2,104 research outputs found

    Nitrogen deposition onto the United States and Western Europe: A synthesis of observations and models.

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    The documented acceleration of NH3 and NOx (NO + NO2) emissions over the last 150 years has accelerated N deposition, compromising air and water quality and altering the functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems worldwide. To construct continental-scale N budgets, we produced maps of N deposition fluxes from site-network observations for the United States and Western Europe. Increases in the rates of N cycling for these two regions of the world are large, and they have undergone profound modification of biospheric–atmospheric N exchanges, and ecosystem function. The maps are necessarily restricted to the network measured quantities and consist of statistically interpolated fields of aqueous NO3− and NH4+, gaseous HNO3 and NO2 (in Europe), and particulate NO3− and NH4+. There remain a number of gaps in the budgets, including organic N and NH3 deposition. The interpolated spatially continuous fields allow estimation of regionally integrated budget terms. Dry-deposition fluxes were the most problematic because of low station density and uncertainties associated with exchange mechanisms. We estimated dry N deposition fluxes by multiplying interpolated surface-air concentrations for each chemical species by model-calculated, spatially explicit deposition velocities. Deposition of the oxidized N species, by-products of fossil-fuel combustion, dominate the U.S. N deposition budget with 2.5 Tg of NOy-N out of a total of 3.7–4.5 Tg of N deposited annually onto the conterminous United States. Deposition of the reduced species, which are by-products of farming and animal husbandry, dominate the Western European N-deposition budget with a total of 4.3–6.3 Tg N deposited each year out of a total of 8.4–10.8 Tg N. Western Europe receives five times more N in precipitation than does the conterminous United States. Estimated N emissions exceed measured deposition in the United States by 5.3– 7.81 Tg N, suggesting significant N export or under-sampling of urban influence. In Europe, estimated emissions better balance measured deposition, with an imbalance of between −0.63 and 2.88 Tg N, suggesting that much of the N emitted in Europe is deposited there, with possible N import from the United States. The sampling network in Europe includes urban influences because of the greater population density of Western Europe. Our analysis of N deposition for both regions was limited by sampling density. The framework we present for quantification of patterns of N deposition provides a constraint on our understanding of continental biospheric–atmospheric N cycles. These spatially explicit wet and dry N fluxes also provide a tool for verifying regional and global models of atmospheric chemistry and transport, and they represent critical inputs into terrestrial models of biogeochemistry

    Economic Impact of Wildlife-Associated Recreation Expenditures in the Southeast United States: A General Equilibrium Analysis

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    The economic impact of wildlife-associated recreation in the Southeast United States was evaluated using a general equilibrium model. Exogenous demand shocks to the regional economy were based on estimates of expenditures by wildlife recreationists on hunting, fishing, and wildlife watching activities. Counterfactual simulations were carried out, making alternative assumptions about labor and capital mobility and their supply. Without wildlife-associated recreation expenditures, regional employment would have been smaller by up to 783 thousand jobs, and value added would have been 22to22 to 48 billion less. These findings underscore the significance of regional factor market conditions in economic impact and general equilibrium analysis.general equilibrium modeling, input-output analysis, regional economic impact, wildlife-associated recreation activities, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, R13, R15, Q26,

    Narrow-line Laser Cooling by Adiabatic Transfer

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    We propose and demonstrate a novel laser cooling mechanism applicable to particles with narrow-linewidth optical transitions. By sweeping the frequency of counter-propagating laser beams in a sawtooth manner, we cause adiabatic transfer back and forth between the ground state and a long-lived optically excited state. The time-ordering of these adiabatic transfers is determined by Doppler shifts, which ensures that the associated photon recoils are in the opposite direction to the particle's motion. This ultimately leads to a robust cooling mechanism capable of exerting large forces via a weak transition and with reduced reliance on spontaneous emission. We present a simple intuitive model for the resulting frictional force, and directly demonstrate its efficacy for increasing the total phase-space density of an atomic ensemble. We rely on both simulation and experimental studies using the 7.5~kHz linewidth 1^1S0_0 to 3^3P1_1 transition in 88^{88}Sr. The reduced reliance on spontaneous emission may allow this adiabatic sweep method to be a useful tool for cooling particles that lack closed cycling transitions, such as molecules.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The Melanocortin-4 Receptor Integrates Circadian Light Cues and Metabolism

