752 research outputs found

    A framework for mobile digital literacy skills of educators using mobile technology in rural formal education

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) is considered a vital enabler in the quest to reduce the disparities between the developed and developing world. Developments in mobile technology have dramatically changed the ICT landscape. Mobile cellular technologies have flourished and proliferated more rapidly than any previous technology hitherto and is thus considered, at this time, the most pervasive technology in the world. However, the introduction of mobile ICT in rural formal education is faced with many challenges and ways in which to maximise its usage is still being explored. This research explores mobile digital literacy skills required by a rural educator to successfully integrate mobile technology into the classroom. This exploration used the ICT for rural education development (ICT4RED) project as its case study and added dimensions to the project through the development of a framework for mobile digital literacy skills. ICT4RED was an appropriate case for the exploration as it met the following criteria: educators were using mobile technologies in the classroom, educators had been part of the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) course offered by the ICT4RED project and educators were based in a rural resource-constrained area in South Africa. Questionnaires were used to gain insight into which skills educators rated as most important, and least important, as based on their teaching experience using mobile technologies in the classroom. The work is grounded on an interpretivist research philosophy and followed an inductive reasoning approach. Additionally, the research employed a qualitative method of analysis with a single case study, comprising of two units, facilitating a perspective of the phenomenon. Framework development was enabled through a literature review which assisted in theorising the mobile digital literacy skills. An expert review, followed by a questionnaire driven survey for educators, was conducted. The qualitative analysis revealed that most of the mobile digital literacy skills from literature were important and should be employed. The majority of educators and experts felt that the skills could not be categorised as, due to the lack of resources, most are considered very important. The lack of stable internet connection/s were also considered a major (if not the major) hindrance to successful mobile integration in rural areas. The main research question answered by this study is: How can a framework for educators’ mobile digital literacy skills support educators using mobile technology in formal rural education? The findings of this research should be significant to developers of mobile technology training programmes, as well as educators trying to successfully integrate mobile technology into their classrooms. The framework will enable both trainers and educators to prioritise skills and channel resources into the acquisition of those skills which have been identified as important by this research work.School of ComputingM. Sc. (Computing

    Prediction of additive, epistatic, and dominance effects using models accounting for incomplete inbreeding in parental lines of hybrid rye and sugar beet

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    Genomic models for prediction of additive and non-additive effects within and across different heterotic groups are lacking for breeding of hybrid crops. In this study, genomic prediction models accounting for incomplete inbreeding in parental lines from two different heterotic groups were developed and evaluated. The models can be used for prediction of general combining ability (GCA) of parental lines from each heterotic group as well as specific combining ability (SCA) of all realized and potential crosses. Here, GCA was estimated as the sum of additive genetic effects and within-group epistasis due to high degree of inbreeding in parental lines. SCA was estimated as the sum of across-group epistasis and dominance effects. Three models were compared. In model 1, it was assumed that each hybrid was produced from two completely inbred parental lines. Model 1 was extended to include three-way hybrids from parental lines with arbitrary levels of inbreeding: In model 2, parents of the three-way hybrids could have any levels of inbreeding, while the grandparents of the maternal parent were assumed completely inbred. In model 3, all parental components could have any levels of inbreeding. Data from commercial breeding programs for hybrid rye and sugar beet was used to evaluate the models. The traits grain yield and root yield were analyzed for rye and sugar beet, respectively. Additive genetic variances were larger than epistatic and dominance variances. The models' predictive abilities for total genetic value, for GCA of each parental line and for SCA were evaluated based on different cross-validation strategies. Predictive abilities were highest for total genetic values and lowest for SCA. Predictive abilities for SCA and for GCA of maternal lines were higher for model 2 and model 3 than for model 1. The implementation of the genomic prediction models in hybrid breeding programs can potentially lead to increased genetic gain in two different ways: I) by facilitating the selection of crossing parents with high GCA within heterotic groups and II) by prediction of SCA of all realized and potential combinations of parental lines to produce hybrids with high total genetic values

    Bifurcation in cell cycle dynamics regulated by p53

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    We study the regulating mechanism of p53 on the properties of cell cycle dynamics in the light of the proposed model of interacting p53 and cell cycle networks via p53. Irradiation (IR) introduce to p53 compel p53 dynamics to suffer different phases, namely oscillating and oscillation death (stabilized) phases. The IR induced p53 dynamics undergo collapse of oscillation with collapse time \Delta t which depends on IR strength. The stress p53 via IR drive cell cycle molecular species MPF and cyclin dynamics to different states, namely, oscillation death, oscillations of periods, chaotic and sustain oscillation in their bifurcation diagram. We predict that there could be a critical \Delta t_c induced by p53 via IR_c, where, if \Delta t < \Delta t_c the cell cycle may come back to normal state, otherwise it will go to cell cycle arrest (apoptosis)
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