65 research outputs found

    Dierenwelzijn in de melkveehouderij : toekomstbeelden, probleempercepties en oplossingsrichtingen

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    Dit project richt zich op het concretiseren van de probleemperceptie en toekomstbeelden over dierenwelzijn van partijen in en rondom de melkveehouderij, evenals het bepalen van de mate van overeenstemming in oplossingsrichtingen die aangeven hoe de verbetering van dierenwelzijn in Nederland de komende 15 jaar zou kunnen verbetere

    Het gezonde van biologisch voedsel: de beleving van consumenten

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    On the basis of a literature study, group interviews and an online questionnaire, an investigation was carried out into what light users - people who occasionally buy organic products - believe makes food in general - and organic food in particular - health

    The relationship between extracurricular activities assessed during selection and during medical school and performance

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    Several medical schools include candidates’ extracurricular activities in their selection procedure, with promising results regarding their predictive value for achievement during the clinical years of medical school. This study aims to reveal whether the better achievement in clinical training of students selected on the basis of their extracurricular activities could be explained by persistent participation in extracurricular activities during medical school (msECAs). Lottery-admitted and selected student admission groups were compared on their participation in three types of msECAs: (1) research master, (2) important board positions or (3) additional degree programme. Logistic regression was used to measure the effect of admission group on participation in any msECA, adjusted for pre-university GPA. Two-way ANCOVA was used to examine the inter-relationships between admission group, participation in msECAs and clerkship grade, with pre-university GPA as covariate. Significantly more selected students compared to lottery-admitted students participated in any msECA. Participation in msECAs was associated with a higher pre-university GPA for lottery-admitted students only, whereas participation in msECAs was associated with higher clerkship grades for selected students only. These results suggest that persistent participation in extracurricular activities of selected students favours better clinical achievement, supporting the inclusion of ECAs in the selection procedure. More insight in the rationale behind participation in extracurricular activities during medical school may explain differences found between lottery-admitted and selected students

    Leven om te eten : Surinaamse en Antilliaanse vrouwen over eten, bewegen en overgewicht

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    In dit onderzoek is op basis van literatuurstudie en kwalitatief onderzoek meer inzicht verkregen in verklaringen voor het meer vóórkomen van overgewicht en obesitas bij vrouwen met een Surinaamse en Antilliaanse afkomst. Op basis van deze inzichten wordt een aantal aanbevelingen afgeleid voor overheidscommunicatie over overgewicht en obesitas richting vrouwen met deze afkomst

    Winkelkeuze van biologische kopers : onderzoek onder consumenten en ondernemers

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    This study describes how health food stores can reinforce their market position and reveal further growth potential within this retail channel. Through a qualitative and quantitative study among consumers, we looked at purches pattern and motives of heavy users and light users of organic products who are both customers and non customers of the health food store. Associations with the health food store and supermarket were compared and the main areas distinguishing health food stores are described. Retailers were also interviewed in order to discover whether consumer perception corresponded with that of the retaile

    Concurrentiemonitor groente

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    Methodologisch raamwerk voor het meten van concurrentiekracht op landenniveau en sectorniveau. De keuze van de factoren die de concurrentiekracht bepalen, zijn grotendeels ontleend aan de theorie van de internationale economie. De versegroentesector wordt beschreven vanaf toelevering tot en met de consument. In de studie wordt Nederland vergeleken met zes andere EU-landen waaronder de belangrijkste productielanden en afzetlanden. De analyse van de versegroentesector wordt voorafgegaan met een beschrijving van de economische en demografische ontwikkelingen. This report reviews a methodological framework for the measurement of competitiveness at national and sector levels. The choice of the factors determining competitiveness is largely based on international economic theory. The model describes the fresh vegetable sector; it extends from supply right through to purchases by consumers. The study compares the Netherlands with six other EU member states, including the major production countries and the major markets. The analysis of the fresh vegetable sector is preceded by a review of economic and demographic developments

    The Amsterdam wrist rules: The multicenter prospective derivation and external validation of a clinical decision rule for the use of radiography in acute wrist trauma

