290 research outputs found
Challenges of Industrial Development of Serbia
Built upon education ideologies of the previous century, development of Serbian industry is not able to meet global demands of the modern, 21st century market. Innovative ongoing processes in technology and all industrial branches are global and ever more rapid, and they are circumventing the SEE region. The economic structure of Serbian industry at the beginning of transition was two decades old. At the beginning of 2009, after eight transition years, a short economic transition summary is as follows: the trailing caused by the events of the 1990s is very hard to cope with and we are only half through with this task; on the other hand, we are lagging behind EU-15 and EU-10 more and more. Apart from the analysis of structural non-adjustment of the industrial system and its impact on the macroeconomic balance, the paper underlines a significant role of the state in the formulation of industrial policy.Industrial challenges, Macroeconomic effects, Structural changes, Competitiveness, Industrial policy
Ekonomske performanse tranzicije srednje klase u Srbiji
The analytical focus in the paper has been intentionally dispersed: the paper primarily focuses on the analysis of the income and consumption of the middle class and its three subclasses in three transitional subperiods: (a) pre-crisis (2006-2008), (b) recession (2009-2014), and (c) recovery period (2015-2019), but the analysis also covers the interdependence between the economic growth and middle class and consumer basket and middle class, as well as the trend of inequality throughout the transitional period. The middle class is the generator of growth and development of every economy. A strong middle class encourages inclusive economic growth and enhances and strengthens institutions. In the transitional period, and especially in the post-crisis period, the middle class in Serbia failed to secure the position of a stabilizing factor in society and its cohesive influence declined. The costs of property transformation were mostly borne by the middle class, above all by the working class and peasantry. The structure and position of the middle class significantly changed in the transitional period. Because of its social, developmental, economic, institutional and political influence, the middle class in Serbia faces a number of challenges, the most important issue being the following: Will the middle class in Serbia take responsibility for the poverty, rising inequality and development of stable democratic processes in the future?Analitički fokus u radu je ciljano disperzivan; primarno je usmeren na prihodnu i potrošnu analizu srednje klase i njene tri potklase u tri tranziciona potperioda: (a) pretkrizni (2006-2008), (b) recesioni (2009-2014) i (c) period oporavka (2015-2019), ali je, pored toga, analizom obuhvaćena međuzavisnost privrednog rasta i srednje klase, potrošačke korpe i srednje klase, kao i dimenzija kretanja nejednakosti tokom čitavog tranzicionog perioda. Srednja klasa je generator rasta i razvoja svake ekonomije. Jaka srednja klasa podstiče inkluzivan ekonomski rast, unapređuje i jača institucije. Kako srednja klasa u Srbiji u tranzicionom, a posebno u postkriznom periodu, nije uspela da se pozicionira kao stabilizirajući faktor u društvu, njen kohezioni uticaj je opao. Troškove svojinske transformacije najviše je podnela srednja klasa, pre svega radnička klasa i seljaštvo. Struktura i položaj srednje klase su se značajno izmenili u tranzicionom periodu. Zbog svog društvenog, razvojnog, ekonomskog, socijalnog, institucionalnog i političkog uticaja srednja klasa u Srbiji suočena je sa nizom izazova, od kojih je najvažnije pitanje: da li će srednja klasa u Srbiji u budućnosti preuzeti odgovornost za stepen siromaštva, rastuću nejednakost i razvoj stabilnih demokratskih procesa
THP-1 Cells and Pro-inflammatory Cytokine Production: An in Vitro Tool for Functional Characterization of NOD1/NOD2 Antagonists.
THP-1 cells express high levels of native functional nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 1 (NOD1), NOD2, and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) receptors, and have often been used for investigating the immunomodulatory effects of small molecules. We postulated that they would represent an ideal cell-based model for our study, the aim of which was to develop a new in vitro tool for functional characterization of NOD antagonists. NOD antagonists were initially screened for their effect on NOD agonist-induced interleukin-8 (IL-8) release. Next, we examined the extent to which the selected NOD antagonists block the NOD-TLR4 synergistic crosstalk by measuring the effect of NOD antagonism on tumor necrosis factor-\u3b1 (TNF-\u3b1) secretion from doubly activated THP-1 cells. Overall, the results obtained indicate that pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion from THP-1 provides a valuable, simple and reproducible in vitro tool for functional characterization of NOD antagonists
Alcoholic Drinkers and Road Safety in the Republic of Slovenia
In this study we were therefore interested in the percentage of road traffic offences
(RTO) and road traffic accidents (RTA) involving inebriated drivers one year before and
one year after the passing of the new Law on Road Traffic Safety (LRTS) as well as measures
(referrals, punishments and final decisions on the revoking of driver’s licences due
to drunk driving).
