5,753 research outputs found

    The economic opportunities and constraints of green growth

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    노트 : Asie.Visions is an electronic publication dedicated to Asia. With contributions by French and international experts, Asie.Visions deals with economic, strategic, and political issues. The collection aims to contribute to the global debate and to a better understanding of the regional issues at stake. It is published in French and/or in English and upholds Ifri’s standards of quality (editing and anonymous peerreview)

    Strategy for the Cultural Contents Industry to Secure Competitive Advantage Using Fourth Industrial Revolution Technology

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    With the coming of the fourth industrial revolution, cultural contents industry requires a new strategy to enhance its competitive advantages. As a result, governments and companies have been focusing their efforts on finding new business models and expanding the value chain in order to respond to the paradigm shift in a timely manner. This study aims to suggest new business model frameworks and strategies to create a paradigm shift by converging the characteristics of the fourth industrial revolution and cultural contents industry such as publishing, game, broadcasting, and character industry. First, we discuss how to upgrade cultural contents industry with the fourth industrial revolution technology and then suggest new contents business models and the change of value chain in the cultural contents industry. Finally, we consider strategies of innovation process development in the cultural contents industry. This study will contribute not only to economic policy-making but also to the business strategy of the company

    Evaluation of a specific diagnostic marker for rheumatoid arthritis based on cyclic citrullinated peptide

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    AbstractA specific peptide marker for diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) was found based on cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) using the following three steps: (1) analysis of the binding epitope of autoimmune antibodies using ϵ-aminocaproic acid-modified peptides; (2) RA diagnosis using sequence-modified peptides; and (3) evaluation of the peptides’ diagnostic performance for RA diagnosis. Ninety-five serum samples were analyzed by ELISA and compared using MedCalc (version 15.2.1). Microplate binding ϵ-aminocaproic acid was added to the N- or C-terminal of the CCP sequence. The N-terminal anchoring peptide assay showed 15% higher specificity compared with the C-terminal anchoring peptide assay. Based on this result, the hydrophilic C-terminal sequence of CCP was substituted with a hydrophobic amino acid. Among the sequence-modified peptides, CCP11A (in which alanine was substituted for the 11th amino acid of CCP) assay showed the highest sensitivity (87%) and specificity (100%) for RA diagnosis. Thus, CCP11A was selected as a possible specific marker peptide for RA diagnosis and further analyzed. The results of this analysis indicated that CCP11A showed better specificity than the CCP assay in both healthy individuals (11% better) and OA cohort (20% better). From these results, CCP11A was evaluated as a specific marker for diagnosing RA with higher diagnostic performance

    Isolation and characterization of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli with autodisplayed Z-domains

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    Abstract“Autodisplay technology” is an expression technique used to display the various recombinant proteins on the outer membrane (OM) of Escherichia coli. The resulting autodisplayed Z-domain has been used to improve the sensitivity of immunoassays. In this work, a facile isolation method of the OM fraction of E. coli with autodisplayed Z-domains was presented using (1) an enzyme reaction for the hydrolysis of the peptidoglycan layer and (2) short centrifugation steps. The purity of the isolated OM fraction was analyzed. For the estimation of contamination with bacterial proteins from other parts of E. coli, Western blots of marker proteins for the OM (OmpA), periplasm (β-lactamase), inner membrane (SecA), and cytoplasm (β-galactosidase) were performed. Additionally, assays of marker components or enzymes from each part of E. coli were carried out including the OM (KDO), inner membrane (NADH oxidase), periplasm (β-lactamase), and cytoplasm (β-galactosidase). The yield of OM isolation using this new method was determined to be 80% of the total OM amount, with less than 1% being contaminants from other parts of E. coli

    Morphology and Molecular Phylogeny of Pseudouroleptus jejuensis nov. spec., a New Soil Ciliate (Ciliophora, Spirotrichea) from South Korea

