42 research outputs found
Development Planning During The Covid-19 Pandemic And The New Normal In Indonesia
To overcome various problems that arise during the pandemic, the government has modified the policies of countries abroad that use regional quarantine policies or lockdowns as large-scale social restrictions (PSBB). This policy is adapted to different levels of severity in each city, district, and province. The Indonesian economy itself experienced a slight slowdown during this pandemic period. This slowdown could cause Indonesia’s economic growth to experience a minus level in the following years. Therefore, the government needs to make new policies for the Indonesian economy during the pandemic period and the new normal era. This study aims to see how the government’s policies will overcome the problems of the COVID-19 pandemic and the new normal era for development planning in Indonesia. This research will use a qualitative approach with data obtained from various previous studies and studies related to this research. The study results found that there was a need for a scenario to be created by the government to deal with this problem. Then the economy can be reactivated through cultural changes that are pretty significant in people’s daily behaviors
Abstrak: Kajian tentang pendidikan akhlak merupakan bahasan yang sangat urgen dan penting dalam dunia pendidikan. Pembahasan ini sudah banyak dikaji oleh para peneliti, pemikir dan juga penulis karya ilmiah lain. Kajian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang bersumber pada al-Qur’an serta tafsirannya, kemudian dianalisa isinya sehingga didapat kesimpulan.  Kajian ini fokus pada Q.S. Luqman/31: 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, dan 19, Q.S. al-An’am/6: 151, Q.S. al-Isra’/17 :23, dan Q.S. an-Nur/24 : 58, 59, 60,61.  Tulisan ini menemukan bagaimana konsep pendidikan akhlak dalam perspektif al-Qur’an. Dalam pandangan al-Qur’an, pendidikan akhlak harus dididikkan kepada manusia, sehingga ia bisa berakhlak kepada Allah SWT., kepada dirinya sendiri, kepada keluarga, dan kepada masyarakat sekitarnya
This study aims to determine the factors of employee productivity at PT. Telkom Regional Division VII (Persero) Makassar City, in terms of education level, work experience and gender. Research data obtained from the method of presenting data from the results of respondents' responses (questionnaires), and this is secondary data from telecommunications companies at PT. Telkom Regional Division VII (Persero) Makassar City, the statistical factors used in this study were multiple regression analysis using the SPSS program. The findings of this study indicate that the factors of labor productivity at PT. Telkom Regional Division VII (Persero) Makassar City which consists of education level, work experience and gender simultaneously (together) have a significant effect on employee productivity at PT. Telkom Regional Division VII (Persero) Makassar City in 2017. This is evidenced by the results based on the results of the coefficient of determination R square, the result is 0.477. meaning that productivity factors together affect employee performance by 47.7%. the rest is influenced by other factors outside this research. Based on the results of the linear regression test, the unstandardized coefficient B value of the education level is 0.522, which is greater than the work experience of 0.322. and the smaller gender is 0.211 This means that 52.2%, employee performance is influenced by education level. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the factors are more dominant in increasing employee productivity
This study aims to (1) determine the effect of working capital on the income of seaweed farmers in Jeneponto Regency, (2) determine the effect of land area on the income of seaweed farmers in Jeneponto Regency, (3) determine the effect of production on the income of seaweed farmers in Jeneponto Regency, (4) to determine the effect of the selling price on the income of seaweed farmers in Jeneponto Regency. Â This research was conducted in Jeneponto Regency to be precise Sidenre Village. This research uses quantitative research. This study covers the factors that affect the income of seaweed farmers in Jeneponto Regency with the variables used, namely working capital, land area, production and selling price. The results of this study indicate that the working capital variable has a positive and significant effect on the income of seaweed farmers in Jeneponto district, the variable land area has a positive and significant effect on the income of seaweed farmers in Jeneponto district, the production variable has a positive and significant effect on the income of seaweed farmers in the district. Jeneponto and the selling price variable have a positive and significant effect on the income of seaweed farmers in Jeneponto district
