42 research outputs found

    Homenaje al P. Silvio Broseghini

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    Las expresiones de Silvio ponen de manifiesto cuán trabajosamente elaboró el tema del encuentro de la teolo gía cristiana con el pensamiento indígena y cómo le preocupó enfocar la presencia misionera

    Feasibility and Acceptability of Clinical Pediatric Telerehabilitation Services

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    Objective: Telerehabilitation has long been recognized as a promising means of providing pediatric services; however, significant barriers such as cost, payor reimbursement, and access prevented widespread use. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated rapid adoption of telerehabilitation into clinical practice to provide access to care while maintaining social distancing. The purpose of this study is to present clinical data on the feasibility and acceptability of speech-language pathology, developmental occupational and physical therapies, and sports and orthopedic therapies telerehabilitation delivered in a pediatric hospital setting. Methods: Telerehabilitation services were rapidly implemented in three stages: building the foundation, implementing, and refining this service delivery model. Paper patient satisfaction surveys were administered as part of ongoing quality improvement efforts throughout 2019 and were adapted for online administration in 2020 for telerehabilitation patients. Outpatient visit counts by type (in-person, phone, and video) were extracted from the electronic medical record using data warehousing techniques. Results: Historical patient satisfaction rates from 2019 indicated high patient satisfaction (98.97% positive responses); these results were maintained for telerehabilitation visits (97.73%), indicating that families found telerehabilitation services acceptable. Patient volume returned to 73.5% of pre-pandemic volume after the implementation of telerehabilitation services. Conclusions: Pediatric telerehabilitation is feasible to provide in clinical settings, and the services are acceptable to patient families. Future work is needed to evaluate the impact of telerehabilitation services on patient care and applications for ongoing use of this delivery model.

    Misiones y Antropología, entrevista al P. Silvio Broseghini (1949-2006)

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    Silvio Broseghini nace el 21 de mayo de 1949 en Baselga di Piné, Italia. En 1961 ingresa al Seminario Salesiano de Trento y profesa sus primeros votos en 1967. Llega al Ecuador en 1969 como misionero entre los Shuar de la Amazonía y en 1975 se ordena como sacerdote salesiano en Sevilla Don Bosco (Morona Santiago). A cumplido diversos roles como misionero yacadémico al fundar el Instituto Bilingüe Intercultural Shuar de Bomboiza (1983) y el Seminario Indígena del que fue rector desde 1997. Ha sido estrecho colaborador del Centro Cultural Abya-Yala y de la Carrera de Antropología Aplicada animando los primeros cursos presenciales a partir de 1987. Autor de algunos estudios sobre religiosidad shuar yantropología misionera ha contribuido notablemente a la reflexión de la presencia salesiana en culturas diversas. En 1995 fue nombrado Vicario de Pastoral Shuar y Achuar; en 1996 crea la Fundación Chakuap para el desarrollo de las comunidades indígenas y, en el 2003, es nombradoecónomo del Vicariato Apostólico de Méndez.El 6 de septiembre de 2005 se descubre la enfermedad que acaba con su vida el 11 de abril de 2006

    Misiones y Antropología, entrevista al P. Silvio Broseghini (1949-2006)

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    Silvio Broseghini nace el 21 de mayo de 1949 en Baselga di Piné, Italia. En 1961 ingresa al Seminario Salesiano de Trento y profesa sus primeros votos en 1967. Llega al Ecuador en 1969 como misionero entre los Shuar de la Amazonía y en 1975 se ordena como sacerdote salesiano en Sevilla Don Bosco (Morona Santiago). A cumplido diversos roles como misionero yacadémico al fundar el Instituto Bilingüe Intercultural Shuar de Bomboiza (1983) y el Seminario Indígena del que fue rector desde 1997. Ha sido estrecho colaborador del Centro Cultural Abya-Yala y de la Carrera de Antropología Aplicada animando los primeros cursos presenciales a partir de 1987. Autor de algunos estudios sobre religiosidad shuar yantropología misionera ha contribuido notablemente a la reflexión de la presencia salesiana en culturas diversas. En 1995 fue nombrado Vicario de Pastoral Shuar y Achuar; en 1996 crea la Fundación Chakuap para el desarrollo de las comunidades indígenas y, en el 2003, es nombradoecónomo del Vicariato Apostólico de Méndez.El 6 de septiembre de 2005 se descubre la enfermedad que acaba con su vida el 11 de abril de 2006

    Mapping Knowledge Networks in Organizations: Creating a Knowledge Mapping Instrument

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    The ability to leverage organizational expertise is a critical success factor in most forms of knowledge work. However, expertise is an exceedingly difficult resource to manage. The design of computer-based support for knowledge management requires extensive, costly and inefficient cycles of knowledge elicitation to generate a reasonable knowledge map. We propose an alternative approximation technique which reduces these costs, while providing functionally equivalent data. In this methodological case study we chronicle the development of the key instrument in this approximation technique. Keywords: knowledge acquisition; organizational learning; socio-technical approach; IS research methodologies; exploratory study The Problem Knowledge work is inherently information intensive and collaborative in nature. As such, it is heavily dependent upon the successful utilization of an organization's accumulated expertise. Clearly the management of this expertise is critical to the success of ..

    The Evolution of Networks in Extreme and Isolated Environment

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    This article reports on the evolution of network structure as it relates to the formal and informal aspects of social roles in well bounded, isolated groups. Research was conducted at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station over a 3-year period. Data was collected on crewmembers' networks of social interaction and personal advice over each of the 8.5-month winters during a time of complete isolation. In addition, data was collected on informal social role structure (e.g., instrumental leadership, expressive leadership). It was hypothesized that development and maintenance of a cohesive group structure was related to the presence of and group consensus on various informal social roles. The study found that core-periphery structures (i.e., reflecting cohesion) in winter-over groups were associated with the presence of critically important informal social roles (e.g., expressive leadership) and high group consensus on such informal roles. On the other hand, the evolution of clique structures (i.e., lack of cohesion) were associated with the absence of critical roles and a lack of consensus on these roles, particularly the critically important role of instrumental leader

    Medical students' knowledge on the use of ionising radiation during medical imaging procedures in Zambia

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    Purpose: This study aimed to explore and describe the medical students' knowledge on the use of ionising radiation and its harmful effects during diagnostic imaging procedures in Zambia.Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional design was employed. A census survey of all final year medical students from the University of Zambia (UNZA) was conducted. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire and analysed using STATA version 13 and Graph Pad Prism 5.Result: The overall results revealed that medical students had inadequate knowledge of the use of ionising radiation. Furthermore, most of the students revealed that the medical school curriculum was inadequate in equipping them with the necessary knowledge required for them to request diagnostic medical imaging procedures utilizing ionizing radiation.Discussion: The results implied that the knowledge levels of the medical students were insufficient in the use and prescription of imaging procedures. It is suggested that the UNZAmedical school curriculum is critically scrutinized and a radiation protection course is included. The inclusion would provide the medical students with the necessary knowledge about ionising radiation in order to prevent unnecessary referrals for diagnostic medical imaging procedures. Keywords: Ionising radiation, Knowledge, Medical students, Radiation protectio