6,266 research outputs found

    Quantifying the spatial and temporal response of UTH and OLR to deep convection over Tropical Africa

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    Upper Tropospheric Humidity (UTH) has a strong control on clear-sky Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR). Moisture from the boundary layer is transported to the drier upper troposphere by convective ascent in the tropics and realised in the form of deep convective clouds. The spatial and temporal response of UTH and the corresponding OLR are cause for debate. This study uses geostationary satellite imagery from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) to estimate UTH using water vapour channel radiances. Deep convection over Tropical Africa is detected using the difference between 6.2 mm and 7.3 mm brightness temperatures. The sensitivity of TOA brightness temperatures to cloud properties including cloud top height and optical depth are modelled using the Santa Barbara Disort Atmospheric Radiative Transfer model with thresholds developed using colocated matchups with CloudSat and CALIPSO cloud classifications. The most appropriate thresholds are determined using probability statistics and receiver operating characteristic curves. Deep convective clouds are tracked over their lifetime in June and December 2010 using a cloud tracking algorithm, based on an area overlap method. A general robust pattern in the UTH response emerges. A stronger response of UTH is found in the spatial domain than that over the temporal domain. UTH decreases with distance from the cloud edge, whilst a small increase is seen over the cloud lifetime. This was found to be controlled by cloud size and cloud lifetime, with larger and longer lived clouds causing a stronger perturbation in UTH. The UTH response was found to be stronger in June than in December. A strong negative correlation is found between UTH and OLR perturbations, with OLR measured using the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument. This pattern is stronger in December than June.Open Acces

    The Notation of Time

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    Money Order - 1798, May 9th

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    Money order for James Love dated unknown, May 9th in Rutherfordton, NC.https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/fay-webb-gardner-james-ingram-love-senior/1003/thumbnail.jp

    The Solvation and Regeneration of Ammonia Borane: a Hydrogen Storage Material

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    Ammonia borane (AB), NH₃BH₃, is considered a promising medium for the storage of hydrogen gas in the solid state, capable of releasing ≤ 16 wt% H₂ at temperatures near 150 ºC. The solvation structures of AB in three solvents: tetrahydrofuran (THF), liquid ammonia, and diglyme, have been probed in depth through neutron scattering experiments. The results were analysed through Monte Carlo simulations based on the empirical potential structure refinement (EPSR) method, in which the simulations are refined to the experimental diffraction data. Hydrogen/deuterium isotopic substitution was used to add constraints to the simulations and improve their accuracy. Full 3D pictures of the bonding in each solvent were determined, all of which were found to be rich in hydrogen and dihydrogen bonding interactions. This approach enabled the answering of several questions pertaining to the spatial and orientational structure of hydrogen and dihydrogen bonding in solution. Among others, the reason for the extremely high solubility of AB in liquid ammonia (72.2 wt%, cf. 20.0 wt% in THF) was discovered to be due to the numerous dihydrogen bonds formed between the AB BHs and ammonia hydrogens, enabling bonding to both ends of the AB molecule unlike in the other solvents. A major challenge preventing the widespread adoption of AB as a green fuel is in the regeneration of the dehydrogenated waste. This has typically been attempted through a three-step process of digestion-reduction-ammoniation, though none have succeeded with mild reagents. In this project the addition of a transesterification step after digestion has been attempted. The digestion product B(OEt)₃ was successfully converted into the more easily reducible B(OC₆F₅)₃ through reaction with pentafluorophenol. Reduction was then attempted with hydrazine in liquid ammonia. A discovered incompatability of pentafluorophenol with ammonia prevented this scheme from working, but B(OC₆F₅)₃ remains a promising target for future attempts at mild reduction

    The Effects of the 1933 Bank Holiday and the Emergency Banking Act of 1933 on the Systematic Risks of Various Industries

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    Utilizing the industry portfolio classifications that Fama and French provide in their data library, I analyze the specific effects that the 1933 Bank Holiday has on various industries. My empirical results go beyond what Silber (2009) determines to be significantly positive abnormal market returns on March 15, 1933, which is the day after the Bank Holiday and the largest ever one-day increase in the stock market. I use the CAPM and the Fama-French 3-factor Model to find significant systematic risk decreases after the Bank Holiday in the Coal and Transportation industries, as well as systematic risk increases in Consumer Goods and Apparel. To determine the driving factors behind these changes in systematic risk and abnormal returns, I test the correlation between industry leverage ratios and differences in systematic risk changes after the Bank Holiday. The Bank Holiday helps stabilize the economy and the nation’s banking system, which I expect industries with larger debt obligations will benefit more after the Bank Holiday. Inconsistent with my expectations, I don’t find significant evidence that the systematic risks of highly leveraged industries decreases more than industries with lower leverage ratios. I develop my argument to leave room for changes in the model used to estimate systematic risks in order to identify the variables that are the true drivers of the systematic risk changes that I observe

    Receipt - Unknown, April 12

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    Receipt of purchase for James Love.https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/fay-webb-gardner-james-ingram-love-senior/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Observations on the value of subcutaneous injections of milk in the treatment of certain diseases and injuries of the eye.

