78 research outputs found

    Experimental Validation of Optical Simulation for Complex Building Integrated Photovoltaic System.

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    Simulation of BIPV system performance is usually based on a Plane-Of-Array method, adopted from classical PV plant systems, to estimate power generation. This methods is very limited for simulating facades in complex urban environments, such as dense urban areas, as it uses simplified near-field shading to estimate system losses. Furthermore, this approach accounts only for PV electricity yield generation, while neglecting other architectural criteria like daylighting, especially important in case of semi transparent PV facade. For the purposes of complex BIPV facades, other methods, such as ray tracing, are more preferable. Therefore, this research aims to estimate capabilities and accuracy of RADIANCE ray tracing engine to calculate daylighting and irradiance on PV surface. Validation procedure has been carried out for complex BIPV façade module, composed of complex profiled glass tile and semi-transparent Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Results showed reasonably good agreement between simulation and experimental measurements, which proves that method is capable for being used for the general purposes of complex BIPV systems

    Assessing Self-shading Benefits of Twisting Towers

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    Over the last number of decades, tall building geometries have been shifting from rectangular boxes towards shapes that are defined through geometrical transformations such as twisting. While, from an aesthetical point of view, these twisting geometries make tall buildings appear contemporary and iconic, from an environmental point of view, however, the benefits are not as straightforward. They may vary significantly based on climatic loads and urban conditions, among others. This study aims to assess the self-shading benefits of twisting geometries by finding a correlation between floor-to-floor rotation and façade solar irradiation across climates, primarily focusing on hot ones, where self-shading is used as a passive solar design strategy. The study analysed three types of irradiation studies: Cumulative Annual Irradiation, Cumulative Harmful Irradiation during Cooling Design Day, and lastly, Solar Irradiation Self-Shading Balance. The latter compares beneficial and harmful solar irradiation during Hot and Cold Degree Days to quantify the impact of floor-to-floor rotation on optical and thermal performance. The study explored hundreds of possible scenarios across different climates and various floor-to-floor rotation angles, revealing a variety of positive, negative, and neutral situations. The study recommends careful examination of environmental conditions via a combination of multiple irradiation studies, particularly in the case of a smooth façade scenario

    Evaluating a BiPV sun shading system with various software and methods

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    This paper aims to explore the attractiveness of a BiPV (building integrated photovoltaic) fixed façade shading systems in view of a deep retrofit of the residential building envelope. While doing so is necessary to access the confidence and differences among optimization and simulation tools. A facade equipped with a fixed BiPV shading system is simulated with different methods, software and modelling assumptions. The output of the simulations is compared and discussed, underlining the strong and weak points of each considered method. The performance of the BiPV façade is accessed by comparison with a more traditional one without BiPV. The traditional façade is characterized by a lower WWR (window to wall ratio) compared to the BiPV one because they have the same DF (daylight factor) by design. The BiPV façade is characterized by a better behavior toward annual radiative solar gain, while the traditional façade relies on lower thermal conductivity. Both the façade solutions are the result of a performance optimization method developed at EURAC and described in the paper. The method is based on the use of genetic optimization algorithms to find the parameters, WWR tilt angle and distance from the window, that maximize target performance indicators. Aims of the study are to evaluate the BiPV impact on the façade (i.e. whether it ensures an improved annual thermal performance or only better energy balance thanks to energy production) and to compare the results obtained with different simulation methods (i.e. by evaluating the results coherency and discrepancy). The comparison between these two facades performance and the consequent BiPV impact assessment, is carried out with different methods by coupling different software tools (e.g. PVGIS + COMFEN, Archsym + postprocessing). The software tools capabilities, the relative errors and the simplifying assumptions that can be considered safe in a performance-driven design perspective are discussed in the paper


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    Ekonomska kriza koja se dogodila 2008. godine uticala je na način obavljanja bankarskih i finansijskih usluga. Kriza je otvorila put novim učesnicima da promene tržište finansijskih usluga sa novim tehnologijama i poslovnim modelima. Poslednjih godina pojavile su se neobanke, odnosno digitalne banke, koje nude finansijske usluge putem digitalnih kanala bez otvorene mreže fizičkih poslovnica. Digitalni način poslovanja omogućio je bankama da minimiziraju troškove poslovanja i omoguće pristup svojim uslugama besplatno ili uz minimalne troškove. Novi način poslovanja zavisi od zainteresovanosti banaka da pomognu klijentima i predstavlja značajan vid komunikacije u finansijskim institucijama. Odnos u komunikaciji prema klijentima je odlučujući u sticanju lojalnosti i povećanju baze klijenata. Cilj istraživanja je uticaj digitalnog bankarstva na unapređenje tržišne pozicije banke u ostvarivanju postavljenih ciljeva. U radu su istaknute prednosti digitalnog bankarstva u privlačenju većeg broja klijenata. Predmet istraživanja doprineo je donošenju zaključka o uticaju kvaliteta kanala distribucije usluga na performanse usluga, što pruža kvalitet isporuke i niske troškove. Banke koriste tehnološke inovacije koje omogućuju dopiranje do manje dostupnih i zahtevnih klijenata. Ovaj rad pokazuje u kojoj meri banka definiše svoj digitalni prodajni portfolio i da li postoje zajedničke stavke u tom procesu koje koriste sve banke

