13,008 research outputs found

    Delayed Manifestation of Transurethral Syndrome as a Complication of Transurethral Prostatic Resection

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    Metabolic encephalopathy as a part of ‘transurethral syndrome’ is an immediate complication following transurethral resection of prostate. It occurs during or few hours after the surgery. However, delayed manifestation of this complication is rare. It is also possible that pretreatment with diuretics can exaggerate this problem by predisposing the patient to electrolyte abnormalities. Here we present a report of such a patient who manifested with neurological complications six days after the prostate surger

    Changes in the protein content of Lamellidens marginalis from Jayakwadi dam at paithan during different seasons (M.S) India

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    In the present study, variation in the protein content in soft body tissues of Lamellidensmarginalis were collected from Jayakwadi dam, at Paithan near Aurangabad was observed during different seasons. As variation in the environmental conditions, it shown an effect on protein contents in the tissues like, mantle, hepatopancreas, gonad and foot. Protein content maximum found in gonads throughout all the three seasons, whereas mantle shows minimum values of protein. There are great fluctuations in the values of protein during different seasons

    Performance of Single Pass Earth-Tube Heat Exchanger: An Experimental Study

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    A single pass earth-tube heat exchanger (ETHE) was installed to study its performance in cooling and heating mode. ETHE is made of 50 m long ms pipe of 10 cm nominal diameter and 3 mm wall thickness. ETHE is buried 3 m deep below surface. Ambient air is pumped through it by a 400 w blower. Air velocity in the pipe is 11 m/s. Air temperature is measured at the inlet of the pipe, in the middle (25 m), and at the outlet (50 m), by thermisters placed inside the pipe. Cooling tests were carried out three consecutive days in each month. On each day system was operated for 7 hours during the day and shut down for the night. Heating tests were carried out at night in January. Test results are presented in summary form for each month. Detailed analysis is presented for two months only -- May for cooling and January for heating. ETHE cools the ambient air in May by as much as 14oC. It heats the ambient air in January nights also by similar amount.

    Design of Greenhouse Irrigation System at Kothara

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    In this paper we present the details of fertigation system for greenhouse at Kothara (Kutch). Two separate alternatives--Drip and Sprinklers--have been examined.

    Linear stability of an active fluid interface

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    Motivated by studies suggesting that the patterns exhibited by the collectively expanding fronts of thin cells during the closing of a wound [Mark et al., Biophys. J., 98:361-370, 2010] and the shapes of single cells crawling on surfaces [Callan-Jones et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 100:258106, 2008] are due to fingering instabilities, we investigate the stability of actively driven interfaces under Hele-Shaw confinement. An initially radial interface between a pair of viscous fluids is driven by active agents. Surface tension and bending rigidity resist deformation of the interface. A point source at the origin and a distributed source are also included to model the effects of injection or suction, and growth or depletion, respectively. Linear stability analysis reveals that for any given initial radius of the interface, there are two key dimensionless driving rates that determine interfacial stability. We discuss stability regimes in a state space of these parameters and their implications for biological systems. An interesting finding is that an actively mobile interface is susceptible to fingering instability irrespective of viscosity contrast

    Soil Temperatures Regime at Ahmedabad

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    A 3-m deep temperature probe was installed at the campus of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad in August, 1999. Probe has five resistance type device PT 100 sensors, mounted at 1-m interval. It was put in to the ground up to depth of 3-m. First sensor is at 3-m depth, second at 2-m depth, third at 1-m depth, fourth just 2 cm below the surface and the fifth 1-m above ground. Temperatures from all the sensors were noted one day on each month for a year. Readings were noted at hourly interval. In this paper, the results are presented. Motivation for this work was the need to know the diurnal and seasonal variation of temperature in deeper layers of soil in order to determine the level suitable for installation of earth tube heat exchangers.

    Challenges of teaching clinically applied anthropology and cultural psychiatry in India: an evolving partnership between a UK university and an Indian NGO

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    The current emphasis on Global Mental Health risks losing the focus on the local and the particular and rendering anthropological insight pertinent. A more critical examination of pedagogical methods and curricula, and of the challenges of establishing collaborative, balanced partnerships is required. Since 2006, a group of clinical anthropologists1 based at UCL and members of The Banyan2, have been working together on an innovative series of short, annual courses on social science theory and methods applied to mental health in South Asia. A UCL/BALM3 research unit was also established in 2008 employing local researchers to conduct joint studies into mental health and its related stigma in the Indian context. Following a brief history and outline of the collaboration, this paper discusses specific challenges: institutional issues and local economics; history and power dynamics; teaching versus training; working within mixed disciplinary and “cultural” domains both in the UK and India; and the spatial and temporal challenges of supervising research across continents. The paper concludes by reflecting on the contribution this collaboration has made to knowledge flow, examining localised and culturally specific understandings of pedagogy. These insights offer potential for similar international organisations seeking to establish inclusive and effective partnerships between frequently disparate contexts