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    In 1921 I had to stay in Cadiz for three months waiting to he examined for a Spanish degree and while attending the hospital attached to the school of Medicine there, I was struck by the crowds of patients under treatment for diseases of the eye. The professor in charge of the eye clinic, told me that the number of people in the districts round Cadiz suffering from ophthalmic affections was appalling. In addition to the usual causes which increase the prevalence of eye diseases in a sub-tropical country (e.g.- heat, bright sunlight, dust, high winds, and general want of hygiene) half the population were suffering from trachoma. Under these conditions it is needless to say that the amount of material available for study was quite large and having plenty time at my disposal, I was able to compare the results of different methods of treatment. Here for the first time I saw milk used in subcutaneous injection and in some conditions, the results were simply surprising. In my practice in Tenerife, I get a considerable number of eye cases to treat and on my return home, injections of milk were uised as a routine in what were considered appropriate cases. These observations were continued from December 1921 up to January 1926 when 315 cases had been treated for: Ulcerations of the cornea, acute and subacute keratitis; Iritis and iridocyclitis.; Infected wounds of eye. Also prophylactic injections were always given immediately in any severe injury . In milder cases appropriate local treatment was used,under observatic and injections were given if progress was not satisfactory. I have made a selection and given the notes of a few cases in each class. Naturally they have been mostly chosen on account of the gravity of the condition treated and if compared with the results obtained by other treatment, show clearly the advantage of using the injections of milk in the diseases above mentioned. The three cases, No's 6, 7, 19, are the opposite of the others, and have been chosen as examples of how rapid and complete the cure may be in benign cases. With respect to prophylactic injections, as surgeon to three firms who grow and export bananas, I have to look after about fifteen hundred workers.Among the accidents which happen to them, injury of the eye is quite common, especially in the packing sheds where the women sit all day nailing crates by hand and injury to the eye is frequently due to splinters and flying nails. (See case 30.) Among those working in the plantations, the injuries as a rule are slight,mostly scratches from leaves and punctures from thorns, but as in this country wounds infect very readily, a small scratch if not promptly treated may be converted in a couple of days into a huge corneal ulcer with hypopyon. The Spanish law of accidents obliges the employer immediately to send to a doctor any worker who has received an injury however slight. In this way I have had a fair opportunity of observing the value of milk injection as a prophylactic against infection of injuries of the eye and the result has been invariably satisfactory

    Objective Structured Clinical Examination for Intraoperative Hypotension and Hypertension Management

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    Managing intraoperative hypotension and hypertension is a non-technical skill anesthesia providers need to maintain patient safety. Upon transitioning from didactic training to clinical training, SRNAs may find it difficult to manage a patient’s blood pressure intraoperatively. The ultimate consequence of the delayed or improper treatment of intraoperative blood pressure perturbations is end-organ damage at the patient’s expense. Unintentionally causing a patient harm will lead to an SRNA losing confidence in their abilities. This OSCE is intended to increase SRNA confidence and competence regarding intraoperative hypotension and hypertension management before entering the clinical arena. The hypotension and hypertension management tools and OSCE template were provided to second-year SRNAs, third-year SRNAs, and licensed CRNAs. After reviewing the information, fifty-six SRNAs and CRNAs participated in a survey regarding the effectiveness of the OSCE. At least 90% of survey participants strongly agreed on the instructions were clear and concise. Additionally, at least 90% of respondents are able to identify the causes of intraoperative blood pressure perturbations and can create a plan of care to treat hypotension and hypertension. After reviewing the survey results, the OSCE for Intraoperative Hypotension and Hypertension Management could improve first-year SRNA’s competence and help prevent poor patient outcomes

    Matching new entrants and retiring farmers through farm joint ventures: Insights from the Fresh Start Initiative in Cornwall, UK

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    Concerns about the sustainability of an ageing farming population have brought interest in so called entry-exit issues in policy circles. Policy interventions to date have offered limited scope in stimulating farm transfer in UK, however, the increase in unconventional tenures which include partnerships, share farming and contract farming (collectively called joint ventures) would appear to offer new opportunities for those wishing to enter or leave farming. In recognition of this the Fresh Start initiative in Cornwall set up a matchmaking element with the aim of identifying and facilitating potential joint ventures agreements between new entrants and older farmers. The emphasis was on setting up long-term arrangements that would enable the new entrant to 'buy into' an existing farm business, gradually taking over managerial control. This paper examines the processes of matching partners for the possible formation of farm joint ventures, using qualitative data derived from interviews with the participants, deliverers and stakeholders involved in the matchmaking element of this initiative. The results reveal that there is a deep rooted reluctance amongst participants in the initiative to enter formal long term joint ventures due to differing motivations, expectations, and concerns about their respective responsibilities in the working relationship and about the validity of the legal framework. Only where a relationship had already been informally established was there a commitment to formalise a joint venture agreement. Future emphasis in policy should therefore be on helping to facilitate and formalise existing partnerships, rather than trying to artificially orchestrate matches where the parties do not know each other
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