4 research outputs found
La ley contra la tradición: desajustes normativos en la cadena de valor de productos pesqueros artesanales en Tenerife
Es frecuente escuchar a pescadores artesanales criticar regulaciones que no se ajustan a la realidad del territorio, definidas por funcionarios desconocedores del terreno y cuyas decisiones responden a presiones que poco tienen que ver con la salud de los ecosistemas, el bienestar de los pescadores o el suministro óptimo de alimentos.
En la comercialización de productos pesqueros locales en Tenerife tenemos un claro ejemplo. La normativa europea contempla la posibilidad de vender pequeñas cantidades a consumidores finales, pero las transposiciones de los países miembros han generado marcos regulatorios con diferentes implicaciones, dependiendo de si un pescador cala sus artes a un lado u otro de la frontera, o incluso en una región u otra del mismo país.
En Tenerife, la legislación vigente y la estructura del mercado de productos pesqueros locales han generado cierto desabastecimiento en el litoral, por lo que los consumidores deben desplazarse a las pocas pescaderías que quedan en distantes núcleos urbanos, o adquirirlo en su comunidad, como tradicionalmente han hecho, a pescadores profesionales que venden ahora su producto de forma ilegal, o a pescadores furtivos, fomentando en ambos casos el mercado negro. Este trabajo analiza la normativa que enmarca la venta directa en Tenerife y sus consecuencias
La actividad pesquera en Argentina, Chile y España: historias, organizaciones y condiciones del trabajo
Este dossier pretende, a través de una serie de estudios inter y transdisciplinarios, conocer las condiciones y características del trabajo en la rama pesquera de Argentina, Chile y España, con especial énfasis en los últimos decenios. La actividad de la pesca es sumamente compleja, marcada por las diferencias entre los buques pesqueros más artesanales y aquellos de carácter más industrial, en una transición que fue adquiriendo más rasgos de continuidad que de ruptura, aunque en gran parte de la literatura existente se marque una supuesta distancia tajante entre ambas
Sowing potential transformative changes in the fishing and agrifood systems - Conference report
4 pages, supplementary material https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105673.-- Data Availability: No data was used for the research described in the articleThe need to better understand the trade-offs between food production, trade and consumption; social and environmental impacts of food systems and food health requirements remains a challenge. Additionally, there is an urgency to transform the food system to reach the dietary patterns required to address the current diet-environment-health trilemma. Transformative changes are required to deal with the food system crisis. To this end, it is necessary to strengthen the links in the food chain and establish solid alliances between production and consumption with the objective of designing alternative food systems. In this context, the Agroecosystems History Laboratory of Pablo de Olavide University and Alimentta-Think tank for the transition of agrifood systems, organised the IX International Congress of Agroecology between the 19th and the 23rd of January, 2023, in Seville (Spain). Its theme was “Cultivating local agroecological-based food systems”. Within the Congress, a hybrid panel of “Sowing initiatives with transformative potential in the fishing sector” was held to bring together initiatives with the capacity to generate transformative changes and enhance the value of fisheries in the field of agroecology and food sovereignty. The panel included communications related to seafood consumption, food sovereignty, co-management, inequalities, collaborative experiences, waste management, transformation processing and commercialisation. As a conclusion of the panel, a new perspective is required to redesign the agrifood systems and promote desirable multiple transformative changes that help to establish analytical and political action strategies in the field of fisheries as a food systemWith the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe
Sowing potential transformative changes in the fishing and agrifood systems - Conference report
article 105673The need to better understand the trade-offs between food production, trade and consumption; social and environmental impacts of food systems and food health requirements remains a challenge. Additionally, there is an urgency to transform the food system to reach the dietary patterns required to address the current diet-environment-health trilemma. Transformative changes are required to deal with the food system crisis. To this end, it is necessary to strengthen the links in the food chain and establish solid alliances between production and consumption with the objective of designing alternative food systems. In this context, the Agroecosystems History Laboratory of Pablo de Olavide University and Alimentta-Think tank for the transition of agrifood systems, organised the IX International Congress of Agroecology between the 19th and the 23rd of January, 2023, in Seville (Spain). Its theme was "Cultivating local agroecological-based food systems". Within the Congress, a hybrid panel of "Sowing initiatives with transformative potential in the fishing sector" was held to bring together initiatives with the capacity to generate transformative changes and enhance the value of fisheries in the field of agroecology and food sovereignty. The panel included communications related to seafood consumption, food sovereignty, co-management, inequalities, collaborative experiences, waste management, transformation processing and commercialisation. As a conclusion of the panel, a new perspective is required to redesign the agrifood systems and promote desirable multiple transformative changes that help to establish analytical and political action strategies in the field of fisheries as a food system