37 research outputs found

    Cartan Pairs

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    A new notion of Cartan pairs as a substitute of notion of vector fields in noncommutative geometry is proposed. The correspondence between Cartan pairs and differential calculi is established.Comment: 7 pages in LaTeX, to be published in Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, presented at the 5th Colloquium on Quantum Groups and Integrable Systems, Prague, June 199

    Fibre bundle formulation of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics: I. Introduction. The evolution transport

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    We propose a new systematic fibre bundle formulation of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. The new form of the theory is equivalent to the usual one but it is in harmony with the modern trends in theoretical physics and potentially admits new generalizations in different directions. In it a pure state of some quantum system is described by a state section (along paths) of a (Hilbert) fibre bundle. Its evolution is determined through the bundle (analogue of the) Schr\"odinger equation. Now the dynamical variables and the density operator are described via bundle morphisms (along paths). The mentioned quantities are connected by a number of relations derived in this work. The present first part of this investigation is devoted to the introduction of basic concepts on which the fibre bundle approach to quantum mechanics rests. We show that the evolution of pure quantum-mechanical states can be described as a suitable linear transport along paths, called evolution transport, of the state sections in the Hilbert fibre bundle of states of a considered quantum system.Comment: 26 standard (11pt, A4) LaTeX 2e pages. The packages AMS-LaTeX and amsfonts are required. Revised: new material, references, and comments are added. Minor style chages. Continuation of quan-ph/9803083. For continuation of the this series see http://www.inrne.bas.bg/mathmod/bozhome

    The algebra of Grassmann canonical anti-commutation relations (GAR) and its applications to fermionic systems

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    We present an approach to a non-commutative-like phase space which allows to analyze quasi-free states on the CAR algebra in analogy to quasi-free states on the CCR algebra. The used mathematical tools are based on a new algebraic structure the "Grassmann algebra of canonical anti-commutation relations" (GAR algebra) which is given by the twisted tensor product of a Grassmann and a CAR algebra. As a new application, the corresponding theory provides an elegant tool for calculating the fidelity of two quasi-free fermionic states which is needed for the study of entanglement distillation within fermionic systems.Comment: 25 page

    On Conformal Infinity and Compactifications of the Minkowski Space

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    Using the standard Cayley transform and elementary tools it is reiterated that the conformal compactification of the Minkowski space involves not only the "cone at infinity" but also the 2-sphere that is at the base of this cone. We represent this 2-sphere by two additionally marked points on the Penrose diagram for the compactified Minkowski space. Lacks and omissions in the existing literature are described, Penrose diagrams are derived for both, simple compactification and its double covering space, which is discussed in some detail using both the U(2) approach and the exterior and Clifford algebra methods. Using the Hodge * operator twistors (i.e. vectors of the pseudo-Hermitian space H_{2,2}) are realized as spinors (i.e., vectors of a faithful irreducible representation of the even Clifford algebra) for the conformal group SO(4,2)/Z_2. Killing vector fields corresponding to the left action of U(2) on itself are explicitly calculated. Isotropic cones and corresponding projective quadrics in H_{p,q} are also discussed. Applications to flat conformal structures, including the normal Cartan connection and conformal development has been discussed in some detail.Comment: 38 pages, 8 figures, late

    Determination of electromagnetic medium from the Fresnel surface

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    We study Maxwell's equations on a 4-manifold where the electromagnetic medium is described by an antisymmetric (22)2\choose 2-tensor κ\kappa. In this setting, the Tamm-Rubilar tensor density determines a polynomial surface of fourth order in each cotangent space. This surface is called the Fresnel surface and acts as a generalisation of the light-cone determined by a Lorentz metric; the Fresnel surface parameterises electromagnetic wave-speed as a function of direction. Favaro and Bergamin have recently proven that if κ\kappa has only a principal part and if the Fresnel surface of κ\kappa coincides with the light cone for a Lorentz metric gg, then κ\kappa is proportional to the Hodge star operator of gg. That is, under additional assumptions, the Fresnel surface of κ\kappa determines the conformal class of κ\kappa. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we provide a new proof of this result using Gr\"obner bases. Second, we describe a number of cases where the Fresnel surface does not determine the conformal class of the original (22)2\choose 2-tensor κ\kappa. For example, if κ\kappa is invertible we show that κ\kappa and κ1\kappa^{-1} have the same Fresnel surfaces.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Wave propagation in linear electrodynamics