One year before the passing of the new LRTS, there were 40,702 RTA-s in the Republic
of Slovenia (12.2% caused by drunk drivers). The average alcohol concentration in
exhaled air for those analysed was 1.19 g/kg. One year after the passing of this law
there were 36,479 RTA-s (8.6% caused by drunk drivers). The average alcohol concentration
in exhaled air for those analysed was 1,32 g/kg (the differences were statistically
significant). In 13.8% cases the reason for permorming a measurement of the alcohol
concentration in exhaled aier was an RTA with an average alcohol concentration in
exhaled air of 1.22 g/kg and in 86.2% of cases an RTO with an average alcohol concentration
in exhaled air of 1.25 g/kg (the differences were statistically significant). We
found it interesting that the number of events minvolving lower concentrations decreased,
but the percentage involving higher alcohol concentrations even increased.
The results of this study indicate without a doubt that the law was not successful
enough with its repressive and preventative measures in the field of drunk drivers. Experts
on alcohol believe that punishment cannot make alcoholics and other drivers
abandon their behavioural patterns and stop driving under the influence of alcohol.
This can be achived only by treatment, and the present practice (police – misdenveanour
counts – repeat general medical check-up) has been ineffective as prevention among alcoholic
drivers. We therefore believe that supplemants to the LRTS should be adopted
urgently, that would contribute, through better medical selection, to a reduction in the
number of drunk drivers behind the eheel, both those who are alcohol dependet (and
should be referred to treatment)
Prisotnost kromosomskih sprememb v somatskih celicah pri bolnikih s tumorji mod po različnih načinih zdravljenja
Background. The damage due to radiation or chemotherapeutic agents has been estimated successfully for the last 35 years from the numbers of the chromosome changes. This finding may serve as biological dosimeter. The aim ofthe study was to find persistent chromosomal aberrations in somatic cells intesticular cancer patients after different therapies. Patients and methods. This prospective study includes 60 patients with testicular tumours. With respect to the histological results and various therapies that they were giventhey were divided into four groups. Prior to treatment, we did not detectany deviations either in the genome picture of our patients or in that of the subjects of the control group without malignant disease. The changes inthe genome of individual cells after therapy were detected by the following tests: structural chromosomal aberrations (SCA) test, sister chromatid exchange (SCE) test and micronucleus (MN) test performed on binuclear lymphocytes. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)Izhodišča. Raziskave v zadnjih 35 letih so pokazale, da so spremembe v genomu posameznih celic povzročene tako zaradi zdravljenja s citostatiki, kot zaradi obsevanja z ionizirajočimi žarki. Te spremembe v celici nam lahko služijo kot biološki dozimeter. Namen raziskave je bil najti prisotnost kromosomskih sprememb v somatskih celicah pri bolnikih s tumorji mod po različnih načinih zdravljenja. Pacienti in metode. V prospektivno študijo smo vključili 60 bolnikov s tumorji mod, ki smo jih glede na histološke izvide in načine zdravljenja razdelili v štiri skupine. Pred zdravljenjem ni bilo odstopanj v genomski sliki v primerjavi z enako kontrolno skupino pregledovancev brez malignoma. Vpliv zdravljenja na genom bolnikov smo ugotavljali s pregledom genomske slike pred zdravljenjem, po zdravljenju in šest mesecev kasneje s priznanimi citogenetskimi testi, s katerimi smo pogledali strukturne spremembekromosomov - SCA, izmenjavo med sestrskimi kromatidami - SCE in mikronukleus - MN pri dvojedrnih limfocitih. Rezultati. Takoj po končanem obsevanju smo ugotovili močno inhibicijo mitotske aktivnosti limfocitov in zvečano število nestabilnih kromosomskih sprememb (dicentrikov). Kemoterapija je vplivala na genomsko sliko v manjšem odstotku, tip kromosomskih sprememb jebil drugačen. S citološko mutagenetskega vidika se je pokazalo, da je samo obsevanje bolj agresivno od kemoferapij e. Šest mesecev po zaključenem zdravljenju je mitotična aktivnost večinoma normalna, vendar pa je še vedno zelo velik odstotek sprememb glede na začetne vrednosti in v primerjavi z bolniki, ki so bili le operirani. Zaključek. Tako po obsevanju kot po zdravljenju s citostatiki pride do normalizacije genoma, kajti poškodovane celice odmrejo. Glede na to, da je pri obsevanih bolnikih le majhen tkivni celični volumen izpostavljen obsevanju, pri kemoterapiji pa je celotni organizem izpostavljen kemijskemu agensu, upravičeno pričakujemo hitrejšo popravo genoma pri obsevanih bolnikih
Liliana Spinozzi Monai, Dal Friuli Alla Russia. Mezzo secolo di storia e di cul tura. In margine all'epistolario (1875-1928) Jan Baudouin de Courtenay. Società Filologica Friulana, Udine 1994.
