7 research outputs found

    Supernumerary renal vessels: analysis of frequency and configuration in 996 computed tomography studies

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    Background: Number, course and division pattern of renal vessels is highly variable. Variant renal vasculature is of high interest in nephrectomy for the renal transplantations, both in deceased and living donors. The purpose of the study was to analyse the frequency of supernumerary renal vessels in a large cohort of patients undergoing the multiphase abdominopelvic computed tomography (CT), as well as analyse the possible patterns of coexisting supernumerary arteries in veins. Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis of abdominopelvic CT studies within 1 year period was performed. In each study, number of renal arteries and veins was recorded. Course of left renal vein was classified into normal, retro- or periaortic. For statistical analysis of normal distribution data, t-Student test was used. Chi-square test was used for frequency of variant vessel distribution. Pearson correlation coefficient was used for the analysis of coexistence of supernumerary vessels. Results: 996 patients were included in the analysis, male to female ratio: 481:515 (48%:52%). Mean age was 57.9 ± 14.7 years. Single renal arteries were observed in 73% of cases, while single renal veins in 95%. Circumaortic or retroaortic courses of left renal veins were observed in 10% of cases. Number of renal vessels has been compared in patients with and without supernumerary vessels. In patients with supernumerary left renal artery, significantly more right renal vessels were observed. In patients with supernumerary right renal vein, mean number of all remaining vessels was significantly higher. Conclusions: Supernumerary renal vessels are a frequent finding in abdominal CT studies. Finding a supernumerary vessel should increase awareness of possible other supernumerary renal vessels.

    Police-initiated diversion for youth to prevent future delinquent behavior: a systematic review

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    BackgroundOverly punitive responses to youth misconduct may have the unintended consequence ofincreasing the likelihood of future delinquency; yet, overly lenient responses may fail to serveas a corrective for the misbehavior. Police diversion schemes are a collection of strategiespolice can apply as an alternative to court processing of youth. Police-initiated diversionschemes aim to reduce reoffending by steering youth away from deeper penetration into thecriminal justice system and by providing an alternative intervention that can help youthaddress psychosocial development or other needs that contribute to their problem behavior.ObjectivesThe objective of this review was to synthesize the evidence on the effectiveness of pre-courtinterventions involving police warning or counseling and release, and cautioning schemes inreducing delinquent behavior.Search methodsA combination of 26 databases and websites were searched. References of relevant reviewswere also scanned to identify studies. We also consulted with experts in the field. Searcheswere executed by two reviewers and conducted between August 2016 and January 2017.Selection criteriaOnly experimental and quasi-experimental designs were eligible for this review. All quasiexperimentaldesigns must have had a comparison group similar to the police diversionintervention group with respect to demographic characteristics and prior involvement indelinquent behavior (i.e., at similar risk for future delinquent behavior). Additionally, studiesmust have included youth participants between 12 and 17 years of age who either underwenttraditional system processing or were diverted from court processing through a police-leddiversion program. Studies were also eligible if delinquency-related outcomes, includingofficial and non-official (self-report or third-party reporting) measures of delinquency werereported.Data collection and analysisThis study used meta-analysis to synthesize results across studies. This method involvedsystematic coding of study features and conversion of study findings into effect sizesreflecting the direction and magnitude of any police-led diversion effect. There were 19independent evaluations across the 14 primary documents coded for this review. From this,we coded 67 effect sizes of delinquent behavior post diversion across 31 diversion-traditionalprocessing comparisons. We analyzed these comparisons using two approaches. The firstapproach selected a single effect size per comparison based on a decision rule and the secondused all 67 effect sizes, nesting these within comparison condition and evaluation design.ResultsThe general pattern of evidence is positive, suggesting that police-led diversion modestlyreduces future delinquent behavior of low-risk youth relative to traditional processing.Authors’ conclusionsThe findings from this systematic review support the use of police-led diversion for low-riskyouth with limited or no prior involvement with the juvenile justice system. Thus, policedepartments and policy-makers should consider diversionary programs as part of the mix ofsolutions for addressing youth crime

    Dizziness - pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment

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    Dizziness is a symptom of many diseases. Patients very frequently come with such ailment to the hospital emergency department. It is a state which may last a few seconds or minutes and increase or recede with time. Therefore, the admitted patients frequently cannot assess their own illness in a precise and objective way. The dizziness definition is also quite ambiguous. Dizziness is defined as the sensation of one own’s body movement or spinning and movement of the surrounding. It is very important to record the patient’s medical history since the diagnostic procedure may depend on the symptoms’ character. Dizziness may be a symptom of a serious disease, although it is not easy to find its cause. It appears not only in case of the labyrinth and nervous system disorders, but also in the systemic and functional diseases. Dizziness and balance disorder are the direct cause of admitting one in every thirty patients. The symptom indicated the directly life-threatening disease only within the 3-8.5% of patients (cerebral circulation insufficiency - 6%, cardiac dysrhythmia – 1.5%, brain tumour < 1%). Analyzing the data concerning the problem of dizziness occurrence within the general population, it has been noticed that this symptom has been reported two or three times more frequent by women than by men. Dizzinesses are classified pathogenetically and clinically into labyrinthine and non-labyrinthine, paroxysmal and permanent, acute and chronic. Dizziness is hard to diagnose because the symptoms reported by patients are only their own subjective sensations. The data presented in the article implicate the increasing number of patients with such disorders. Apart from dizziness, the patients complain also about the hearing disorders and nausea, which make their proper functioning impossible. It is inappropriate to start the treatment without knowing the cause. Establishing, on the basis of patient’s medical history and physical examination, whether the dizziness is of peripheral or central origin, is essential for the further diagnosis. After establishing the main diagnosis, the casual and symptomatic treatment is implemented, in some cases - there is a vestibular rehabilitation or even a surgical treatment

    The airway obstruction - important abrupt condition for pediatrics

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    The ability of fast response in case of increasing health problems of a child which lead directly to life-threatening situations is a necessary condition for creating opportunity of child’s survival until it will be transported to intensive care unit, where it will be provided with care by a specialist. In case of healthy children the most common cause of acute respiratory failure is obstruction of upper respiratory tract. There is an enormous variety of causes of upper airway obstruction, but the most important are the result of congenital defects, acute inflammation, anaphylactic reactions, foreign body aspiration and injuries. Consequence of the hypoventilation resulting from significant impediment of airflow through the obstructed airways is impaired gas exchange in the lungs. This leads to the increasing hypoxemia (PaO 2 45 mmHg). This condition is called the total respiratory failure. The persistence of hypoventilation leads to hypoxia of vital organs (heart muscle, brain), increased anaerobic metabolism, acidosis, and inevitably to cardiac arrest as a result of homeostasis disorders. Respiratory failure is defined as acute when developing suddenly and is potentially reversible. We can find such a situation in the fast-increasing stenosis of the larynx. Symptoms of severe dyspnoea occur in a short time, but can be interrupted by an effective airway patency. Acute respiratory failure is a state of direct threat to life, which is why it is crucial to give a prompt aid to the sick child. The aim of this paper is to discuss the signs and symptoms, knowledge of which is essential for rapid identification and initial differentiation of the causes of acute upper airway obstruction in children. The principles of first-aid for children with acute respiratory failure and above all the description of life-saving procedures will be presented

    Police‐initiated diversion for youth to prevent future delinquent behavior: a systematic review

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