1,056 research outputs found

    The reduced growth due to elevated CO2 concentration hinders the sexual reproduction of mature Northern pipevine (Aristolochia contorta Bunge)

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    The phenology has gained considerably more attention in recent times of climate change. The transition from vegetative to reproductive phases is a critical process in the life history of plants, closely tied to phenology. In an era of climate change, understanding how environmental factors affect this transition is of paramount importance. This study consisted of field surveys and a greenhouse experiment on the reproductive biology of Northern pipevine (Aristolochia contorta Bunge). During field surveys, we investigated the environmental factors and growth characteristics of mature A. contorta, with a focus on both its vegetative and reproductive phases. In its successful flowering during the reproductive phase, A. contorta grew under the conditions of 40% relative light intensity and 24% soil moisture content, and had a vertical rhizome. In the greenhouse experiments, we examined the impact of increased CO2 concentration on the growth and development of 10-year-old A. contorta, considering the effect of rhizome direction. Planted with a vertical rhizome direction, A. contorta exhibited sufficient growth for flowering under ambient CO2 concentrations. In contrast, when planted with a horizontal rhizome direction, it was noted to significantly impede successful growth and flowering under elevated CO2 concentrations. This hindered the process of flowering, highlighting the pivotal role of substantial vegetative growth in achieving successful flowering. Furthermore, we observed a higher number of underground buds and shoots under the conditions of elevated CO2 concentration and a horizontal rhizome direction instead of flowering. Elevated CO2 concentrations also exhibited diverse effects on mature A. contorta’s flower traits, resulting in smaller flower size, shorter longevity, and reduced stigma receptivity, and pollen viability. The study shed light on elevated CO2 concentrations can hinder growth, potentially obstructing sexual reproduction and diminishing genetic diversity

    Mechanistic understanding of perianth traits hindering pollination in Aristolochia contorta Bunge

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    Insects are vital pollinators for angiosperms, playing a crucial role in their reproductive success and fruit production. Aristolochia contorta is a perennial herbaceous vine that occurs in fragmented populations across East Asia. One notable feature of this plant is its trap flower, which employs a unique mechanism to attract, trap, retain, and release insects, ensuring effective pollination. The presence of this trap flower significantly influences the pollination system of A. contorta. Field surveys and pollination experiments were conducted to understand the processes and effectiveness of its pollination mechanism. It was allogamous and was pollinated by the species from Ceratopogonidae. During the insect attraction stage, 11.57% of the flowers contained insects, primarily Ceratopogonidae spp. Most Ceratopogonidae spp. concentrated in few flowers, indicating that although overall attraction might be modest, specific flowers acted as significant focal points for gathering. Trichomes effectively trapped Ceratopogonidae spp. inside flower tubes. In the retention stage, 26.16% of Ceratopogonidae spp. were loaded with pollen grains, but only 7.91% of those exited the flowers in the release stage. The sticky texture of the perianth’s internal cavity posed challenges during this release, leading to adhesion and clogging of the narrow perianth tube. Consequently, a significant portion of Ceratopogonidae spp. became trapped on the perianth wall and perished. This highlights that despite the significant energy and resources invested in flower development, the perianth contributes to the low pollination effectiveness. This study revealed additive factors with negative effects on pollination, including the densely clustered distribution of its pollinators within only a few flowers, insufficient pollen loading onto pollinators, hindered release of entrapped pollinators due to the perianth adhesive surface, and a high rate of defective pollen grains in A. contorta. These factors account for the observed phenomenon of low fruit set (7.7%) and contribute to the diminished rate of sexual reproduction in A. contorta populations. This might lead the species to heavily rely on asexual reproduction, which could potentially lead to gene erosion within populations. The implications of these findings extend to the ecological and conservation aspects, emphasizing the need to understand and conserve the unique pollination system of A. contorta

    Effects Of Key Financial Indicators On Earnings Management In Korea’s Ready Mixed Concrete Industry