    Innovative Cable Net Curved-Glass Photovoltaic Façade

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    Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic (BIPV) facades have been present for decades in various forms and building application types. However, they have not yet reached their potential due to the strict technical PhotoVoltaic (PV) requirements, the design and simulation complexity, as well as their limited aesthetics, demonstrated by a lack of visual innovation and customization in comparison with other building elements. The main objective of this paper is to improve both overall visual effect and building performance through an integrated solar design approach. In order to address these requirements, this paper presents an innovative performance-based design methodology for a BIPV façade. The approach uses parametric design framework to define a typological set of BIPV modules, each with its particular performances, allowing module and performance variation across a façade surface. Therefore, each module can take a specific position in respect to the urban settings and indoor requirements, in order to optimize and improve the overall performance. Moreover, design criteria are not compromised, as this innovative methodology takes into account variable requirements with unique design system that lead to the consistent appearance, and embrace a paneling customization with just a small set of BIPV modules. This design concept has been demonstrated on a curved-glass BIPV façade that is mounted on a cable-net structure. The result is a high-performance optically dynamic façade, with a smooth and curvy appearance


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    Obrazovanje je najviše pogođeno pandemijom. Visokoobrazovne institucije su bile prinuđene da u kratkom roku pronađu adekvatna rešenja kako celokupan opstanak sistema ne bi bio doveden u pitanje. Svi su pribegli upotrebi određenih elektronskih interaktivnih platformi. Prelazak sa tradicionalnog načina rad na novi online režim desio se preko noći, bez obzira na to da li su visokoobrazovne institucije bile spremne za takve promene. Predmet ovog rada je analiza uticaja i značaja interaktivnih platformi za realizaciju online nastave u doba pandemije izazvane virusom Covid-19. Visokoobrazovne institucije su se najčešće opredeljivale za primenu sledećih platformi: Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Hangouts Meet. Cilj rada je da utvrdi koja od navedenih platformi se pokazala najefikasnijom prilikom realizacije nastavnih aktivnosti. Sa aspekta društvenog cilja, rad treba da pomogne nastavnicima i studentima da sagledaju rezultate istraživanja i da na osnovu toga donesu odluku koja online platforma je najpogodnija za realizaciju nastave, pri čemu će se kvalitet nastave održati u njihovoj obrazovnoj instituciji. Provedeno je interno istraživanje od strane profesora Visoke škole modernog biznisa u novembru mesecu 2020. godine, gde je učestvovalo 138 studenata i 14 nastavnika. Platforme su omogućile da se nastavni proces nastavlja odvijati prema planu i programu, ali ipak različiti su aspekti upotrebe od strane nastavnika i studenata. Takođe, različiti su aspekti upotrebe u zavisnosti od toga kojem naučnom polju pripadaju fakulteti. Svaka od navedenih platformi prvobitno je namenjena za realizaciju poslovnih sastanaka, a ne realizaciju nastavnog procesa. Problem se javlja tek kada se počne sa upotrebom platformi, kada se ispoljavaju dobre i loše strane

    Fan mussel Pinna nobilis Linneaus, 1758 spat collection on \u27\u27Christmas tree\u27\u27 rope in the Mali Ston Bay area (South Adriatic Sea)

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    During November 2006 on a 500 m long experimentally placed \u27\u27Christmas tree\u27\u27 rope collector for juvenile mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819) placed the previous year a significant number of juvenile fan mussels (Pina nobilis Linnaeus, 1758) were observed. Live juvenile individuals (N=322) of P. nobilis with shell length from 17 to 93 mm were found in two sampling events. All juvenile fan mussels were found exclusively on deeper parts of the mussel rope. Observed population density was from 6 to 43 individuals per meter of the rope collector. The 120 smallest juveniles of P. nobilis were separated for the purpose of monitoring the growth rate in suspension, and the remaining juveniles were placed in the natural environment


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    Obrazovanje je najviše pogođeno pandemijom. Visokoobrazovne institucije su bile prinuđene da u kratkom roku pronađu adekvatna rešenja kako celokupan opstanak sistema ne bi bio doveden u pitanje. Svi su pribegli upotrebi određenih elektronskih interaktivnih platformi. Prelazak sa tradicionalnog načina rad na novi online režim desio se preko noći, bez obzira na to da li su visokoobrazovne institucije bile spremne za takve promene. Predmet ovog rada je analiza uticaja i značaja interaktivnih platformi za realizaciju online nastave u doba pandemije izazvane virusom Covid-19. Visokoobrazovne institucije su se najčešće opredeljivale za primenu sledećih platformi: Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Hangouts Meet. Cilj rada je da utvrdi koja od navedenih platformi se pokazala najefikasnijom prilikom realizacije nastavnih aktivnosti. Sa aspekta društvenog cilja, rad treba da pomogne nastavnicima i studentima da sagledaju rezultate istraživanja i da na osnovu toga donesu odluku koja online platforma je najpogodnija za realizaciju nastave, pri čemu će se kvalitet nastave održati u njihovoj obrazovnoj instituciji. Provedeno je interno istraživanje od strane profesora Visoke škole modernog biznisa u novembru mesecu 2020. godine, gde je učestvovalo 138 studenata i 14 nastavnika. Platforme su omogućile da se nastavni proces nastavlja odvijati prema planu i programu, ali ipak različiti su aspekti upotrebe od strane nastavnika i studenata. Takođe, različiti su aspekti upotrebe u zavisnosti od toga kojem naučnom polju pripadaju fakulteti. Svaka od navedenih platformi prvobitno je namenjena za realizaciju poslovnih sastanaka, a ne realizaciju nastavnog procesa. Problem se javlja tek kada se počne sa upotrebom platformi, kada se ispoljavaju dobre i loše strane