Questo libro rappresenta una preziosa novità scientifica nel campo della slavistica e della friulanistica. Vi sono pubblicate le lettere, le cartoline postali inviate da intellet tuali friulani (in parte anche italiani) e beneciani (filologi, etnografi, storici, avvocati, ecc.) allo studioso polacco Baudouin de Courtenay che, nei primi anni settanta dello scorso secolo, in qualità di docente di linguistica slava all'Università di Pietroburgo, ap pena ventottenne si recò nella Slavia Friulana e in altri luoghi del Friuli al fine di com piere delle ricerche sui relativi dialetti slavi, o più precisamente sloveni. Nei quattro de cenni successivi vi ritornò otto volte e pubblicò uno studio basilare sui dialetti resiani e altri contributi su Resia e i suoi abitanti, nonché ricco materiale sia sul dialetto di Resia che quello del Torre (Opyt fonetiki rez'janskich govorov, 1875 - Saggio di fonetica delle parlate resiane; Materialy dlja južnoslavjanskoj dialektologii i etnografii 2. Obrazcy jazyka na govorach Terskich Slavjan v sevemovostočnoj ltalii, 1904). II mate riale dialettale raccolto nelle valli del Natisone, rimasto in forma manoscritta, viene pubblicato nel 1988 da Liliana Spinozzi Monai (con commento folklorico di M. Matičetov) presso l'Editoriale Stampa Triestina con ii titolo "Materiali per la dialettolo gia e l'etnografia slava meridionale 4. Testi popolari in prosa e in versi raccolti in Val Natisone nel 1873"
Presentation of anatomical structures foot imaging anteroposterior
V okviru diplomskega dela smo ugotavljali, kako slikanje stopala pod različnimi koti v medialno in lateralno smer, ter uporaba različne usmerjenosti centralnega žarka v kavdalno in kranialno smer vpliva na prikaz anatomskih struktur na rentgenogramu. Ugotavljali smo, katere projekcije so najbolj optimalne za prikaz določenih anatomskih struktur in primerjali s projekcijami iz strokovne literature. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, pod katerimi koti in pri katerih projekcijah dobimo najboljši prikaz določene anatomske strukture. Metode dela: V okviru diplomskega dela smo izvajali več meritev. Najprej smo pod kotom 5 stopinj obračali stopalo v medialno smer do medialne posteriorne polstranske projekcije, enako smo naredili za lateralno projekcijo. Nadaljevali smo z spreminjanjem centralnega žarka od 5 do 20 stopinj kranialno in kavdalno. Rentgenograme smo ocenili po merilih za ocenjevanje rentgenogramov. Rezultati: Pri obračanju stopala v medialno smer smo ugotovili, da je z večanjem kota vedno večje prekrivanje baz stopalnic in vedno lepši prikaz kocke, tarzometatarzalnega sklepa, lateralnega klina in kocke ter odprtost sklepov med omenjenimi strukturami. Z večanjem kota stopala v lateralno smer pride do prekrivanja 2. do 5. stopalnice ter doberga prikaza metatarzofalangealnega sklepa, medialnega klina in čolniča. Povečanje centralnega žarka v kaudalni smeri je pripomoglo k odprtju in dobrem prikazu metatarzofalangealnih in intrafalangealnih sklepov. Večanje kranialnega kota je povzročilo zaprtje zgoraj omenjenih falangealnih sklepov, vendar pa so se nam lepo prikazali tarzometatarzalni sklep in sklepi med čolničem in klini, kocko in petnico in čolničem in skočnico. Razprava in zaključek: AP projekcijo priporočamo pri slikanju čolniča, kocke, skočnice, 1. in 2. stopalnice in za prikaz odprtosti metatarzofalangealnih sklepov. Medialna polstranska projekcija je primerna za slikanje čolniča, kocke, lateralnega klina in prikaz transverzalno tarzalnega sklepa. Lateralno polstransko projekcijo lahko uporabimo pri slikanju čolniča, medialnega in intramedialnega klina (lateralna projekcija s 25 stopinjskim kotom) in prikaz 1. in 2. stopalnice. 5 stopinjski kaudalni kot, nam prikaže odprtost metatarzofalangealnih in intratarzofalangealnih sklepov. Pri slikanju stopala se je poleg dobrega poznavanja anatomije in natančnosti potrebno zavedati tudi strokovnosti in etičnosti svojega dela.As part of the diploma work, we found out how foot x-ray under different angles in the medial and lateral direction, and the use of different central beam orientations in the caudal and cranial directions affect the display of anatomical structures on the radiograph. We determined which projections are the most optimal for showing certain anatomical structures and compared them with projections from the professional literature. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work was to determine at which angles and at which projections we get the best representation of the certain anatomical structures. Methods of work: We first rotated the foot at a 5° angle in the medial direction to the medial posterior half-sided projection, then we did the same for lateral projection. We continued to vary the central beam from 5° to 20° angle cranially and caudally. Radiographs were evaluated according to the criteria for evaluating radiographs. Results: When turning the foot in the medial direction, we found that with increasing angle there is an increasing coverage of the metatarsals and a better view of the os cuboideum, tarsometatarsal joint, ossa cuneiformia laterale and the openness of the joints between these structures. By increasing the angle of the foot in lateral direction there is an overlap from the 2nd to the 5th foot and a good display of the metatarsophalangeal joint, ossa cuneiformia laterale and os naviculare. Increasing the central beam in the caudal direction contributed to the opening and good presentation of the metatarsophalangeal and intraphalangeal joints. The enlargement of the cranial angle caused the closure of the above-mentioned phalangeal joints. The tarsometatarsal joint and the joints between the os naviculare and the ossa cuneiformia, the os cuboideum and the calcaneus, and os naviculare and talus were nicely shown on the radiograph. Discussion and conclusion: AP projection is recommended for imaging os naviculare, os cuboideum, talus, 1st and 2nd ossa metatarsi and to show the openness of the metatarsophalangeal joints. The medial half-sided projection is suitable for imaging os naviculare, os cuboideum, ossa cuneiformia laterale and for the view of the transverse tarsal joint. Lateral half-sided projection can also be used when imaging os naviculare, ossa cuneiformia mediale and intramediale (lateral projection with 25° angle) and for a display of the 1. and 2. ossa metatarsi. A 5-degree caudal angle shows us the openness of the metatarsophalangeal and intratarsophalangeal joints. In addition to a good knowledge of anatomy and accuracy, imaging of the foot also requires professionalism and ethics of work
Design of steel business structure
This graduation thesis deals with project for building permit acqusition for three-storey steel\ud
business building. First part contains design and definition of load, second part covers static\ud
calculation of internal forces with consideration of initial geometric imperfection and theory\ud
of second order, dimensioning with Nemetschek Scia Engineer 2010 programme and typical\ud
connections calculation. In third section are drawings, made with computer programme\ud
Bentley Prosteel 3D V18.0: marking plan, typical connections, plan of welded elements and\ud
specification. Construction consists of six moment resisting frames placed across with range\ud
of 6m in longitudinal direction, for floor constructions Trimo HI-Bond composit ceilings are\ud
used. All calculations are carried out in accordance with Eurocode standards
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