34 research outputs found

    Hirsch Index and Truth Survival in Clinical Research

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    BACKGROUND: Factors associated with the survival of truth of clinical conclusions in the medical literature are unknown. We hypothesized that publications with a first author having a higher Hirsch' index value (h-I), which quantifies and predicts an individual's scientific research output, should have a longer half-life. METHODS AND RESULTS: 474 original articles concerning cirrhosis or hepatitis published from 1945 to 1999 were selected. The survivals of the main conclusions were updated in 2009. The truth survival was assessed by time-dependent methods (Kaplan Meier method and Cox). A conclusion was considered to be true, obsolete or false when three or more observers out of the six stated it to be so. 284 out of 474 conclusions (60%) were still considered true, 90 (19%) were considered obsolete and 100 (21%) false. The median of the h-I was=24 (range 1-85). Authors with true conclusions had significantly higher h-I (median=28) than those with obsolete (h-I=19; P=0.002) or false conclusions (h-I=19; P=0.01). The factors associated (P<0.0001) with h-I were: scientific life (h-I=33 for>30 years vs. 16 for<30 years), -methodological quality score (h-I=36 for high vs. 20 for low scores), and -positive predictive value combining power, ratio of true to not-true relationships and bias (h-I=33 for high vs. 20 for low values). In multivariate analysis, the risk ratio of h-I was 1.003 (95%CI, 0.994-1.011), and was not significant (P=0.56). In a subgroup restricted to 111 articles with a negative conclusion, we observed a significant independent prognostic value of h-I (risk ratio=1.033; 95%CI, 1.008-1.059; P=0.009). Using an extrapolation of h-I at the time of article publication there was a significant and independent prognostic value of baseline h-I (risk ratio=0.027; P=0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The present study failed to clearly demonstrate that the h-index of authors was a prognostic factor for truth survival. However the h-index was associated with true conclusions, methodological quality of trials and positive predictive values

    Quality of soybean seeds with high mechanical damage index after processing and storage

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the quality of soybean seeds with high level of mechanical damages from different processing stages and stored with and without fungicide treatment. Collections of seed samples were performed during the processing at the following points: hopper, pre-cleaning, dryer, cleaning, spiral, sieve-classifier and the gravity table. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 9 x 2 factorial scheme, with 9 collection points and two seed treatments, in four replicates. The seeds were then evaluated immediately after processing and after six months of storage. The processing progressively improved the attributes of soybean seed quality throughout the different stages in which the gravity table plays an important role in the improvement of the physiological and sanitary quality of the lot, favoring the storage potential and vigor of the seeds. The treatment of the seeds with fungicides is effective in controlling fungi before and after storage. The storage of soybean seeds with high level of mechanical damage markedly increases their deterioration

    Aberrant DNA methylations in chondrosarcoma

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    Chondrosarcoma (CS) is the second most common primary malignant bone tumor. Unlike other bone tumors, CS is highly resistant to conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy, thus resulting in poor patient outcomes. There is an urgent need to establish alternative therapies for CS. However, the etiology and pathogenesis of CS still remain elusive. Recently, DNA methylation-associated epigenetic changes have been found to play a pivotal role in the initiation and development of human cancers, including CS, by regulating target gene expression in different cellular pathways. Elucidating the mechanisms of DNA methylation alteration may provide biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis, as well as novel treatment options for CS. We have conducted a critical review to summarize the evidence regarding aberrant DNA methylation patterns as diagnostic biomarkers, predictors of progression and potential treatment strategies in CS