55 research outputs found
Nutritional and metabolic status of HIV-positive patients with lipodystrophy during one year of follow-up
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this prospective study was to compare changes in lipid metabolism and nutritional status after either 6 and 12 months of follow-up in subjects with lipodystrophy syndrome after traditional lifestyle therapy with or without fibric acid analogue intervention (bezafibrate and clofibrate). METHODS: Food intake, alterations in body composition and metabolic abnormalities were assessed in subjects with lipodystrophy syndrome at the beginning of the study. The nutritional status and metabolic alterations of the subjects were monitored, and the subjects received nutritional counseling each time they were seen. The subjects were monitored either two times over a period no longer than six months (Group A; n = 18) or three times over a period of at least 12 months (Group B; n = 35). All of the subjects underwent nutrition counseling that was based on behavior modification. The fibric acid analogue was only given to patients with serum triglyceride levels above 400 mg/dL. RESULTS: After six months of follow-up, Group A showed no alterations in the experimental parameters. After twelve months, there was a decrease in serum triglyceride levels (410.4 ± 235.5 vs. 307.7 ± 150.5 mg/dL, p< 0.05) and an increase in both HDLc levels (37.9±36.6 vs. 44.9 ±27.9 mg/dL, p,0.05) and lean mass (79.9 ± 7.8 vs. 80.3 ± 9.9 %, p< 0.05) in Group B. CONCLUSION: After one year of follow-up (three sessions of nutritional and medical counseling), the metabolic parameters of the subjects with lipodystrophy improved after traditional lifestyle therapy with or without fibric acid analogue intervention
Avaliação nutricional e do perfil lipídico em crianças e adolescentes infectadas pelo HIV tratadas com terapia antirretroviral de alta potência
INTRODUCTION: HIV-infected children and adolescents treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) regimens that include a protease inhibitor (PI) can show significant improvements in clinical outcomes, nutritional status and quality of life. The study aimed to report nutritional and metabolic alterations for pediatric patients continuously exposed to HAART and for healthy controls for up to 1 year. METHODS: Clinical, anthropometric, lipid profile and food intake data were collected prospectively over approximately 12-months for each patient. RESULTS: Fifty-one individuals were studied, of these, 16 were healthy. After 12 months follow-up, HIV-positive individuals remained below the healthy control group parameters. No change was observed concerning food intake. Triglyceride serum levels were higher in patients using protease inhibitor at the onset of the study [PI groups: 114 (43 - 336), and 136 (63 - 271) versus control group: 54.5 (20 - 162); p = 0.003], but after twelve months follow-up, only the group using protease inhibitor for up to two months presented higher values [140 (73 - 273) versus 67.5 (33 - 117); p = 0.004]. HDL-cholesterol was lower in HIV-positive individuals [HIV-positive groups: 36 (27 - 58) and 36 (23 - 43); control 49.5 (34 - 69); p = 0.004]. CONCLUSIONS: HIV-infected children and adolescents treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy showed compromised nutritional parameters compared to a paired healthy control group. Individuals using protease inhibitor presented worse triglyceride serum levels compared to their healthy counterparts.INTRODUÇÃO: Crianças e adolescentes infectadas pelo HIV e tratadas com terapia antirretroviral de alta potência (TAAP), que inclui inibidor de protease (IP) podem apresentar significante melhora clínica no estado nutricional e na qualidade de vida. O objetivo é relatar as alterações nutricionais e metabólicas em pacientes pediátricos expostos a TAAP e controles saudáveis durante 1 ano. MÉTODOS: O perfil clínico, antropométrico e lipídico, bem como dados da ingestão alimentar foram coletados prospectivamente durante aproximadamente 12 meses. RESULTADOS: Cinquenta e um indivíduos foram estudados. Dezesseis eram saudáveis. Após 12 meses de acompanhamento, indivíduos HIV-positivo permaneceram abaixo dos parâmetros do grupo controle saudável. Nenhuma mudança foi observada em relação à ingestão alimentar. Níveis séricos de triglicerídeos foram maiores em pacientes usando inibidor de protease no começo do estudo [IP grupo: 114 (43 - 336), e 136 (63 - 271) versus grupo controle: 54.5 (20 - 162); p = 0.003], porém após doze meses de acompanhamento, apenas o grupo que recebeu inibidor de protease por não mais do que dois meses apresentou maiores valores [140 (73 - 273) versus 67.5 (33 - 117); p = 0.004]. HDL-colesterol foi menor nos indivíduos HIV-positivos [grupo HIV-positivo: 36 (27 - 58) e 36 (23 - 43); controle 49.5 (34 - 69); p=0.004]. CONCLUSÕES: Crianças e adolescentes infectadas pelo HIV e tratadas com terapia antirretroviral de alta potência tiveram seus parâmetros nutricionais comprometidos quando comparados com o pareado grupo controle. Indivíduos usando inibidor de protease apresentaram piores níveis séricos de triglicerídeos quando comparados com os saudáveis.UNESCOMinistério da Saúde - Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde - Departamento de DST/AIDS e Hepatites ViraisUnidade de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Tecnológic
Nutritional status and lipid profile of HIV-positive children and adolescents using antiretroviral therapy
OBJECTIVE: To describe nutritional status, body composition and lipid profile in children and adolescents receiving protease inhibitors. METHODS: Fifty-nine patients, 23 treated with protease inhibitors (group 1) and 36 not using protease inhibitors (group 2). Their dietary intake, anthropometry, bioimpedance analysis and lipid profile variables were measured. RESULTS: There was no difference in nutritional status or body composition between groups at the beginning of the study. After 6 months of follow-up, there was an increase in weight and height in both groups, as well as in waist circumference and subscapular skinfold thickness. In group 2, body mass index and triceps skinfold thickness adequacy were significantly higher after 6 months of follow-up. The groups had similar energy and macronutrient intake at any time point. After 6 months, group 1 had a higher cholesterol intake and group 2 had a higher fiber intake. Triglyceride serum levels were significantly different between the groups, with higher values in G1, at any time point [G1: 153 mg/dl (30-344); 138 (58-378) versus G2: 76 mg/dl (29-378); 76 (29-378)]. After 6 months of follow-up, G1 had higher LDL-cholesterol than G2 [104 mg/dl (40-142) versus 82 (42-145)]. CONCLUSION: The use of protease inhibitors, per se, does not seem to significantly interfere with anthropometric measures, body composition and food intake of HIV-infected children and adolescents. However, this antiretroviral therapy was associated with a significant increase in triglyceride and LDL-cholesterol in our subjects
Estado nutricional em crianças com câncer : comparação entre diluição de deutério, impedância bioelétrica e antropometria
Objective: To explore changes in the nutritional status of pediatric cancer patients before and after chemotherapy and evaluate the correlation between deuterium oxide dilution, bioelectric impedance analysis, and anthropometry for assessment of body composition. Methods: This study included 14 children (aged 5.6 to 13.6 years) and classified them as having hematologic or solid tumors. They had their body composition analyzed according to deuterium oxide, bioelectric impedance, and anthropometric measurements before the first chemotherapy cycle and after three and six months of therapy. Results: The patients in the hematologic tumor group had an increase in weight, height, body mass index, waist, hip, and arm circumference, subscapular skinfold thickness, and fat mass with the isotope dilution technique during chemotherapy. In the solid tumor group, the children showed a reduction in fat-free mass when assessed by bioimpedance analysis. We found a positive correlation between the triceps skinfold thickness and fat mass determined by bioimpedance analysis and deuterium oxide. The arm