182 research outputs found

    Visual Programming for Text-to-Image Generation and Evaluation

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    As large language models have demonstrated impressive performance in many domains, recent works have adopted language models (LMs) as controllers of visual modules for vision-and-language tasks. While existing work focuses on equipping LMs with visual understanding, we propose two novel interpretable/explainable visual programming frameworks for text-to-image (T2I) generation and evaluation. First, we introduce VPGen, an interpretable step-by-step T2I generation framework that decomposes T2I generation into three steps: object/count generation, layout generation, and image generation. We employ an LM to handle the first two steps (object/count generation and layout generation), by finetuning it on text-layout pairs. Our step-by-step T2I generation framework provides stronger spatial control than end-to-end models, the dominant approach for this task. Furthermore, we leverage the world knowledge of pretrained LMs, overcoming the limitation of previous layout-guided T2I works that can only handle predefined object classes. We demonstrate that our VPGen has improved control in counts/spatial relations/scales of objects than state-of-the-art T2I generation models. Second, we introduce VPEval, an interpretable and explainable evaluation framework for T2I generation based on visual programming. Unlike previous T2I evaluations with a single scoring model that is accurate in some skills but unreliable in others, VPEval produces evaluation programs that invoke a set of visual modules that are experts in different skills, and also provides visual+textual explanations of the evaluation results. Our analysis shows VPEval provides a more human-correlated evaluation for skill-specific and open-ended prompts than widely used single model-based evaluation. We hope our work encourages future progress on interpretable/explainable generation and evaluation for T2I models. Website: https://vp-t2i.github.ioComment: 18 pages; Project website: https://vp-t2i.github.i

    Perceiver-VL: Efficient Vision-and-Language Modeling with Iterative Latent Attention

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    We present Perceiver-VL, a vision-and-language framework that efficiently handles high-dimensional multimodal inputs such as long videos and text. Powered by the iterative latent cross-attention of Perceiver, our framework scales with linear complexity, in contrast to the quadratic complexity of self-attention used in many state-of-the-art transformer-based models. To further improve the efficiency of our framework, we also study applying LayerDrop on cross-attention layers and introduce a mixed-stream architecture for cross-modal retrieval. We evaluate Perceiver-VL on diverse video-text and image-text benchmarks, where Perceiver-VL achieves the lowest GFLOPs and latency while maintaining competitive performance. In addition, we also provide comprehensive analyses of various aspects of our framework, including pretraining data, scalability of latent size and input size, dropping cross-attention layers at inference to reduce latency, modality aggregation strategy, positional encoding, and weight initialization strategy. Our code and checkpoints are available at: https://github.com/zinengtang/Perceiver_VLComment: WACV 2023 (first two authors contributed equally

    DiagrammerGPT: Generating Open-Domain, Open-Platform Diagrams via LLM Planning

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    Text-to-image (T2I) generation has seen significant growth over the past few years. Despite this, there has been little work on generating diagrams with T2I models. A diagram is a symbolic/schematic representation that explains information using structurally rich and spatially complex visualizations (e.g., a dense combination of related objects, text labels, directional arrows, connection lines, etc.). Existing state-of-the-art T2I models often fail at diagram generation because they lack fine-grained object layout control when many objects are densely connected via complex relations such as arrows/lines and also often fail to render comprehensible text labels. To address this gap, we present DiagrammerGPT, a novel two-stage text-to-diagram generation framework that leverages the layout guidance capabilities of LLMs (e.g., GPT-4) to generate more accurate open-domain, open-platform diagrams. In the first stage, we use LLMs to generate and iteratively refine 'diagram plans' (in a planner-auditor feedback loop) which describe all the entities (objects and text labels), their relationships (arrows or lines), and their bounding box layouts. In the second stage, we use a diagram generator, DiagramGLIGEN, and a text label rendering module to generate diagrams following the diagram plans. To benchmark the text-to-diagram generation task, we introduce AI2D-Caption, a densely annotated diagram dataset built on top of the AI2D dataset. We show quantitatively and qualitatively that our DiagrammerGPT framework produces more accurate diagrams, outperforming existing T2I models. We also provide comprehensive analysis including open-domain diagram generation, vector graphic diagram generation in different platforms, human-in-the-loop diagram plan editing, and multimodal planner/auditor LLMs (e.g., GPT-4Vision). We hope our work can inspire further research on diagram generation via T2I models and LLMs.Comment: Project page: https://diagrammerGPT.github.io

    VideoDirectorGPT: Consistent Multi-scene Video Generation via LLM-Guided Planning

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    Although recent text-to-video (T2V) generation methods have seen significant advancements, most of these works focus on producing short video clips of a single event with a single background (i.e., single-scene videos). Meanwhile, recent large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated their capability in generating layouts and programs to control downstream visual modules such as image generation models. This raises an important question: can we leverage the knowledge embedded in these LLMs for temporally consistent long video generation? In this paper, we propose VideoDirectorGPT, a novel framework for consistent multi-scene video generation that uses the knowledge of LLMs for video content planning and grounded video generation. Specifically, given a single text prompt, we first ask our video planner LLM (GPT-4) to expand it into a 'video plan', which involves generating the scene descriptions, the entities with their respective layouts, the background for each scene, and consistency groupings of the entities and backgrounds. Next, guided by this output from the video planner, our video generator, Layout2Vid, has explicit control over spatial layouts and can maintain temporal consistency of entities/backgrounds across scenes, while only trained with image-level annotations. Our experiments demonstrate that VideoDirectorGPT framework substantially improves layout and movement control in both single- and multi-scene video generation and can generate multi-scene videos with visual consistency across scenes, while achieving competitive performance with SOTAs in open-domain single-scene T2V generation. We also demonstrate that our framework can dynamically control the strength for layout guidance and can also generate videos with user-provided images. We hope our framework can inspire future work on better integrating the planning ability of LLMs into consistent long video generation.Comment: Project page: https://videodirectorgpt.github.i

    Disentangling Structure and Style: Political Bias Detection in News by Inducing Document Hierarchy

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    We address an important gap in detection of political bias in news articles. Previous works that perform supervised document classification can be biased towards the writing style of each news outlet, leading to overfitting and limited generalizability. Our approach overcomes this limitation by considering both the sentence-level semantics and the document-level rhetorical structure, resulting in a more robust and style-agnostic approach to detecting political bias in news articles. We introduce a novel multi-head hierarchical attention model that effectively encodes the structure of long documents through a diverse ensemble of attention heads. While journalism follows a formalized rhetorical structure, the writing style may vary by news outlet. We demonstrate that our method overcomes this domain dependency and outperforms previous approaches for robustness and accuracy. Further analysis demonstrates the ability of our model to capture the discourse structures commonly used in the journalism domain.Comment: Preprint. Under revie
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