219 research outputs found

    Into the Intracellular Logistics of Cross-Presentation

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    The induction of cytotoxic CD8+ T cell responses requires the presentation of antigenic peptides by MHC class I molecules (MHC I). MHC I usually present peptides derived from endogenous proteins. However, some subtypes of dendritic cells have developed the ability to efficiently present peptides derived from exogenous antigens on MHC I via a process called cross-presentation. Cross-presentation is intimately linked to the induction of anti-viral, -bacterial, and -tumor cytotoxic T cell (CTL) responses, as well as a wide variety of CTL-mediated diseases and transplant rejections. The molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying cross-presentation have been studied intensively since its original description, yet understanding of this process is incomplete and on the forefront of immunological research. Numerous pathways and models, some of them conflicting, have been described so far. Here, we review the various pathways reported as involved in cross-presentation, highlighting the complexity of this process. We also discuss in detail the different intracellular steps required, from antigen capture and routing, to processing, and finally peptide loading, emphasizing the need for a better understanding of the cell biology of this phenomenon

    A Role for Estrogen Receptor Phosphorylation in the Resistance to Tamoxifen

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    About two thirds of all human breast cancer cases are estrogen receptor positive. The drug of first choice for these patients is tamoxifen. However, about half of the recurrences after removal of the primary tumor are or become resistant to this drug. While many mechanisms have been identified for tamoxifen resistance in the lab, at present only a few have been translated to the clinic. This paper highlights the role in tamoxifen resistance of phosphorylation by different kinases on different sites of the estrogen receptor. We will discuss the molecular pathways and kinases that are involved in phosphorylation of ERα and how these affect tamoxifen resistance. Finally, we will elaborate on the clinical translation of these observations and the possibility to predict tamoxifen responses in patient tumor samples before treatment onset. The findings made originally on the bench may translate into a better and personalized treatment of breast cancer patients using an old and safe anticancer drug: tamoxifen

    Point mutations in the α2 domain of HLA-A2.1 define a functionally relevant interaction with TAP

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    AbstractBackground: Glycoproteins encoded by the major histocompatibility complex class I region (MHC class I) present peptide antigens to cytotoxic T cells (CTLs). Peptides are delivered to the site of MHC class I assembly by the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP), and cell lines that lack this transporter are unable to present endogenous antigens to CTLs. Although it has been shown that a fraction of newly synthesized class I molecules are in physical association with TAP, it is not known whether this interaction is functionally relevant, or where on the class I molecule the TAP binding site might be.Results C1R cells transfected with a mutant HLA-A2.1 heavy chain (HC), where threonine at position 134 in the α2 domain is changed to lysine (T134K), are unable to present endogenous antigens to CTLs. We have studied the biochemistry of this mutant in C1R cells, and found that a large pool of unstable empty class I HC–β2m (β-2 microglobulin) heterodimers exist that are rapidly transported to the cell surface. The T134K mutant seemed to bind peptide antigens and assemble with β2m as efficiently as wild-type HLA-A2.1. However, we show here that the inefficiency with which T134K presents intracellular antigen is associated with its inability to interact with the TAP heterodimer.Conclusion These experiments establish that the class I–TAP interaction is obligatory for the presentation of peptide epitopes delivered to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by TAP. Wild-type HLA-A2.1 molecules in TAP-deficient cells are retained in the ER, whereas T134K is rapidly released to the cell surface, but is unstable, suggesting a role for the TAP complex as an intracellular checkpoint that only affects the release of class I molecules with stably bound peptide ligands

    A dynamic ubiquitin equilibrium couples proteasomal activity to chromatin remodeling

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    Protein degradation, chromatin remodeling, and membrane trafficking are critically regulated by ubiquitylation. The presence of several coexisting ubiquitin-dependent processes, each of crucial importance to the cell, is remarkable. This brings up questions on how the usage of this versatile regulator is negotiated between the different cellular processes. During proteotoxic stress, the accumulation of ubiquitylated substrates coincides with the depletion of ubiquitylated histone H2A and chromatin remodeling. We show that this redistribution of ubiquitin during proteotoxic stress is a direct consequence of competition for the limited pool of free ubiquitin. Thus, the ubiquitin cycle couples various ubiquitin-dependent processes because of a rate-limiting pool of free ubiquitin. We propose that this ubiquitin equilibrium may allow cells to sense proteotoxic stress in a genome-wide fashion

