9 research outputs found
Public Value Creation Through Collaborative Innovation
This article explores how public managers can use insights about public sector innovation and public value governance to make more than incremental progress in remedying society’s most pressing needs. After outlining the features of public innovation, it considers some traditional barriers to achieving it. It then considers the usefulness of the public value framework for managers seeking to design innovative solutions for complex problems, and examines the type of leadership that is likely to foster collaborative innovation and public value. It finishes by offering levers for achieving innovation by adopting design logics and practices associated with inclusive, experimentalist governance
Mad til dagligdag og fest: - om fødevarer og landbrug i ældre jernalder ved Tjæreborg Nord
I og med at mad er essentielt for opretholdelsen af livet, er undersøgelser af bearbejdning af fødevarer og indtag af mad vigtige for at forstå forhistoriske samfunds daglige liv. Desværre er madvarer som regel ikke godt bevaret i jorden. Ofte er det kun gennem rester af forarbejdningen og tilberedningen af mad, at arkæologer kan få et indblik i fortidens madvaner. Denne artikel præsenterer nye fund, der kan belyse fødegrundlaget i en landsby fra yngre førromersk jernalder (200 til 1 f.Kr.). Landsbyen lå umiddelbart nord for Tjæreborg ved Esbjerg. Den bestod af omtrent 20 samtidige gårde, der lå på en nordvendt skråning lige ovenfor en mindre bæk med tilhørende vådområde. Landsbyen lå omtrent en kilometer fra marsken, og den var dermed en kystnær indlandsbebyggelse
Public Value Creation Through Collaborative Innovation
This article explores how public managers can use insights about public sector innovation and public value governance to make more than incremental progress in remedying society’s most pressing needs. After outlining the features of public innovation, it considers some traditional barriers to achieving it. It then considers the usefulness of the public value framework for managers seeking to design innovative solutions for complex problems, and examines the type of leadership that is likely to foster collaborative innovation and public value. It finishes by offering levers for achieving innovation by adopting design logics and practices associated with inclusive, experimentalist governance