31 research outputs found

    Les tumeurs malignes de l'aorte (Ă  propos de trois observations)

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    ANGERS-BU MĂ©decine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Prediction of digestibility of organic matter and energy in the growing pig from an in vitro method

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    Corrigendum in [Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., vol. 159, 3-4, (2010) p.156] : modification de la table 2International audienceThe method of Boisen and Fernandez [Boisen, S., Fernandez, J.A., 1997. Prediction of total tract digestibility of energy in feedstuffs and pig diets by in vitro analyses, Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 68, 277-286] for measuring in vitro fecal digestibility of organic matter (OMdv) or in vitro digestible organic matter content (DOMv, g/kg) was used on 113 compound feeds (79 as mash and 34 as pellets) and 66 ingredients (as mash) whose digestibility of organic matter (OMd) and energy (Ed) and digestible energy content (DE, MJ/kg) had been measured in 60 kg growing pigs for all compound feeds and ingredients, and in adult sows for about 2/3 of the compound feeds (as mash); net energy (NE, MJ/kg) of these feeds were estimated from digestibility information. The repeatability and accuracy of the method were evaluated. Data obtained on compound feeds fed as mash were used to establish prediction equations of OMd, Ed, DE NE from OMdv or DOMv and chemical criteria. The levels of accuracy and repeatability of OMdv measurement were satisfactory and values for OMdv and OMd of mash compound feeds were very close and highly correlated (r = 0.91). Apart from OMdv, the best prediction equations of OMd or Ed included ash content and a cell wall criterion (ADF or crude fiber); for prediction of DE, fat content had also to be considered. The coefficient of variation of all equations was below 0.02. The equations allow a satisfactory prediction of OMd, Ed or DE of the 66 ingredients fed as mash. However, the equations established on data obtained on mash feeds underestimate the in vivo nutritional value of pelleted feeds and are not applicable to prediction of energy value of feeds for adult pigs

    Ileal digestibility of amino acids of cassava, sweet potato, cocoyam and erythrina foliages fed to growing pigs

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    International audienceIleal digestibility in growing pigs fed starch-based diets with inclusion of four tropical leaves in a meal form was studied in a 5 Ă— 5 Latin square design. Five diets were formulated with only casein as protein source in the basal diet (CAS), and casein plus dry cassava (CA) leaves, casein plus dry sweet potato (SP) leaves, casein plus dry cocoyam (CO) leaves and casein plus erythrina (ER) leaves in the other four diets. All diets contained the same amount of CP (14%), either provided by only CAS or a combination of casein and 250 g of leaf meal per kg of diet in the other diets. Leaves were separated manually from stems, and only the leaf part was used. A protein-free diet was fed during a sixth period in order to estimate the endogenous protein losses and calculate the CP- and amino-acid (AA)-standardized ileal digestibility (SID) values. The values for the foliages were calculated according to the difference method, assuming no interaction between the foliage and the casein. The ileal tract apparent digestibility of CP, organic matter and energy was higher in diet CAS than in the other diets (P < 0.05). The SID of CP and AA was close to 0.950 for casein, whereas the SID of AA was markedly lower in the foliages; the SID of indispensable and dispensable AA was highest in CO (0.500 and 0.352) and lowest in ER (0.170 and 0.195); intermediate values were obtained for SPs (0.367 and 0.349) and CA (0.232 and 0.242) leaves. Accordingly, the SID of lysine was highest (0.538) for CO leaves and lowest (0.126) in ER leaves; intermediate values were measured for CA and SP leaves. These low SID values in foliage meals must be related to the high levels of dietary fibre and the presence of secondary metabolites (tannins). These results suggest that it is only possible to replace a fraction of the conventional protein sources such as soyabean meal by tropical foliages in growing pig diets with a preference for CO leaves

    Valeur énergétique de la graine de lin chez le porc : impact de la technologie de cuisson-extrusion

