseudoscalar via neutrino flavor transformation in supernovae. We find that in the ultrarelativistic limit, the effective interaction between the neutrinos vanishes if neutrinos are Dirac fermions but not if they are Majorana fermions. The impact of the new neutrino interaction upon the flavor transformation above the neutrinosphere is calculated in the context of the multi-angle "neutrino bulb model". We find that the addition of the nonstandard neutrino self-interaction (NSSI) to the ordinary V-A self-interaction between neutrinos is capable of dramatically altering the collective oscillations when its strength is comparable to the standard, V-A, interaction. The effect of flavor-preserving (FP) NSSI is generally to suppress flavor transformation, while the flavor-violating (FV) interactions are found to promote flavor transformations. If the neutrino signal from a Galactic supernova can be sufficiently well understood, supernova neutrinos can provide complimentary constraints on scalar/pseudoscalar interactions of neutrinos as well as distinguishing whether the neutrino is a Majorana or Dirac fermion.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    GR Effects in Supernova Neutrino Flavor Transformation

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    The strong gravitational field around a proto-neutron star can modify the neutrino flavor transformations that occur above the neutrinosphere via three General Relativistic (GR) effects: time dilation, energy redshift, and trajectory bending. Depending on the compactness of the central object, the neutrino self-interaction potential is up to three times as large as that without GR principally due to trajectory bending which increases the intersection angles between different neutrino trajectories, and time dilation which changes the fluxes. We determine whether GR effects are important for flavor transformation during the different epochs of a supernova by using multi-angle flavor transformation calculations and consider a density profile and neutrino spectra representative of both the accretion and cooling phases. We find the GR effects are smaller during the accretion phase due to low compactness of the proto-neutron star and merely delay the decoherence; the neutrino bipolar oscillations during the cooling phase are also delayed due to the GR effects but the delay may be more important because the delay occurs at radii where it might alter the nucleosynthesis in the neutrino driven wind.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    What can be learned from a future supernova neutrino detection?

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    This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the only supernova from which we have detected neutrinos - SN 1987A. The twenty or so neutrinos that were detected were mined to great depth in order to determine the events that occurred in the explosion and to place limits upon all manner of neutrino properties. Since 1987 the scale and sensitivity of the detectors capable of identifying neutrinos from a Galactic supernova have grown considerably so that current generation detectors are capable of detecting of order ten thousand neutrinos for a supernova at the Galactic Center. Next generation detectors will increase that yield by another order of magnitude. Simultaneous with the growth of neutrino detection capability, our understanding of how massive stars explode and how the neutrino interacts with hot and dense matter has also increased by a tremendous degree. The neutrino signal will contain much information on all manner of physics of interest to a wide community. In this review we describe the expected features of the neutrino signal, the detectors which will detect it, and the signatures one might try to look for in order to get at these physics.Comment: 78 pages, 20 figures, 2 tables; invited review for Journal of Physics

    Neutrino Flavour Evolution Through Fluctuating Matter

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    A neutrino propagating through fluctuating matter can experience large amplitude transitions between its states. Such transitions occur in supernovae and compact object mergers due to turbulent matter profiles and neutrino self-interactions. In this paper we study, both numerically and analytically, three-flavour neutrino transformation through fluctuating matter built from two and three Fourier modes. We find flavor transformation effects which cannot occur with just two flavours. For the case of two Fourier modes we observe the equivalent of "induced transparency" from quantum optics whereby transitions between a given pair of states are suppressed due to the presence of a resonant mode between another pair. When we add a third Fourier mode we find a new effect whereby the third mode can manipulate the transition probabilities of the two mode case so as to force complete transparency or, alternatively, restore "opacity" meaning the perturbative Hamiltonian regains its ability to induce neutrino flavour transitions. In both applications we find analytic solutions are able to match the amplitude and wavenumber of the numerical results to within a few percent. We then consider a case of turbulence and show how the theory can be used to understand the very different response of a neutrino to what appears to be two, almost identical, instances of turbulence

    Combining collective, MSW, and turbulence effects in supernova neutrino flavor evolution

