75 research outputs found

    Hybrid teleportation via entangled coherent states in circuit quantum electrodynamics

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    We propose a deterministic scheme for teleporting an unknown qubit through continuous-variable entangled states in superconducting circuits. The qubit is a superconducting two-level system and the bipartite quantum channel is a photonic entangled coherent state between two cavities. A Bell-type measurement performed on the hybrid state of solid and photonic states brings a discrete-variable unknown electronic state to a continuous-variable photonic cat state in a cavity mode. This scheme further enables applications for quantum information processing in the same architecture of circuit-QED such as verification and error-detection schemes for entangled coherent states. Finally, a dynamical method of a self-Kerr tunability in a cavity state has been investigated for minimizing self-Kerr distortion and all essential ingredients are shown to be experimentally feasible with the state of the art superconducting circuits.Comment: 9 pages and 5 figure

    Designing Kerr interactions using multiple superconducting qubit types in a single circuit

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    The engineering of Kerr interactions has great potential for quantum information processing applications in multipartite quantum systems and for investigation of many-body physics in a complex cavity-qubit network. We study how coupling multiple different types of superconducting qubits to the same cavity modes can be used to modify the self- and cross-Kerr effects acting on the cavities and demonstrate that this type of architecture could be of significant benefit for quantum technologies. Using both analytical perturbation theory results and numerical simulations, we first show that coupling two superconducting qubits with opposite anharmonicities to a single cavity enables the effective self-Kerr interaction to be diminished, while retaining the number splitting effect that enables control and measurement of the cavity field. We demonstrate that this reduction of the self-Kerr effect can maintain the fidelity of coherent states and generalised Schr\"{o}dinger cat states for much longer than typical coherence times in realistic devices. Next, we find that the cross-Kerr interaction between two cavities can be modified by coupling them both to the same pair of qubit devices. When one of the qubits is tunable in frequency, the strength of entangling interactions between the cavities can be varied on demand, forming the basis for logic operations on the two modes. Finally, we discuss the feasibility of producing an array of cavities and qubits where intermediary and on-site qubits can tune the strength of self- and cross-Kerr interactions across the whole system. This architecture could provide a way to engineer interesting many-body Hamiltonians and a useful platform for quantum simulation in circuit quantum electrodynamics

    Simulating quantum backflow on a quantum computer

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    Quantum backflow is a counterintuitive effect in which the probability density of a free particle moves in the direction opposite to the particle's momentum. If the particle is electrically charged, then the effect can be viewed as the contrast between the direction of electric current and that of the momentum. To date, there has been no direct experimental observation of quantum backflow. However, the effect has been simulated numerically (using classical computers) and optically (using classical light). In this study, we present the first simulation of quantum backflow using a real quantum computer.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    The Moderating Effect Of Product Market Competition In The Relationship Between Advertising Expenditures And Sales

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    While the relationship between advertising expenditures and sales has been much discussed, whether product market competition affects their relationship has been little examined. We address this question by analyzing the financial performance data of 6,018 companies for 14 years (1997-2011). Our data analysis supports two hypotheses that (1) increasing advertising expenditures increase sales in the subsequent year and that (2) this effect is stronger when the product market competition is high than when it is low. Our findings advance the academic understanding of advertising effect as well as provide practical implications to advertising managers

    Entanglement of three-qubit pure states in terms of teleportation capability

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    We define an entanglement measure, called the partial tangle, which represents the residual two-qubit entanglement of a three-qubit pure state. By its explicit calculations for three-qubit pure states, we show that the partial tangle is closely related to the faithfulness of a teleportation scheme over a three-qubit pure state.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication as a Brief Report in Physical Review

    Teleportation capability, distillability, and nonlocality on three-qubit states

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    In this paper, we consider teleportation capability, distillability, and nonlocality on three-qubit states. In order to investigate some relations among them, we first find the explicit formulas of the quantities about the maximal teleportation fidelity on three-qubit states. We show that if any three-qubit state is useful for three-qubit teleportation then the three-qubit state is distillable into a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state, and that if any three-qubit state violates a specific form of Mermin inequality then the three-qubit state is useful for three-qubit teleportation.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; The old version has been generalized into the results on general 3-qubit state