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    Session : Alimentaion, A08National audienceLinseed is used in pig feeds, particularly as a source of omega 3 fatty acids. However, before inclusion in compound feeds, linseed is generally extruded in association with starch and/or fibre rich ingredients used as a support (SU) for absorbing fat. The objective of the digestibility trial conducted on 60 kg body weight pigs was to measure the energy value and digestibility of nutrients of SU and SU associated with either ground linseed or extruded linseed; two extrusion procedures were compared. Digestibility coefficients of linseed were calculated according to the difference method. Energy digestibility of ground linseed (50%) was considerably lower than after extrusion (76 and 84% for the two extrusion procedures). This lower digestibility in ground linseed was associated with a low digestibility of fat (51 vs 81 and 90% in extruded linseed). Consequently, the DE content of linseed for growing pigs averaged 14.0 or 21.0 and 23.1 MJ per kg of dry matter for ground or extruded linseed, respectively. Corresponding ME and NE values and energy values for adult pigs are proposed. Our study emphasizes the technical and economical interest of extrusion in order to maximize the availability of crude fat of linseed for pigs. The differences in digestibility coefficients between the two extrusion procedures suggest that the extrusion parameters must be optimized in order to maximize availability of fat and energy value of linseed.La graine de lin est utilisée dans l’alimentation du porc, en particulier en raison de sa richesse en acides gras oméga 3. Pour être introduite dans les aliments, elle est généralement extrudée et, compte tenu de sa richesse en lipides, en association avec des matières premières riches en amidon et/ou en parois végétales utilisées alors comme support (SU). L’essai de digestibilité conduit sur des porcs de 60 kg a alors eu pour objectif de mesurer la valeur énergétique et les coefficients de digestibilité de SU et de SU associé à de la graine de lin broyée ou extrudée ; deux procédés d’extrusion ont été appliqués. Les digestibilités de la graine de lin sont calculées à l’aide de la méthode par différence. Le coefficient de digestibilité de l’énergie de la graine de lin broyée (51 %) est très inférieur à celui des graines extrudées (76 % et 84 %). Cette moindre digestibilité est essentiellement liée à une faible digestibilité des matières grasses de la graine broyée (51 % vs 81 % et 90 % pour les graines extrudées). Exprimées relativement à la matière sèche, les teneurs en ED de la graine de lin broyée ou extrudée sont alors de 14,0 ou 21,0 et 23,1 MJ/kg chez le porc en croissance. Les valeurs EM et EN correspondantes ainsi que les valeurs énergétiques pour le porc adulte sont estimées. Les résultats mettent en évidence la nécessité d’un traitement thermique et/ou mécanique de la graine de lin afin que les matières grasses qu’elle contient soient disponibles pour le porc. Les différences entre les deux procédés de cuisson extrusion appliqués dans notre étude suggèrent d’optimiser le process pour que la disponibilité des matières grasses et ensuite la valeur énergétique soient maximales

    Valeur énergétique de la graine de lin chez le porc : impact de la technologie de cuisson-extrusion

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    Session : Alimentaion, A08National audienceLinseed is used in pig feeds, particularly as a source of omega 3 fatty acids. However, before inclusion in compound feeds, linseed is generally extruded in association with starch and/or fibre rich ingredients used as a support (SU) for absorbing fat. The objective of the digestibility trial conducted on 60 kg body weight pigs was to measure the energy value and digestibility of nutrients of SU and SU associated with either ground linseed or extruded linseed; two extrusion procedures were compared. Digestibility coefficients of linseed were calculated according to the difference method. Energy digestibility of ground linseed (50%) was considerably lower than after extrusion (76 and 84% for the two extrusion procedures). This lower digestibility in ground linseed was associated with a low digestibility of fat (51 vs 81 and 90% in extruded linseed). Consequently, the DE content of linseed for growing pigs averaged 14.0 or 21.0 and 23.1 MJ per kg of dry matter for ground or extruded linseed, respectively. Corresponding ME and NE values and energy values for adult pigs are proposed. Our study emphasizes the technical and economical interest of extrusion in order to maximize the availability of crude fat of linseed for pigs. The differences in digestibility coefficients between the two extrusion procedures suggest that the extrusion parameters must be optimized in order to maximize availability of fat and energy value of linseed.La graine de lin est utilisée dans l’alimentation du porc, en particulier en raison de sa richesse en acides gras oméga 3. Pour être introduite dans les aliments, elle est généralement extrudée et, compte tenu de sa richesse en lipides, en association avec des matières premières riches en amidon et/ou en parois végétales utilisées alors comme support (SU). L’essai de digestibilité conduit sur des porcs de 60 kg a alors eu pour objectif de mesurer la valeur énergétique et les coefficients de digestibilité de SU et de SU associé à de la graine de lin broyée ou extrudée ; deux procédés d’extrusion ont été appliqués. Les digestibilités de la graine de lin sont calculées à l’aide de la méthode par différence. Le coefficient de digestibilité de l’énergie de la graine de lin broyée (51 %) est très inférieur à celui des graines extrudées (76 % et 84 %). Cette moindre digestibilité est essentiellement liée à une faible digestibilité des matières grasses de la graine broyée (51 % vs 81 % et 90 % pour les graines extrudées). Exprimées relativement à la matière sèche, les teneurs en ED de la graine de lin broyée ou extrudée sont alors de 14,0 ou 21,0 et 23,1 MJ/kg chez le porc en croissance. Les valeurs EM et EN correspondantes ainsi que les valeurs énergétiques pour le porc adulte sont estimées. Les résultats mettent en évidence la nécessité d’un traitement thermique et/ou mécanique de la graine de lin afin que les matières grasses qu’elle contient soient disponibles pour le porc. Les différences entre les deux procédés de cuisson extrusion appliqués dans notre étude suggèrent d’optimiser le process pour que la disponibilité des matières grasses et ensuite la valeur énergétique soient maximales