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    (Abridged) In order to decode the neutrino burst signal from a Galactic core-collapse supernova and reveal the complicated inner workings of the explosion we need a thorough understanding of the neutrino flavor evolution from the proto-neutron star outwards. The flavor content of the signal evolves due to both neutrino collective effects and matter effects which can lead to a highly interesting interplay and distinctive spectral features. In this paper we investigate the supernova neutrino flavor evolution in three different progenitors and include collective flavor effects, the evolution of the Mikheyev, Smirnov & Wolfenstein conversion due to the shock wave passage through the star, and the impact of turbulence. In the Oxygen-Neon-Magnesium supernova we find that the impact of turbulence is both brief and slight during a window of 1-2 seconds post bounce. Thus the spectral features of collective and shock effects in the neutrino signals from ONeMg supernovae may be almost turbulence free making them the easiest to interpret. For the more massive progenitors we again find that small amplitude turbulence, up to 10%, leads to a minimal modification of the signal, and the emerging neutrino spectra retain both collective and MSW features. However, when larger amounts of turbulence is added, 30% and 50%, the features of collective and shock wave effects in the high density resonance channel are almost completely obscured at late times. Yet at the same time we find the other mixing channels - the low density resonance channel and the non-resonant channels - begin to develop turbulence signatures. Large amplitude turbulent motions in the outer layers of more massive, iron core-collapse supernovae may obscure the most obvious fingerprints of collective and shock wave effects in the neutrino signal but cannot remove them completely, and additionally bring about new features in the signal.Comment: 30 pages, 33 figure

    Turbulence effects on supernova neutrinos

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    Multi-dimensional core-collapse supernova simulations exhibit turbulence of large amplitude and over large scales. As neutrinos pass through the supernova mantle the turbulence is expected to modify their evolution compared to the case where the explosion is free of turbulence. In this paper we study this turbulence effect upon the neutrinos modelling the turbulence expected from multi-dimensional simulations by adding matter density fluctuations to density profiles taken from one-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations. We investigate the impact upon the supernova neutrino transition probabilities as a function of the neutrino mixing angle theta_13 and turbulence amplitude. In the high (H) resonant channel and with large theta_13 values we find that turbulence is effectively two flavor for fluctuation amplitudes <~ 1% and have identified a new effect due to the combination of turbulence and multiple H resonances that leads to a sensitivity to fluctuations amplitudes as small as ~ 0.001%. At small values of theta_13, beyond the range achievable in Earth based experiments, we find that turbulence leads to new flavor transient effects in the channel where the MSW H resonance occurs. Finally, we investigate large amplitude fluctuations which lead to three flavor effects due to broken HL factorization and significant non-resonant transitions and identify two non-resonant turbulence effects, one depending on the theta_13, and the other independent of this angle and due to the low (L) MSW resonance.Comment: New figure adde

    Neutrino Intensity Interferometry: Measuring Proto-neutron Star Radii During Core-Collapse Supernovae

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    Intensity interferometry is a technique that has been used to measure the size of sources ranging from the quark-gluon plasma formed in heavy ion collisions to the radii of stars. We investigate using the same technique to measure proto-neutron star (PNS) radii with the neutrino signal received from a core-collapse supernovae. Using a full wave-packet analysis, including the neutrino mass for the first time, we derive criteria where the effect can be expected to provide the desired signal, and find that neutrinos from the next Galactic supernova should contain extractable PNS radius information.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 ancillary file of derivations. Version updated to match PRL publicatio

    The consequences of large \theta_13 for the turbulence signatures in supernova neutrinos

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    The set of transition probabilities for a single neutrino emitted from a point source after passage through a turbulent supernova density profile have been found to be random variates drawn from parent distributions whose properties depend upon the stage of the explosion, the neutrino energy and mixing parameters, the observed channel, and the properties of the turbulence such as the amplitude C*. In this paper we examine the consequences of the recently measured mixing angle \theta_13 upon the neutrino flavor transformation in supernova when passing through turbulence. We find the measurements of a relatively large value of \theta_13 means the neutrinos are relatively immune to small, C* < 1%, amplitude turbulence but as C* increases the turbulence effects grow rapidly and spread to all mixing channels. For C* > 10% the turbulence effects in the high (H) density resonance mixing channels are independent of \theta_13 but non-resonant mixing channels are more sensitive to turbulence when \theta_13 is large

    Supernova neutrinos and the turbulence power spectrum: point source statistics

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    The neutrinos emitted from the proto-neutron star created in a core-collapse supernova must run through a significant amount of turbulence before exiting the star. Turbulence can modify the flavor evolution of the neutrinos imprinting itself upon the signal detected here at Earth. The turbulence effect upon individual neutrinos, and the correlation between pairs of neutrinos, might exhibit sensitivity to the power spectrum of the turbulence and recent analysis of the turbulence in a two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulation of a core-collapse supernova indicates the power spectrum may not be the Kolmogorov 5/3 inverse power law as has been previously assumed. In this paper we study the effect of non-Kolmogorov turbulence power spectra upon neutrinos from a point source as a function of neutrino energy and turbulence amplitude at a fixed post-bounce epoch. We find the two effects of turbulence upon the neutrinos - the distorted phase effect and the stimulated transitions - both possess strong and weak limits in which dependence upon the power spectrum is absent or evident respectively. Since neutrinos of a given energy will exhibit these two effects at different epochs of the supernova each with evolving strength, we find there is sensitivity to the power spectrum present in the neutrino burst signal from a Galactic supernova.Comment: Matches version accepted by PR
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