3 research outputs found

    Basic ISO standards related to the quality and safety/security in health care institutions

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    Health systems are under significant pressure in many countries. Every day, with the introduction of new methods/techniques, expensive equipment of high technological value, the latest very expensive drugs... the price of health care is growing much faster than the growth of the national product and the most developed countries, despite the fact that in many countries the percentage of health expenditures in the national product is growing. Funding constraints in health systems are evident even in wealthy countries. The cost of health care is significantly influenced by: the increase in the number of the population, changes in the age structure of the population, constant demands for increasing the level of quality of health services, as well as an increase in the demand for new services. The application of international management standards in healthcare institutions and in state institutions in charge of healthcare can significantly alleviate evident problems in healthcare

    The use of simplified English language for writing technical documentation: The proposal for a research project

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    Natural language permits an enormous amount of expressive variation. Writers, especially technical writers, tend to develop special vocabularies (jargons), styles, and grammatical constructions. Technical language becomes opaque not just to ordinary readers, but to experts as well. The problem becomes particularly acute when such text is translated into another language, since the translator may not even be an expert in the technical domain. Controlled Languages (CL) have been developed to counter the tendency of writers to use unusual or overly-specialized, inconsistent language [1, Section 7.6]. Engineering professionals know that making text understandable is very challenging in domestic environment (Serbian language), and especially in an international environment (mostly English language). Simplified Serbian language could help in domestic environment. Simplified English language already helps in international environment. Simplified English is sometimes used as a generic term for a controlled language. Simplified English is the original name of a controlled language originally developed for aerospace industry to facilitate the use of maintenance manuals by engineers for whom English is not the native language. It is now officially known under its trademarked name as Simplified Technical English (STE). Although STE is developed for use in the aerospace and defense industries, other industries have used it as a basis for developing their own controlled English standards, which are mostly used for making appropriate technical documentation

    JIT maintenance improves the productivity and energy efficiency of the system

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    Maintenance planning in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the system, optimal interaction of system with the environment, and timely responses to the set requirements is one of the most important internal resources of the organization. Just-In-Time Maintenance enables rarely downtime and lower maintenance costs throughout the life cycle of the system, and dramatically increases the productivity and energy efficiency of the entire system. By adopting of the Just-In-Time Maintenance philosophy, minimum of objective function of energy or production system, as well as of production of services system, is achieved