9 research outputs found

    Verification of consensus algorithm in supply chain management systems

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    The diversity of the criteria and the methods of analysis in the supply chain used in Supply Chain Management systems (SCM) leads to a situation in which the system generates many variants of solutions. As a result conflict of knowledge appears in the system. In order to resolve this conflicts the authors of the article have suggested the inclusion of the module using the consensus determining algorithm in the SCM system. This will affect the supply chain dynamics, and at the same time, the effectiveness of organizations. The first part of the article presents the basic elements of the developed prototype of SCM, which uses consensus determining algorithm. Next the consensus module and the formal definition of the elaborated algorithm is characterized. The last part of the article presents the manner of conducting the verification of the consensus determining algorithm and the results of this verification

    Metody uczenia si臋 agent贸w kognitywnych a obszary decyzyjne w swd

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    Stosowane obecnie systemy informatyczne wspomagaj膮 podejmowanie decyzji g艂贸wnie na szczeblach operacyjnym i taktycznym, natomiast staj膮 si臋 niewystarczaj膮ce na szczeblu strategicznym. Umo偶liwiaj膮 one bowiem jedynie analiz臋 formy informacji, powi膮za艅 pomi臋dzy warto艣ciami ekonomicznymi, natomiast nie wspomagaj膮 procesu analizy ich znaczenia. Zasadne staje si臋 zatem wykorzystanie narz臋dzi, kt贸re realizuj膮 funkcje poznawcze i decyzyjne, jakie zachodz膮 w ludzkim m贸zgu, dzi臋ki czemu potrafi膮 zrozumie膰 rzeczywiste znaczenie obserwowanych zjawisk i proces贸w gospodarczych zachodz膮cych w otoczeniu organizacji. Do narz臋dzi tych nale偶膮 mi臋dzy innymi agenty kognitywne, kt贸re cz臋sto wsp贸艂pracuj膮 ze sob膮 w ramach systemu wieloagentowego, aby skutecznie osi膮gn膮膰 wyznaczony cel. Jedn膮 z najwa偶niejszych cech agent贸w kognitywnych jest umiej臋tno艣膰 uczenia si臋. W niniejszym artykule dokonano analizy i usystematyzowania metod uczenia si臋 agent贸w kognitywnych, kt贸re mog膮 by膰 wykorzystane w konkretnych obszarach decyzyjnych wspomaganych przez system informatyczny. W pierwszej cz臋艣ci przedstawiono charakterystyk臋 i struktur臋 wieloagentowego systemu wspomagania decyzji. Nast臋pnie om贸wiono aspekty zwi膮zane z problematyk膮 architektur agent贸w kognitywnych. W ko艅cowej cz臋艣ci artyku艂u przedstawiono metody uczenia si臋 agent贸w wyr贸偶niane ze wzgl臋du na r贸偶ne kryteria, kt贸re mog膮 by膰 wykorzystane w odniesieniu do danych obszar贸w decyzyjnych

    Sources of knowledge conflicts in cognitive agent鈥檚 architecture in DSS

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    This paper presents the problem of knowledge conflicts identification in the architecture of cognitive agents. The agents operate at the decision support systems. The types and the sample of cognitive agents architecture was characterized in the first part of article. Next, the customer relationship management agent was described and the causes of knowledge conflicts were indicated. The final part of article contains the analysis of sources of knowledge conflicts and their examples related to decision-making process

    The essence of a distance functions in consensus determining in decision support systems

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    The purpose of the article is to present the essence of distance functions, which calculating is a key phase of consensus determining process in the situation of knowledge conflicts appearing in decision support systems. In the first part of the article, distance function and its general definition are characterized. Next, the definitions of distance functions with regard to the sample attributes of a structure of decision, such as the real numbers, the dates, incomplete ordered partitions and incomplete strict partial orders, are presented

    Distance function between structure of variants in consensus determining process in supply chain management systems

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    Consensus methods allow to resolve the knowledge conflicts, among other things, in supply chain management systems. The purpose of the article is to elaborate the distance function between the variants generated by the system SCM. This is one of the stages of the consensus determining process. The first part of the article presents a characteristic of knowledge conflicts, consensus methods and a definition of the structure of the variant. Next, the formal definition of distance function was elaborated. This definition is necessary in order to elaborate the algorithms of consensus determining

    The n-optimality and inconsistency of knowledge postulates of consensus determining in decision support systems

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    This article presents the problem of consensus determining postulates defined in decision support systems. The consensus determining methods and the general postulates for consensus estimation and their characteristics are presented in the first part. Next, the definitions of new postulates pertaining to decisions support systems were elaborated, and the possibility of their use in practical solutions is presented. The consensus function granting these postulates is also characterized. The application of these postulates, as a consequence, can lead to the process of making decisions will be more flexible, and the risk involved in decisions will be significantly reduced

    A Comparative Analysis of Conflicts Resolving Methods in Multiagent Decision Support Systems

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    W artykule dokonano analizy por贸wnawczej metod stosowanych w rozwi膮zywaniu konflikt贸w wiedzy w odniesieniu do wieloagentowych system贸w wspomagania decyzji. Dob贸r odpowiedniej metody, w zale偶no艣ci od rodzaju konkretnego zadania oraz od charakteru wieloagentowego systemu wspomagania decyzji, jest niezwykle istotny ju偶 na etapie jego projektowania, gdy偶 w konsekwencji mo偶e prowadzi膰 do zwi臋kszenia skuteczno艣ci wspomagania procesu podejmowania decyzji. W pierwszej cz臋艣ci artyku艂u przedstawiono rodzaje konflikt贸w w systemach wieloagentowych. Nast臋pnie dokonano przegl膮du metod rozwi膮zywania konflikt贸w. W ko艅cowej cz臋艣ci artyku艂u przeprowadzono analiz臋 por贸wnawcz膮 tych metod ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem ich zalet i wad oraz zakresu zastosowania

    A conception of multi-agent early warning system for crisis in economy

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    Funkcjonuj膮ce dotychczas systemy wczesnego ostrzegania przed sytuacjami kryzysowymi w gospodarce odnosz膮 si臋 jedynie do konkretnych bran偶 lub grup kilku bran偶 w gospodarce i s膮 skierowane przewa偶nie do wybranych grup u偶ytkownik贸w. Wyst臋powanie niekorzystnych zjawisk gospodarczych w ca艂ej przestrzeni gospodarczej wymaga jednak uniwersalnego podej艣cia do konstrukcji system贸w wczesnego ostrzegania. W artykule opracowano koncepcj臋 systemu obejmuj膮cego swoim zakresem zar贸wno u偶ytkownik贸w indywidualnych i przedsi臋biorstwa, jak i ca艂e gospodarki w uj臋ciu globalnym. System ten sk艂ada si臋 z nast臋puj膮cych modu艂贸w: konwersji istniej膮cych i nowo tworzonych modeli system贸w wczesnego ostrzegania, kolektyw贸w cz艂owiek-agent oraz integracji, oceny wiedzy i personalizacji. Funkcjonowanie tego typu systemu mo偶e wp艂yn膮膰 na wzrost poziomu skuteczno艣ci prognoz ostrzegawczych oraz na wzrost poziomu efektywno艣ci decyzji umo偶liwiaj膮cych podj臋cie dzia艂a艅 wyprzedzaj膮cych, co w konsekwencji mo偶e ogranicza膰 skutki kryzys贸w w gospodarce.So far early warning systems for crises in the economy refer only to specific industries or groups of several industries in the economy and are directed mainly to selected groups of users. The occurrence of unfavorable economic phenomenon across the economic space, however, requires an universal approach to the construction of an early warning systems. Therefore, the concept of a system that includes both individual users and enterprises, as well as entire economies in a global perspective, have been developed in this paper. The system consists of the following modules: conversion of existing and newly created models of early warning systems, human-agent collectives and integration, knowledge assessment and personalization. The functioning of this type of system may affect the increase of the effectiveness of warning forecasts and the increase in the level of effectiveness of decisions allowing for taking pre-emptive actions, which in consequence may limit the effects of crises in the economy