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    The Fresnel equation governing the propagation of electromagnetic waves for the most general linear constitutive law is derived. The wave normals are found to lie, in general, on a fourth order surface. When the constitutive coefficients satisfy the so-called reciprocity or closure relation, one can define a duality operator on the space of the two-forms. We prove that the closure relation is a sufficient condition for the reduction of the fourth order surface to the familiar second order light cone structure. We finally study whether this condition is also necessary.Comment: 13 pages. Phys. Rev. D, to appea

    On Uniqueness of the Jump Process in Quantum Measurement Theory

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    We prove that, contrary to the standard quantum theory of continuous observation, in the formalism of Event Enhanced Quantum Theory the stochastic process generating individual sample histories of pairs (observed quantum system, observing classical apparatus) is unique. This result gives a rigorous basis to the previous heuristic argument of Blanchard and Jadczyk. Possible implications of this result are discussed.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, article; e-mail contact [email protected]

    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm experiment with relativistic massive particles

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    The EPRB experiment with massive partcles can be formulated if one defines spin in a relativistic way. Two versions are discussed: The one using the spin operator defined via the relativistic center-of-mass operator, and the one using the Pauli-Lubanski vector. Both are shown to lead to the SAME prediction for the EPRB experiment: The degree of violation of the Bell inequality DECREASES with growing velocity of the EPR pair of spin-1/2 particles. The phenomenon can be physically understood as a combined effect of the Lorentz contraction and the Moller shift of the relativistic center of mass. The effect is therefore stronger than standard relativistic phenomena such as the Lorentz contraction or time dilatation. The fact that the Bell inequality is in general less violated than in the nonrelativistic case will have to be taken into account in tests for eavesdropping if massive particles will be used for a key transfer.Comment: Figures added as appeared in PRA, two typos corrected (one important in the formula for eigenvector in Sec. IV); link to the unpublished 1984 paper containing the results (without typos!) of Sec. IV is adde

    The Schroedinger Problem, Levy Processes Noise in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

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    The main purpose of the paper is an essentially probabilistic analysis of relativistic quantum mechanics. It is based on the assumption that whenever probability distributions arise, there exists a stochastic process that is either responsible for temporal evolution of a given measure or preserves the measure in the stationary case. Our departure point is the so-called Schr\"{o}dinger problem of probabilistic evolution, which provides for a unique Markov stochastic interpolation between any given pair of boundary probability densities for a process covering a fixed, finite duration of time, provided we have decided a priori what kind of primordial dynamical semigroup transition mechanism is involved. In the nonrelativistic theory, including quantum mechanics, Feyman-Kac-like kernels are the building blocks for suitable transition probability densities of the process. In the standard "free" case (Feynman-Kac potential equal to zero) the familiar Wiener noise is recovered. In the framework of the Schr\"{o}dinger problem, the "free noise" can also be extended to any infinitely divisible probability law, as covered by the L\'{e}vy-Khintchine formula. Since the relativistic Hamiltonians |\nabla | and +m2m\sqrt {-\triangle +m^2}-m are known to generate such laws, we focus on them for the analysis of probabilistic phenomena, which are shown to be associated with the relativistic wave (D'Alembert) and matter-wave (Klein-Gordon) equations, respectively. We show that such stochastic processes exist and are spatial jump processes. In general, in the presence of external potentials, they do not share the Markov property, except for stationary situations. A concrete example of the pseudodifferential Cauchy-Schr\"{o}dinger evolution is analyzed in detail. The relativistic covariance of related waveComment: Latex fil

    Circulating Very Small Embryonic-Like Stem Cells in Cardiovascular Disease

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    Very small embryonic-like cells (VSELs) are a population of stem cells residing in the bone marrow (BM) and several organs, which undergo mobilization into peripheral blood (PB) following acute myocardial infarction and stroke. These cells express markers of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), such as Oct-4, Nanog, and SSEA-1, as well as early cardiac, endothelial, and neural tissue developmental markers. VSELs can be effectively isolated from the BM, umbilical cord blood, and PB. Peripheral blood and BM-derived VSELs can be expanded in co-culture with C2C12 myoblast feeder layer and undergo differentiation into cells from all three germ layers, including cardiomyocytes and vascular endothelial cells. Isolation of VSLEs using fluorescence-activated cell sorting multiparameter live cell sorting system is dependent on gating strategy based on their small size and expression of PSC and absence of hematopoietic lineage markers. VSELs express early cardiac and endothelial lineages markers (GATA-4, Nkx2.5/Csx, VE-cadherin, and von Willebrand factor), SDF-1 chemokine receptor CXCR4, and undergo rapid mobilization in acute MI and ischemic stroke. Experiments in mice showed differentiation of BM-derived VSELs into cardiac myocytes and effectiveness of expanded and pre-differentiated VSLEs in improvement of left ventricular ejection fraction after myocardial infarction