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    A new soil ciliate, Pseudouroleptus jejuensis, was discovered from Jeju Island, South Korea and described based on live observation, protargol impregnation, and SSU rRNA gene sequence analyses. Pseudouroleptus jejuensis differs from other congeneric species mainly by number of dorsal kineties (5 vs. 4). Based on our observation of late dividers, we confirm that the dorsal kinety anlage 3 forms 3 kineties (i.e., dorsal kineties 3–5), and the dorsal kinety anlagen 1–3 form 3–5/1–2/0 caudal cirri, respectively. Our gene trees support the assignment of this new species in Pseudouroleptus to full supporting values

    Redescription of Two Urostylid Ciliates (Ciliophora: Urostylida), Anteholosticha pulchra and Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae from Korea

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    Two urostylid ciliates, Anteholosticha pulchra (Kahl, 1932) Berger, 2003 and Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae Shao et al., 2008, new to Korea, were collected from the Yellow Sea and the East Sea, Korea, respectively. They were identified based on live observation and protargol impregnation. Taxonomical characters of A. pulchra are as follows: 190-300×30-55 μm size in vivo; contractile vacuole located on the left side of the posterior 1/4 of the cell; spherical-reddish granules at cirral bases and around dorsal bristles, somewhat sparsely distributed throughout the cell surface; four frontal and two frontoterminal cirri; four dorsal kineties; caudal cirri absent. Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae is characterized as follows: 80-110×40-50 μm size in vivo; caudal cirri absent; two types of cortical granules: type 1, yellow-green arranged along the ventral cirral rows and dorsal kineties; type 2, small and reddish, with an irregular arrangement; four frontal, four to eight frontoterminal, and two to six transverse cirri; five to seven left and three to five right marginal rows. Sequences of small subunit ribosomal DNA were determined from both species, and pairwise distances with their relatives were analyzed

    Analysis of Building Energy Savings Potential for Metal Panel Curtain Wall Building by Reducing Thermal Bridges at Joints Between Panels

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    AbstractTo achieve national greenhouse gas reduction in the building sector, heating and cooling energy in buildings should be reduced. The government has strengthened regulations on insulation performance for building energy savings. However, the building envelope has various thermal bridges. In particular, a metal panel curtain wall comprises a number of thermal bridges at joints between the panels and the fixing units, thus degrading the overall thermal performance. To reduce building energy, it is necessary to reduce thermal bridges in building envelopes. This study aims to analyze the energy saving potential achieved by reducing thermal bridges. For this, the insulation performance and building energy needs of the existing and alternative metal panel curtain wall were evaluated. The alternative metal panel curtain wall that uses plastic molds at joints between panels and the thermally-broken brackets was suggested to reduce heat loss through thermal bridges. As results, the effective U-value of the alternative metal panel curtain wall was reduced by 72% compared with the existing metal panel curtain wall. In addition, annual heating energy needs of the alternative metal panel curtain wall building was reduced by 26%, and annual total energy needs was reduced by 6% because annual cooling energy needs of it slightly increased compared with the existing metal panel curtain wall. In conclusion, the alternative metal panel curtain wall considerably influenced the savings in building energy needs by reducing thermal bridges

    One-dimensional manganese-cobalt oxide nanofibres as bi-functional cathode catalysts for rechargeable metal-air batteries

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    Rechargeable metal-air batteries are considered a promising energy storage solution owing to their high theoretical energy density. The major obstacles to realising this technology include the slow kinetics of oxygen reduction and evolution on the cathode (air electrode) upon battery discharging and charging, respectively. Here, we report non-precious metal oxide catalysts based on spinel-type manganese-cobalt oxide nanofibres fabricated by an electrospinning technique. The spinel oxide nanofibres exhibit high catalytic activity towards both oxygen reduction and evolution in an alkaline electrolyte. When incorporated as cathode catalysts in Zn-air batteries, the fibrous spinel oxides considerably reduce the discharge-charge voltage gaps (improve the round-trip efficiency) in comparison to the catalyst-free cathode. Moreover, the nanofibre catalysts remain stable over the course of repeated discharge-charge cycling; however, carbon corrosion in the catalyst/carbon composite cathode degrades the cycling performance of the batteries