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    Earnings management is the practice of deriving certain benefits by intervening in external financial reporting or misleading certain stakeholders through adjustments to accruals without cash flow involvement or with affecting cash flows through real activities. Using the models of Kothari et al. (2005) and Cohen et al. (2008) for accrual-based earnings management (AEM) and real activities earnings management (REM), respectively, we examined whether relationships exist between key financial indicators, such as cash flows from operations, operating income, and debt dependency level, and AEM and REM in the ready mixed concrete (RMC) industry in Korea. This study is the first to investigate earnings management in Korea’s RMC sector. Results showed that operating income and cash flows from operations are significantly negatively related to AEM and REM, consistent with the findings of previous research. By contrast, debt dependency exhibits no significant relationship with AEM and REM, contradicting the findings of most previous studies. As a moderating variable, operating income affects the relationship between cash flows from operations and earnings management with only REM. On these bases, we can infer that earnings management in the Korean RMC industry responds differently to key financial indicators with regards to AEM and REM practice. Overall, companies in the industry implement aggressive earnings management depending on operating income and cash generation ability level rather than debt dependency level. These findings provide important insights for people who are interested in accounting information on the RMC industry in Korea

    Influence of roadkill during breeding migration on the sex ratio of land crab (Sesarma haematoche)

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    Adult land crabs generally live on land while their larvae live in the sea. In the case of Sesarma haematoche, female crabs migrate from land to sea to release the larvae at the high tide of syzygy night. Artificial structures along coastal areas are being obstacles for the migration of land crabs and causing synchronized roadkills on coastal roads during breeding migration. In this research, we compared the sex ratios of crab populations in coastal areas with coastal roads and uninhabited island areas with no road. The proportion of females in inland habitats with coastal roads was significantly smaller than island habitats. In particular, females are exposed to the risk of annually repeated roadkills, and the proportion of females decreases rapidly with their growth. If this tendency is general for land crab populations in the coastal areas with roads, significant road mortality of female land crabs during breeding migration can lead to severe population decline in coastal areas. Therefore, it is necessary to take an action to save land crabs crossing coastal roads

    Influence of the waist diameters on transmission characteristics and strain sensitivity of microtapered long-period fiber gratings

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    Transmission characteristics of microtapered long-period fiber gratings (MTLPGs) and their strain and temperature sensitivities with variations in the waist diameters are investigated theoretically and experimentally. Transmission characteristics of MTLPGs strongly depend on the waist diameter of the tapered optical fiber (TOF) because of the modification of the effective index difference between the core and the cladding modes. Based on the photoelastic effect, the resonant wavelengths of MTLPGs with variations in strain shift to shorter wavelengths. The strain sensitivity of the MTLPG with a waist diameter of 25 μm is improved by a factor of 20 compared with that of a 125 μm long-period fiber grating. The temperature sensitivities of MTLPGs are also enhanced by reducing the waist diameter of the TOF

    Small-scale spatial genetic structure of Asarum sieboldii metapopulation in a valley

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    Background Asarum sieboldii Miq., a species of forest understory vegetation, is an herbaceous perennial belonging to the family Aristolochiaceae. The metapopulation of A. sieboldii is distributed sparsely and has a short seed dispersal distance by ants as their seed distributor. It is known that many flowers of A. sieboldii depend on self-fertilization. Because these characteristics can affect negatively in genetic structure, investigating habitat structure and assessment of genetic structure is needed. A total of 27 individuals in a valley were sampled for measuring genetic diversity, genetic distance, and genetic differentiation by RAPD-PCR. Results The habitat areas of A. sieboldii metapopulation were relatively small (3.78~33.60 m2) and population density was very low (five to seven individuals in 20×20 m quadrat). The habitat of A. sieboldii was a very shady (relative light intensity = 0.9%) and mature forest with a high evenness value (J = 0.81~0.99) and a low dominance value (D = 0.19~0.28). The total genetic diversity of A. sieboldii was quite high (h = 0.338, I = 0.506). A total of 33 band loci were observed in five selected primers, and 31 band loci (94%) were polymorphic. However, genetic differentiation along the valley was highly progressed (Gst = 0.548, Nm = 0.412). The average genetic distance between subpopulations was 0.387. The results of AMOVA showed 52.77% of variance occurs among populations, which is evidence of population structuring. Conclusions It is expected that a small-scale founder effect had occurred, an individual spread far from the original subpopulation formed a new subpopulation. However, geographical distance between individuals would have been far and genetic flow occurred only within each subpopulation because of the low density of population. This made significant genetic distance between the original and new population by distance. Although genetic diversity of A. sieboldii metapopulation is not as low as concerned, the subpopulation of A. sieboldii can disappear by stochastic events due to small subpopulation size and low density of population. To prevent genetic isolation and to enhance the stable population size, conservative efforts such as increasing the size of each subpopulation or the connection between subpopulations are needed.This work was supported by a grant (NRF-2018R1A2B2002267) of the National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIT), Republic of Korea, and R&E program of Siheung Education Institute for Gifted