This research was conducted at PT. Telkom Property Area VII KTI, the research population was all employees of PT. Telkom Property Area VII KTI and as many as 24 employees while the sample size was determined using the slovin method as many as 24 sample employees. Data collection uses observation techniques, questionnaires, while data analysis uses validity tests, reliability tests, simple linear regression tests, coefficients of determination, and hypothesis testing using partial significance tests (t statistical test). The results of data analysis show that the motivation variable with employee performance at PT. Telkom Property Area VII KTI, which is indicated by the validity test is greater than r_table 0.423 (valid), the reliability test obtained Cronbach's Alpha value is greater than r_table (Cronbach's Alpha 0.738 r_tabel 0.423), simple linear regression test Y = a+bX or (Y = 10.026 + 0.964X) (positive value), the coefficient of determination is 0.788, while for hypothesis testing the value of t_count is greater than t_table (t_count 9.056 t_table 2.068) at level significant 5%. The result of determination obtained a coefficient of determination of 0.788 which means that 78.8% of the independent variable (X) explains the dependent variable (Y) or in other words, the independent variable (X) on the rise and fall of employee performance (Y) is 78.8% while the rest 21.2% was influenced by other variables that were not included in this study.
This study aims to determine the effect of self control on the workload of teachers in SMA Negeri 2 Takalar. This type of research used in this research is quantitative research. The data collection technique used is a questionnaire or questionnaire by collecting data or information and stating the variables that describe the teachers' perceptions of the workload itself. With a total sample of 85 respondents drawn from the entire population. The results showed that the value of tcount 2.308 ttable 1.98827 with a significant value of 0.023 0.05 and a positive regression coefficient value of 0.197. Thus H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that the variable X has a significant positive effect on variable Y in other words, self control has a significant positive effect on the workload of teachers in SMA Negeri 2 Takalar
The main problem in this research is to know the description of the original regional income of the city of Makassar, to know the description of government expenditure in the city of Makassar, and to determine the effect of local revenue on government spending in the city of Makassar.This type of research is quantitative research. The research sampling technique was the last five years from 2015-2019. Data collection was carried out by documentation and literature study. The data collected in the study were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis techniques. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be seen that the data on local revenue and government expenditure have increased each year. The effect of local revenue on government spending is 0.296 0.05. This means that local revenue has a positive but insignificant effect on government spending. The result of the determinant test (R2) in research X1 was 0.347 or 34.7%, while 65.3% was influenced by other factors. Based on these data, it can be concluded that there is no positive effect of local revenue on government spending in the city of Makassar
Abstract This study aims to describe and prove how the teacher's ability, students' understanding, and To describe how the evaluation of students' learning outcomes in implementing integrated learning tahfidz Qur'an. This research is included in qualitative research with phenomenological approach through observation of integration between the general curriculum and islamic religious reasoning through the implementation of Tahfidz Al-Quran. The location of this research is in the area of SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Makassar. The research population was 24 people consisting of 12 students and 12 teachers from 236 students and 12 teachers. The results showed that there is increased understanding, there is strengthening of character, improving the ability to read short surah memorization, in general students can appreciate time, appreciate science, have a culture of hard work, and have a forward orientation, as well as high self-esteem. There are efforts to always carry out an Islamic attitude in learning, follow the activities of prayer well. The ability of teachers in implementing integrated learning tahfidz Qur'an gradually and carried out continuously. After showing the changes, students are able to develop memorization of the Quran that has been determined and able to motivate themselves according to their abilities. The results of the evaluation explain the meaning of the integration of the Qur'an in students, showing indicators that have shown improvement, although further efforts need to be made improvements, and can improve low-grade passing skills in students.  