372 research outputs found

    Where are the missing members of the baryon antidecuplet?

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    We analyze what consequences has the observation of exotic pentaquark baryons on the location of the non-exotic baryons belonging to the antidecuplet. We suggest that there must be a new nucleon state at 1650-1690 MeV and a new Sigma baryon at 1760-1810 MeV.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Missing reference adde

    On V_ud determination from kaon decays

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    The pion beta decay pi^+ -> pi^0 e^+ nu proceeds through pure weak vector hadronic currents and, therefore, the theoretical prediction for it is more reliable than for the processes with axial-vector current contribution. For example, recently the pion beta decay has been used for V_ud determination. The main aim of this letter is to point that kaon beta decay K^0 -> K^+(pi^+ pi^0) e^- nu-bar analogously can be used for this purpose.Comment: 3 pages, no figures, one reference adde

    Pentaquark as Kaon-Nucleon Resonance

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    Several recent experiments have reported evidence for a narrow feature in the K(+)-neutron system, an apparent resonant state ~ 100 MeV above threshold and with a width < 25 MeV. This state has been labelled as Theta(+) (previously as Z(*)), and because of the implied inclusion of a anti-strange quark, is referred to as a pentaquark, that is, five quarks within a single bag. We present an alternative explanation for such a structure, as a higher angular momentum resonance in the isospin zero K(+) -N system. One might call this an exit channel or a molecular resonance. In a non-relativistic potential model we find a possible candidate for the kaon-nucleon system with relative angular momentum L=3, while L=1 and 2 states possess centrifugal barriers too low to confine the kaon and nucleon in a narrow state at an energy so high above threshold. A rather strong state-dependence in the potential is essential, however, for eliminating an observable L=2 resonance at lower energies.Comment: 4 page

    Spectrum of the Y=2 Pentaquarks

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    By assuming a mass formula for the spectrum of the Y=2 pentaquarks, where the chromo-magnetic interaction plays a main role, and identifying the lightest state with the Theta^+(1540), we predict a spectrum in good agreement with the few I=0 and I=1 candidates proposed in the past.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, LaTe

    Temperature and Polarization Patterns in Anisotropic Cosmologies

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    We study the coherent temperature and polarization patterns produced in homogeneous but anisotropic cosmological models. We show results for all Bianchi types with a Friedman-Robertson-Walker limit (i.e. Types I, V, VII0_{0}, VIIh_{h} and IX) to illustrate the range of possible behaviour. We discuss the role of spatial curvature, shear and rotation in the geodesic equations for each model and establish some basic results concerning the symmetries of the patterns produced. We also give examples of the time-evolution of these patterns in terms of the Stokes parameters II, QQ and UU.Comment: 24 pages, 7 Figures, submitted to JCAP. Revised version: numerous references added, text rewritten, and errors corrected

    Subthreshold dynamics of the neural membrane potential driven by stochastic synaptic input

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    In the cerebral cortex, neurons are subject to a continuous bombardment of synaptic inputs originating from the network's background activity. This leads to ongoing, mostly subthreshold membrane dynamics that depends on the statistics of the background activity and of the synapses made on a neuron. Subthreshold membrane polarization is, in turn, a potent modulator of neural responses. The present paper analyzes the subthreshold dynamics of the neural membrane potential driven by synaptic inputs of stationary statistics. Synaptic inputs are considered in linear interaction. The analysis identifies regimes of input statistics which give rise to stationary, fluctuating, oscillatory, and unstable dynamics. In particular, I show that (i) mere noise inputs can drive the membrane potential into sustained, quasiperiodic oscillations (noise-driven oscillations), in the absence of a stimulus-derived, intraneural, or network pacemaker; (ii) adding hyperpolarizing to depolarizing synaptic input can increase neural activity (hyperpolarization-induced activity), in the absence of hyperpolarization-activated currents

    Light-Front Approach for Pentaquark Strong Decays

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    Assuming the two diquark structure for the pentaquark state as advocated in the Jaffe-Wilczek model, we study the strong decays of light and heavy parity-even pentaquark states using the light-front quark model in conjunction with the spectator approximation. The narrowness of the Theta width is ascribed to the p-wave configuration of the diquark pair. Taking the Theta width as a benchmark, we estimate the rates of the strong decays Xi_{3/2}-- to Xi- pi-, Sigma- K-, Sigma_{5c}0 to D_s- p, D_{s0}*- p and Xi_{5c}0 to D_s- Sigma+, D_{s0}^{*-} Sigma+ with Sigma_{5c} Xi_{5c} being antisextet charmed pentaquarks and D_{s0}* a scalar strange charmed meson. The ratio of Gamma(P_c to Baryon D_{s0}*)/Gamma(P_c to Baryon D_s) is very useful for verifying the parity of the antisextet charmed pentaquark P_c. It is expected to be of order unity for an even parity P_c and much less than one for an odd parity pentaquark.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Kaon-Nucleon Scattering Amplitudes and Z^*-Enhancements from Quark Born Diagrams

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    We derive closed form kaon-nucleon scattering amplitudes using the ``quark Born diagram" formalism, which describes the scattering as a single interaction (here the OGE spin-spin term) followed by quark line rearrangement. The low energy I=0 and I=1 S-wave KN phase shifts are in reasonably good agreement with experiment given conventional quark model parameters. For klab>0.7k_{lab}> 0.7 Gev however the I=1 elastic phase shift is larger than predicted by Gaussian wavefunctions, and we suggest possible reasons for this discrepancy. Equivalent low energy KN potentials for S-wave scattering are also derived. Finally we consider OGE forces in the related channels KΔ\Delta, K^*N and KΔ^*\Delta, and determine which have attractive interactions and might therefore exhibit strong threshold enhancements or ``Z^*-molecule" meson-baryon bound states. We find that the minimum-spin, minimum-isospin channels and two additional KΔ^*\Delta channels are most conducive to the formation of bound states. Related interesting topics for future experimental and theoretical studies of KN interactions are also discussed.Comment: 34 pages, figures available from the authors, revte

    Some (further) Comments on the Theta(1540) Pentaquark

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    Additional broader I=0 states in the KN channel near Θ+\Theta^+(1540) are expected in many models, making the absence of any signature in the K+^+-deuteron scattering data even more puzzling. In an ideal "three-body" picture the Θ\Theta is viewed as two compact ud(1)ud(2) 3ˉ\bar{3} color diquarks and an sˉ\bar{s} quark. A "QCD-type" inequality involving m(Θ+),m(Λ)m(\Theta^+), m(\Lambda), the mass of the Λ(1/2)\Lambda(1/2^-) L=1 excitation and that of a new I=0 tetraquark vector meson then follows. The inequality suggests a very light new vector meson, and is violated. We note that "associated production" of the pentaquark with another quadriquark or anti-pentaquark may be favored. This along with some estimates of the actual production cross sections suggest that the Θ\Theta can be found in BaBar or Belle e+^+-e^- colliders.Comment: 6 page

    Z^* Resonances: Phenomenology and Models

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    We explore the phenomenology of, and models for, the Z^* resonances, the lowest of which is now well established, and called the Theta. We provide an overview of three models which have been proposed to explain its existence and/or its small width, and point out other relevant predictions, and potential problems, for each. The relation to what is known about KN scattering, including possible resonance signals in other channels, is also discussed.Comment: 29 pages, uses RevTeX4; expanded version (published form