    Antigen-Specific B Cells Reactivate an Effective Cytotoxic T Cell Response against Phagocytosed Salmonella through Cross-Presentation

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    Background: The eradication of facultative intracellular bacterial pathogens, like Salmonella typhi, requires the concerted action of both the humoral immune response and the cytotoxic CD8 + T cell response. Dendritic cells (DCs) are considered to orchestrate the cytotoxic CD8 + T cell response via cross-presentation of bacterial antigens onto MHC class I molecules. Cross-presentation of Salmonella by DCs however, is accompanied by the induction of apoptosis in the DCs. Besides antibody production, B cells are required to clear Salmonella infection for other unknown reasons. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we show that Salmonella-specific B cells that phagocytose Salmonella upon BCRligation reactivate human memory CD8 + T cells via cross-presentation yielding a Salmonella-specific cytotoxic T cell response. The reactivation of CD8 + T cells is dependent on CD4 + T cell help. Unlike the DCs, B cell-mediated crosspresentation of Salmonella does not coincide with apoptosis. Conclusions/Significance: B cells form a new player in the activation of the cytotoxic effector arm of the immune respons

    Activation of endosomal dynein motors by stepwise assembly of Rab7–RILP–p150Glued, ORP1L, and the receptor βlll spectrin

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    The small GTPase Rab7 controls late endocytic transport by the minus end–directed motor protein complex dynein–dynactin, but how it does this is unclear. Rab7-interacting lysosomal protein (RILP) and oxysterol-binding protein–related protein 1L (ORP1L) are two effectors of Rab7. We show that GTP-bound Rab7 simultaneously binds RILP and ORP1L to form a RILP–Rab7–ORP1L complex. RILP interacts directly with the C-terminal 25-kD region of the dynactin projecting arm p150Glued, which is required for dynein motor recruitment to late endocytic compartments (LEs). Still, p150Glued recruitment by Rab7–RILP does not suffice to induce dynein-driven minus-end transport of LEs. ORP1L, as well as βIII spectrin, which is the general receptor for dynactin on vesicles, are essential for dynein motor activity. Our results illustrate that the assembly of microtubule motors on endosomes involves a cascade of linked events. First, Rab7 recruits two effectors, RILP and ORP1L, to form a tripartite complex. Next, RILP directly binds to the p150Glued dynactin subunit to recruit the dynein motor. Finally, the specific dynein motor receptor Rab7–RILP is transferred by ORP1L to βIII spectrin. Dynein will initiate translocation of late endosomes to microtubule minus ends only after interacting with βIII spectrin, which requires the activities of Rab7–RILP and ORP1L

    Translocation of PKCθ in T cells is mediated by a nonconventional, PI3-K– and Vav-dependent pathway, but does not absolutely require phospholipase C

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    PKCθ plays an essential role in activation of mature T cells via stimulation of AP-1 and NF-κB, and is known to selectively translocate to the immunological synapse in antigen-stimulated T cells. Recently, we reported that a Vav/Rac pathway which depends on actin cytoskeleton reorganization mediates selective recruitment of PKCθ to the membrane or cytoskeleton and its catalytic activation by anti-CD3/CD28 costimulation. Because this pathway acted selectively on PKCθ, we addressed here the question of whether the translocation and activation of PKCθ in T cells is regulated by a unique pathway distinct from the conventional mechanism for PKC activation, i.e., PLC-mediated production of DAG. Using three independent approaches, i.e., a selective PLC inhibitor, a PLCγ1-deficient T cell line, or a dominant negative PLCγ1 mutant, we demonstrate that CD3/CD28-induced membrane recruitment and COOH-terminal phosphorylation of PKCθ are largely independent of PLC. In contrast, the same inhibitory strategies blocked the membrane translocation of PKCα. Membrane or lipid raft recruitment of PKCθ (but not PKCα) was absent in T cells treated with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) inhibitors or in Vav-deficient T cells, and was enhanced by constitutively active PI3-K. 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 (PDK1) also upregulated the membrane translocation of PKCθ, but did not associate with it. These results provide evidence that a nonconventional PI3-K– and Vav-dependent pathway mediates the selective membrane recruitment and, possibly, activation of PKCθ in T cells