Keywords: Integrated Tahfidz Qur'an, Teacher Ability, Student Understanding, Evaluation of Learning Outcomes  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan membuktikan bagaimana kemampuan guru, pemahaman siswa, dan Untuk menggambarkan bagaimana evaluasi hasil belajar siswa dalam mengimplementasikan pembelajaran terintegrasi tahfidz Al-Qur’an. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi melalui pengamatan atas integrasi antara kurikulum umum dengan penalaran agama islam melalui implementasi Tahfidz Al-Quran. Lokasi penelitian ini berada dalam wilayah SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Makassar. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 24 orang yang terdiri dari 12 orang siswa/siwi dan 12 orang guru dari 236 siswa/siwi dan 12 orang guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pemahaman, ada penguatan karakter, meningkatkan kemampuan membaca hafalan surah pendek, pada umumnya siswa dapat menghargai waktu, menghargai ilmu pengetahuan, memiliki budaya kerja keras, dan memiliki orientasi ke depan, serta harga diri tinggi. Ada upaya untuk selalu menjalankan sikap yang islami dalam pembelajaran, mengikuti kegiatan shalat dengan baik. Kemampuan guru dalam mengimplementasikan pembelajaran terintegrasi tahfidz Al-Qur’an secara bertahap dan dilakukan secara berkelanjutan. Setelah menunjukkan perubahannya mahasiswa mampu mengembangkan hafalan-hafalan Al-Quran yang telah ditentukan dan mampu memotivasi dirinya sesuai dengan kemampuannya yang dia miliki. Hasil dari evaluasi menjelaskan tentang makna integrasi Al-Qur’an pada siswa, menunjukkan indikator yang sudah menunjukkan perbaikan, walaupun selanjutnya perlu melakukan upaya perbaikan, dan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan passing grade rendah pada siswa.  Kata Kunci: Terintegrasi Tahfidz Al-Qur’an, Kemampuan Guru, Pemahaman Siswa, Evaluasi Hasil Belaja
ngkep Regency, is experiencing a decrease in the productivity of some of its employees, this encourages researchers to find the right solution that is by the application of supervisory functions. The purpose of this research is. 1. Implementation of supervisory function in improving employee productivity 2. To find out the factors that cause the decrease in employee productivity in this company. This research was conducted by: 1. Direct inspection, 2. Observation In Place, 3. Report on the spot, Regarding employees' daily activities such as: 1. Discipline, 2. Culture / Work behavior, 3. Motivation / Work ethic of employees. The results showed that with direct inspection, observation on site, and reports in place periodically and continuously, it can gradually be overcome by a decrease in employee productivity. This can be seen, employees who previously productivity is not good to be good. And employees who were not good before have become good too, even the good become very good, and who have been very good still survive very good productivity. Based on the actions carried out, it can be concluded that the application of supervisory functions in improving employee productivity is in the form of: 1. Direct inspection, 2. Observation on site, 3. Report in place. Can improve: 1. Discipline, 2. Culture / work behavior, 3. Motivas / work ethic keryawan low productivity.   Keywords: Good Supervision Management, Increased Employee Productivity  ABSTRAK Perusahaan tamban leveransir “TA” di Kabupaten Pangkep, sedang mengalami penurunan produktivitas sebagian karyawannya, hal ini mendorong peneliti mencarikan solusi yang tepat yaitu dengan penerapan fungsi pengawasan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah. 1. Penerapan fungsi pengawasan dalam meningkatkan produktivitas Karyawan 2. Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab menurunnya produktivitas karyawan pada perusahaan ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara : 1. Inspeksi langsung, 2. Observasi Ditempat, 3. Laporan di tempat, Mengenai aktifitas keseharian karyawan seperti : 1. Kedisiplinan, 2. Budaya / Perilaku kerja, 3. Motivasi/Etos kerja karyawan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya inspeksi langsung, Observasi ditempat, dan laporan ditempat secara berkala dan berkesinambungan, maka secara berangsur-angsur dapat diatasi penurunan produktivitas karyawan. Hal ini dapat dilihat , karyawan yang sebelumnya produktivitasnya tidak baik menjadi baik. Dan karyawan yang sebelumnya kurang baik sudah menjadi baik pula, bahkan yang sudah baik menjadi sangat baik, serta yang sudah sangat baik tetap bertahan sangat baik produktifitasnya. Berdasarkan tindakan yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan fungsi pengawasan dalam meningkatkan produktifitas karyawan yaitu berupa : 1. Inspeksi langsung, 2. Observasi ditempat, 3. Laporan ditempat. Dapat memperbaiki: 1. Kedisiplinan, 2. Budaya / perilaku kerja, 3. Motivas / etos kerja keryawan yang rendah produktifitasnya.   Kata Kunci : Manajemen Pengawasan Yang Baik, Produktifitas Karyawan Meningka
Asesmen Formatif merupakan penilaian yang dilakukan atas keseluruhan proses
pembelajaran peserta didik untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan proses
pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil survey pada studi pendahuluan, diketahui bahwa
masih banyak pendidik yang belum menggunakan asesmen formatif untuk
mengukur kemajuan dan memperbaiki pembelajaran di dalam kelas sehingga perlu
dilakukan pengembangan asesmen formatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah
menghasilkan asesmen formatif berbasis problem based learning yang valid,
reliable, dan teruji dalam mengukur dan meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis
materi sifat koligatif larutan. Indikator keterampilan berpikir kritis yang digunakan
adalah indikator versi Ennis. Asesmen formatif dikembangkan menggunakan model
DDR (Design and Development Research) tipe 1 yang terdiri dari tahap-tahap
Analysis, Design, Development, Try-out, dan Evaluation. Intrumen yang digunakan
berupa kuis, LKPD, dan homework. Penelitian melibatkan 106 peserta didik kelas
XII yang terbagi menjadi 3 kelas. Kelas pertama dilakukan Try-out untuk
mengetahui kualitas asesmen formatif dalam mengukur keterampilan berpikir kritis.
Kelas kedua dan ketiga dimanfaatkan untuk mengetahui perbedaan peningkatan
keterampilan berpikir kritis antara kelas eksperimen yang diberikan feedback
dengan kelas kontrol tanpa feedback. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 32 butir soal
valid dan reliabel dengan tingkat kesukaran dan daya pembeda bervariasi dan
distraktor yang berfungsi baik. Instrumen yang dihasilkan juga dapat mengukur dan
meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis. Pemberian feedback melalui 2 cara,
yaitu secara lisan untuk instrumen kuis dan secara tulisan untuk instrumen
Kata Kunci: Asesmen Formatif, Problem Based Learning, keterampilan berpikir
kritis, Sifat Koligatif Larutan
Formative assessment is an assessment carried out on the entire learning process of
students to improve and enhance the learning process. Based on the survey results
in the preliminary study, it is known that many educators still have not used
formative assessments to measure progress and improve learning in the classroom,
so it is necessary to develop formative assessments. This research aims to produce a
formative assessment based on problem-based learning that is valid, reliable, and
tested in measuring and improving critical thinking skills regarding the colligative
properties of solutions. The essential skills of thinking indicator used is the Ennis
version of the indicator. The formative assessment was developed utilizing the
DDR (Design and Development Research) type 1 model, which consists of the
stages of Analysis, Design, Development, Try-out, and Evaluation. The instrument
used is quiz, worksheet, and homework. The research involved 106 class XII
students who were divided into three classes. The first class had a try-out to
determine the quality of the formative assessment in measuring critical thinking
skills. The second and third classes were used to define the difference in increasing
essential thinking skills between the experimental class that was given feedback and
the control class without feedback. The results showed that 32 questions were valid
and reliable with varying levels of difficulty and differentiating power and
distractors that functioned well. The resulting instrument can also measure and
improve critical thinking skills. Feedback is provided in 2 ways: verbally for the
quiz instrument and in writing for the LKPD + homework instrument.
Keywords: Formative Assessment, Problem-Based Learning, critical thinking
skills, Colligative Properties of Solution