    Truck-based mobile wireless sensor networks for the experimental observation of vehicle–bridge interaction

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    Heavy vehicles driving over a bridge create a complex dynamic phenomenon known as vehicle–bridge interaction. In recent years, interest in vehicle–bridge interaction has grown because a deeper understanding of the phenomena can lead to improvements in bridge design methods while enhancing the accuracy of structural health monitoring techniques. The mobility of wireless sensors can be leveraged to directly monitor the dynamic coupling between the moving vehicle and the bridge. In this study, a mobile wireless sensor network is proposed for installation on a heavy truck to capture the vertical acceleration, horizontal acceleration and gyroscopic pitching of the truck as it crosses a bridge. The vehicle-based wireless monitoring system is designed to interact with a static, permanent wireless monitoring system installed on the bridge. Specifically, the mobile wireless sensors time-synchronize with the bridge's wireless sensors before transferring the vehicle response data. Vertical acceleration and gyroscopic pitching measurements of the vehicle are combined with bridge accelerations to create a time-synchronized vehicle–bridge response dataset. In addition to observing the vehicle vibrations, Kalman filtering is adopted to accurately track the vehicle position using the measured horizontal acceleration of the vehicle and positioning information derived from piezoelectric strip sensors installed on the bridge deck as part of the bridge monitoring system. Using the Geumdang Bridge (Korea), extensive field testing of the proposed vehicle–bridge wireless monitoring system is conducted. Experimental results verify the reliability of the wireless system and the accuracy of the vehicle positioning algorithm.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90810/1/0964-1726_20_6_065009.pd

    Correction to: The optimal balance between sexual and asexual reproduction in variable environments: a systematic review

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    Abstract After publication of the original article [1], it was brought to our attention that the phrase Most of the clonal plants mainly rely on clonal propagation and exhibit lower rate of sexual reproduction (Eckert 2002) in Background section should be delete

    A new strategy for integrating abundant oxygen functional groups into carbon felt electrode for vanadium redox flow batteries

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    The effects of surface treatment combining corona discharge and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on the electrochemical performance of carbon felt electrodes for vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFBs) have been thoroughly investigated. Ahigh concentration of oxygen functional groups has been successfully introduced onto the surface of the carbon felt electrodes by a specially designed surface treatment, which is mainly responsible for improving the energy efficiency of VRFBs. In addition, the wettability of the carbon felt electrodes also can be significantly improved. The energy efficiency of the VRFB cell employing the surface modified carbon felt electrodes is improved by 7% at high current density (148 mA cm(-2)). Such improvement is attributed to the faster charge transfer and better wettability allowed by surface-active oxygen functional groups. Moreover, this method is much more competitive than other surface treatments in terms of processing time, production costs, and electrochemical performance.

    The effect of water turnover time on decomposition of wild rice (Zizania latifolia) and nutrient dynamics in an artificial wetland system

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    The effect of different turnover time of water on the decomposition of emergent macrophyte litter (Zizania latifolia Griseb.) was investigated using a microcosm experiment. Microcosm treatment represented different turnover time of water; 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks. The litterbags from each treatment were retrieved every 2 weeks until the 8th week and the water simultaneously sampled with the litterbag. The dry weight and the content of major cations in the litter, and the content of available N, P, and major cations in the water were analyzed. Dry weight loss after 8 weeks indicated the lower decay rates under the condition of short turnover time of water. Major cations from the litter and the water showed that the leached amounts of K and Mg from the litter were highest in the 2nd week and dramatically decreased from the 4th week. The dynamics of available nitrogen and phosphorus in the water showed that as the water turnover time was getting longer, the amounts of available nitrogen and phosphorus remained higher. These results suggest that wetlands with longer turnover time of water could maintain the increased nitrogen and hosphorus and no outflow of the nutrients could cause eutrophication problem.This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (NRF-2012R1A1A2001007 and No. 2011-0028564) and by the Center for Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration (CAER) of the Eco-STAR project from the Ministry of Environment (MOE), Republic of Korea (EW33-08-12).OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2014-01/102/0000026049/2SEQ:2PERF_CD:SNU2014-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000026049ADJUST_YN:NEMP_ID:A075900DEPT_CD:719FILENAME:2014jecoenv37(1).pdfDEPT_NM:생물교육과EMAIL:[email protected]: