1 research outputs found

    The inner kernel theorem for a certain Segal algebra

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    The Segal algebra S0(G)\mathbf{S}_{0}(G) is well defined for arbitrary locally compact Abelian Hausdorff (LCA) groups GG. It is a Banach space that exhibits a kernel theorem similar to the well-known Schwartz kernel theorem. Specifically, we call this characterization of the continuous linear operators from S0(G1)\mathbf{S}_{0}(G_{1}) to S0β€²(G2)\mathbf{S}'_{0}(G_{2}) by generalized functions in S0β€²(G1Γ—G2)\mathbf{S}'_{0}(G_{1} \times G_{2}) the 'outer kernel theorem'. The main subject of this paper is to formulate what we call the 'inner kernel theorem'. This is the characterization of those linear operators that have kernels in S0(G1Γ—G2)\mathbf{S}_{0}(G_{1} \times G_{2}). Such operators are regularizing -- in the sense that they map S0β€²(G1)\mathbf{S}'_{0}(G_{1}) into S0(G2)\mathbf{S}_{0}(G_{2}) in a wβˆ—w^{*} to norm continuous manner. A detailed functional analytic treatment of these operators is given and applied to the case of general LCA groups. This is done without the use of Wilson bases, which have previously been employed for the case of elementary LCA groups. We apply our approach to describe natural laws of composition for operators that imitate those of linear mappings via matrix multiplications. Furthermore, we detail how these operators approximate general operators (in a weak form). As a concrete example, we derive the widespread statement of engineers and physicists that pure frequencies 'integrate' to a Dirac delta distribution in a mathematically justifiable way