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    The melanocortin system directs diverse physiological functions from coat color to body weight homoeostasis. A commonality among melanocortin-mediated processes is that many animals modulate similar processes on a circannual basis in response to longer, summer days, suggesting an underlying link between circadian biology and the melanocortin system. Despite key neuroanatomical substrates shared by both circadian and melanocortin-signaling pathways, little is known about the relationship between the two. Here we identify a link between circadian disruption and the control of glucose homeostasis mediated through the melanocortin-4 receptor (Mc4r). Mc4r-deficient mice exhibit exaggerated circadian fluctuations in baseline blood glucose and glucose tolerance. Interestingly, exposure to lighting conditions that disrupt circadian rhythms improve their glucose tolerance. This improvement occurs through an increase in glucose clearance by skeletal muscle and is food intake and body weight independent. Restoring Mc4r expression to the paraventricular nucleus prevents the improvement in glucose tolerance, supporting a role for the paraventricular nucleus in the integration of circadian light cues and metabolism. Altogether these data suggest that Mc4r signaling plays a protective role in minimizing glucose fluctuations due to circadian rhythms and environmental light cues and demonstrate a previously undiscovered connection between circadian biology and glucose metabolism mediated through the melanocortin system

    Killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor gene linkage and copy number variation analysis by droplet digital PCR.

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    The Killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor (KIR) gene complex has considerable biomedical importance. Patterns of polymorphism in the KIR region include variability in the gene content of haplotypes and diverse structural arrangements. Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) was used to identify different haplotype motifs and to enumerate KIR copy number variants (CNVs). ddPCR detected a variety of KIR haplotype configurations in DNA from well-characterized cell lines. Mendelian segregation of ddPCR-estimated KIR2DL5 CNVs was observed in Gambian families and CNV typing of other KIRs was shown to be accurate when compared to an established quantitative PCR method

    Variations in the predicted spatial distribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition and their impact on carbon uptake by terrestrial ecosystems

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    Widespread mobilization of nitrogen into the atmosphere from industry, agriculture, and biomass burning and its subsequent deposition have the potential to alleviate nitrogen limitation of productivity in terrestrial ecosystems, and may contribute to enhanced terrestrial carbon uptake. To evaluate the importance of the spatial distribution of nitrogen deposition for carbon uptake and to better quantify its magnitude and uncertainty NOy-N deposition fields from five different three-dimensional chemical models, GCTM, GRANTOUR, IMAGES, MOGUNTIA, and ECHAM were used to drive NDEP, a perturbation model of terrestrial carbon uptake. Differences in atmospheric sources of NOx-N, transport, resolution, and representation of chemistry, contribute to the distinct spatial patterns of nitrogen deposition on the global land surface; these differences lead to distinct patterns of carbon uptake that vary between 0.7 and 1.3 Gt C yr−1 globally. Less than 10% of the nitrogen was deposited on forests which were most able to respond with increased carbon storage because of the wide C:N ratio of wood as well as its long lifetime. Addition of NHx-N to NOy-N deposition, increased global terrestrial carbon storage to between 1.5 and 2.0 Gt C yr−1, while the “missing terrestrial sink” is quite similar in magnitude. Thus global air pollution appears to be an important influence on the global carbon cycle. If N fertilization of the terrestrial biosphere accounts for the “missing” C sink or a substantial portion of it, we would expect significant reductions in its magnitude over the next century as terrestrial ecosystems become N saturated and O3 pollution expands