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    Background: Although only 39 % of patients with wrist trauma have sustained a fracture, the majority of patients is routinely referred for radiography. The purpose of this study was to derive and externally validate a clinical decision rule that selects patients with acute wrist trauma in the Emergency Department (ED) for radiography. Methods: This multicenter prospective study consisted of three components: (1) derivation of a clinical prediction model for detecting wrist fractures in patients following wrist trauma; (2) external validation of this model; and (3) design of a clinical decision rule. The study was conducted in the EDs of five Dutch hospitals: one academic hospital (derivation cohort) and four regional hospitals (external validation cohort). We included all adult patients with acute wrist trauma. The main outcome was fracture of the wrist (distal radius, distal ulna or carpal bones) diagnosed on conventional X-rays. Results: A total of 882 patients were analyzed; 487 in the derivation cohort and 395 in the validation cohort. We derived a clinical prediction model with eight variables: age; sex, swelling of the wrist; swelling of the anatomical snuffbox, visible deformation; distal radius tender to palpation; pain on radial deviation and painful axial compression of the thumb. The Area Under the Curve at external validation of this model was 0.81 (95 % CI: 0.77-0.85). The sensitivity and specificity of the Amsterdam Wrist Rules (AWR) in the external validation cohort were 98 % (95 % CI: 95-99 %) and 21 % (95 % CI: 15 %-28). The negative predictive value was 90 % (95 % CI: 81-99 %). Conclusions: The Amsterdam Wrist Rules is a clinical prediction rule with a high sensitivity and negative predictive value for fractures of the wrist. Although external validation showed low specificity and 100 % sensitivity could not be achieved, the Amsterdam Wrist Rules can provide physicians in the Emergency Department with a useful screening tool to select patients with acute wrist trauma for radiography. The upcoming implementation study will further reveal the impact of the Amsterdam Wrist Rules on the anticipated reduction of X-rays requested, missed fractures, Emergency Department waiting times and health care costs. Trial registration: This study was registered in the Dutch Trial Registry, reference number NTR2544 on October 1st, 2010

    A clinical decision rule for the use of plain radiography in children after acute wrist injury: development and external validation of the Amsterdam Pediatric Wrist Rules

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    Background: In most hospitals, children with acute wrist trauma are routinely referred for radiography. Objective: To develop and validate a clinical decision rule to decide whether radiography in children with wrist trauma is required. Materials and methods: We prospectively developed and validated a clinical decision rule in two study populations. All children who presented in the emergency department of four hospitals with pain following wrist trauma were included and evaluated for 18 clinical variables. The outcome was a wrist fracture diagnosed by plain radiography. Results: Included in the study were 787 children. The prediction model consisted of six variables: age, swelling of the distal radius, visible deformation, distal radius tender to palpation, anatomical snuffbox tender to palpation, and painful or abnormal supination. The model showed an area under the receiver operator characteristics curve of 0.79 (95% CI: 0.76-0.83). The sensitivity and specificity were 95.9% and 37.3%, respectively. The use of this model would have resulted in a 22% absolute reduction of radiographic examinations. In a validation study, 7/170 fractures (4.1%, 95% CI: 1.7-8.3%) would have been missed using the decision model. Conclusion: The decision model may be a valuable tool to decide whether radiography in children after wrist trauma is required

    Dependence of calculated binding energies and widths of η\eta-mesic nuclei on treatment of subthreshold η\eta-nucleon interaction

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    We demonstrate that the binding energies and widths of eta-mesic nuclei depend strongly on subthreshold eta-N interaction. This strong dependence is made evident from comparing three different eta-nucleus optical potentials: (1) a microscopic optical potential taking into account the full effects of off-shell eta-nucleon interactions; (2) a factorization approximation to the microscopic optical potential where a downward energy shift parameter is introduced to approximate the subthreshold eta-nucleon interaction; and (3) an optical potential using on-shell eta-nucleon scattering length as the interaction input. Our analysis indicates that the in-medium η\etaN interaction for bound-state formation is about 30 MeV below the free-space η\etaN threshold, which causes a substantial reduction of the attractive force between the η\eta and nucleon with respect to that implied by the scattering length. Consequently, the scattering-length approach overpredicts the binding energies and caution must be exercised when these latter predictions are used as guide in searching for η\eta-nucleus bound states. We also show that final-state-interaction analysis cannot provide an unequivocal determination of the existence of η\eta-nucleus bound state. More direct measurements are, therefore, necessary.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur