3 research outputs found

    Human Rights in Patient Care: A Practitioner Guide - Macedonia

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    Health systems can too often be places of punishment, coercion, and violations of basic rights—rather than places of treatment and care. In many cases, existing laws and tools that provide remedies are not adequately used to protect rights.This Practitioner Guide series presents practical how-to manuals for lawyers interested in taking cases around human rights in patient care. The manuals examine patient and provider rights and responsibilities, as well as procedures for protection through both the formal court system and alternative mechanisms in 10 countries.Each Practitioner Guide is country-specific, supplementing coverage of the international and regional framework with national standards and procedures in the following:ArmeniaGeorgiaKazakhstanKyrgyzstanMacedoniaMoldova (forthcoming)RomaniaRussia (forthcoming)SerbiaUkraineThis series is the first to systematically examine the application of constitutional, civil, and criminal laws; categorize them by right; and provide examples and practical tips. As such, the guides are useful for medical professionals, public health mangers, Ministries of Health and Justice personnel, patient advocacy groups, and patients themselves.Advancing Human Rights in Patient Care: The Law in Seven Transitional Countries is a compendium that supplements the practitioner guides. It provides the first comparative overview of legal norms, practice cannons, and procedures for addressing rights in health care in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Russia, and Ukraine.A Legal Fellow in Human Rights in each country is undertaking the updating of each guide and building the field of human rights in patient care through trainings and the development of materials, networks, and jurisprudence. Fellows are recent law graduates based at a local organization with expertise and an interest in expanding work in law, human rights, and patient care. To learn more about the fellowships, please visit health-rights.org

    Franchising Activity and the Franchise Agreement in the Law and Practice of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Macedonia

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    Во трудот „Франшизинг дејности и договорот за франшизинг во правото и практиката на Р. Хрватска и Р. Македонија“ од проф. д-р Јадранка Дабовиќ-Анастасовска е дадена споредбеноправна анализа на франшизингот како дејност, како и на правната уреденост на договорот за франшизинг, во Република Хрватска и во Република Македонија. Покрај правните аспекти на договорот за франшизинг, во трудот се анализираат и практичните аспекти на занимавањето со франшизинг дејноста во двете земји. Авторката изнесува дека во Република Хрватска постои поголем степен на развиеност на франшизингот како дејност и се работи повеќе на негова промоција како модел за вршење деловни активности. Оттаму, во Република Македонија треба да се посвети поголемо внимание на афирмацијата на франшизинг дејноста. Што се однесува до правната уреденост на договорот за франшизинг во правните системи на двете земји, наоѓање на авторката е дека построи приближно ист степен на (не)уреденост на договорот за франшизинг, од законодавна гледна точка.Članak daje komparativnu analizu franšize kao oblika djelatnosti i pravne regulacije ugovora o franšizi u Republici Hrvatskoj i Republici Makedoniji. Uz pravne aspekte ugovora o franšizi, u članku se raspravlja o praktičnim aspektima obavljanja franšize u objema državama. Zaključak je autorice da je franšiza kao oblik djelatnosti razvijenija u Republici Hrvatskoj te da ondje postoji veći broj aktivnosti za promicanje tog oblika poduzetništva. Slijedom toga, u Republici Makedoniji poželjno je posvetiti više pozornosti promicanju tog oblika poslovanja. Što se tiče pravne regulacije, autorica utvrđuje da u pravnim sustavima obiju država ugovor o franšizi u podjednakoj mjeri jest, odnosno nije reguliran.The paper presents a comparative analysis of franchising as an activity and the legal regulation of the franchise agreement in the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Macedonia. Besides the legal aspects of the franchise agreement, the paper discusses the practical aspects of carrying out a franchising activity in both countries. The author concludes that in the Republic of Croatia franchising as a business is developed to a greater degree and that there are more activities aimed at promoting this model of entrepreneurship. Hence, in the Republic of Macedonia more attention should be paid to promoting franchising activity. As for the legal regulation of the franchise agreement in the legal systems of both countries, the author finds that there is approximately the same degree of (non)regulation of the franchise agreement