muscle circumference correlated with the fat-free mass estimated by bioimpedance analysis and deuterium oxide. Conclusions: Patients with hematologic tumors had an increase in body weight, height, and fat mass, which was not identified in the solid tumor group. The positive correlation between anthropometry (triceps skinfold thickness and arm muscle circumference), deuterium oxide dilution, and bioelectric impedance analysis shows the applicability of anthropometry in clinical practice.Objetivo: Verificar mudanças no estado nutricional de crianças com câncer antes e após o tratamento quimioterápico e avaliar a correlação entre diluição de óxido de deutério, análise de impedância bioelétrica (BIA) e dados antropométricos. Métodos: Quatorze crianças (entre 5,6 e 13,6 anos de idade) foram incluídas e classificadas como tendo tumores hematológicos ou sólidos. A composição corporal foi medida pelo óxido de deutério, impedância bioelétrica e medidas antropométricas antes da primeira quimioterapia e após três e seis meses de terapia. Resultados: Os pacientes do grupo de tumores hematológicos aumentaram o peso, a estatura, o índice de massa corporal, a circunferência da cintura, quadril e braço, dobra cutânea subescapular e a massa gorda com a técnica de diluição isotópica durante o tratamento quimioterápico. No grupo de tumores sólidos, as crianças mostraram uma redução na massa magra quando avaliadas por análise de impedância. Houve uma correlação positiva entre a dobra cutânea tricipital e a massa gorda determinadas pela análise de impedância e pelo óxido de deutério. A circunferência muscular do braço correlacionou-se com a massa magra estimada pela análise de impedância e pelo óxido de deutério. Conclusões: Pacientes com tumores hematológicos tiveram aumento no peso corporal, estatura e massa gorda, o que não foi observado naqueles com tumores sólidos. A boa correlação entre a antropometria (dobra cutânea tricipital e circunferência muscular do braço), a diluição do óxido de deutério e a análise da impedância bioelétrica mostra a aplicabilidade da antropometria na prática clínica
Ingestão dietética, avaliação antropométrica e composição corporal de adolescentes atendidos em um Centro de Atenção Primária à Saúde em Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil
Objectives: This study aimed to describe and compare the nutritional profile of three groups of adolescents of the same age and gender, diagnosed as overweight, obese and eutrophic as determined by theBody Mass Index (BMI). Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional, observational, comparative,and descriptive study in which adolescents were evaluated using anthropometric measurements suchas skinfolds, waist circumference, BMI and body composition assessed by bioelectric impedance. Asemi-quantitative questionnaire about eating frequency was applied to evaluate food intake. The samplewas determined by convenience. A total of 517 adolescents were attended at the CMSCVL betweenOctober 2005 and December 2006. Of these, 141 (27.3%) agreed to participate and satisfied the inclusion criteria. Results: There was no significant difference between groups regarding energy consumption or percent macronutrient contribution although the diet of all groups contained fat percentages aboverecommended levels. Median lipid consumption was 36.6%, 38.3% and 38.2% among eutrophic, overweight and obese adolescents, respectively. Also, there was no significant difference between groupsregarding micronutrient consumption. Quantitative analysis of the diet revealed in general a frequentconsumption of rice and beans, as well as bread, salty snacks, soft drinks, artificial juices, coffee withsugar, and sausages. The fruits most frequently consumed were orange, apple and banana and thelegumes most frequently consumed were lettuce and tomato. These data are important for the policy ofnutritional education adopted at the health center. Conclusion: The food intake does not seem to havebeen the main factor triggering weight gain. The adolescents studied, regardless of their nutritionalstatus, have similar eating habits which are not compatible with the food pyramid.Objetivos: Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever e comparar o perfil nutricional de três grupos deadolescentes da mesma idade e sexo, com diagnóstico de sobrepeso, obesidade e eutrofia, determinado pelo Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC).Materiais e Métodos: Estudo transversal, observacional, comparativo, descritivo, no qual os adolescentes foram avaliados utilizando medidas antropométricas, tais como dobras cutâneas, circunferência dacintura, IMC e composição corporal avaliada pela impedância bioelétrica. Um questionário semi-quantitativo sobre a freqüência alimentar foi aplicado para avaliar a ingestão de alimentos. A amostra foideterminada por conveniência. Foram atendidos no CMSCVL, no período entre outubro de 2005 edezembro de 2006, 517 adolescentes. Desse total, 141 (27,3%) concordaram em participar e estavamdentro dos critérios de inclusão.Resultados: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos em relação ao consumo de energia e contribuição percentual dos macronutrientes, embora todos os grupos apresentaramuma dieta com percentual de gordura acima dos níveis recomendados. O consumo mediano de lipídiosentre os adolescentes eutróficos, com sobrepeso e obesos foi de 36,6%, 38,3% e 38,2% respectivamente. Além disso, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os três grupos em relaçãoao consumo de micronutrientes. Quanto à análise qualitativa da dieta, observa-se em geral consumofreqüente de arroz e feijão, assim como pães, salgados, refrigerantes, sucos artificiais, café com açúcare salsichas. As frutas mais consumidas foram: laranja, maçã e banana, enquanto os legumes maisconsumidos foram: alface e tomate. Esses dados são importantes para a política de educação nutricional adotada no centro de saúde.Conclusão: A ingestão alimentar não parece ter sido o principal fator desencadeador do ganho de peso.Os adolescentes, independente do seu estado nutricional, apresentam hábitos alimentares semelhantes e não compatíveis com o recomendado pela pirâmide alimentar
Avaliação do estado nutricional de pacientes com pênfigo foliáceo sob corticoterapia prolongada
Our objective was to compare food intake and nutritional status of Pemphigus Foliaceus patients (PG) on long term glucocorticoid therapy to a Control Group (CG). Fourteen PG female inpatients receiving prednisone (0.33 ± 0.22mg/kg) for at least 12 months and twelve CG subjects were submitted to nutritional evaluation, including anthropometry, urinary creatinine determination and serum biochemical measurements, besides 48-h-based food intake records. Groups were compared by Chi-square, Mann-Whitney and "t" tests. PG patients and CG were paired, respectively, in relation to age (24.7 ± 14.1 vs. 22.0 ± 12.0 years), body mass index (25.8 ± 6.4 vs. 24.0 ± 5.6kg/m2), daily protein intake (132.9 ± 49.8 vs. 95.2 ± 58.9g), and serum albumin (median; range) (3.8; 3.5-4.1 vs. 3.8; 3.6-5.0g/dl). However, PG patients had lower height-creatinine index (64.8 ± 17.6 vs. 90.1 ± 33.4%), and higher daily energy (3080 ± 1099 vs. 2187 ± 702kcal) and carbohydrate (376.8 ± 135.8 vs. 242.0 ± 80.7g) intakes. Despite high food, protein and energy consumption, PG patients on long term glucocorticoid therapy had lower body muscle mass than controls, while showing high body fat stores. These findings are possibly related to combined metabolic effects of long term corticotherapy and inflammatory disease plus corticosteroid-induced increased appetite.O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o estado nutricional e dados de ingestão alimentar de pacientes com Pênfigo Foliáceo (PF, n=14) sob corticoterapia prolongada (prednisona, 0,33 ± 0,22mg/kg/dia há mais de 12 meses) com um Grupo Controle (GC, n=12). A avaliação constou de inquérito alimentar de 48 horas, antropometria e determinação de creatinina urinária de 24h e albumina sérica. Os grupos PF e GC foram pareados, respectivamente, quanto à idade (24,7 ± 14,1 vs 22,0 ± 12,0 anos), índice de massa corporal (25,8 ± 6,4 vs 24,0 ± 5,6kg/m2), ingestão diária de proteína (132,9 ± 49,8 vs 95,2 ± 58,9g) e albumina sérica (mediana;faixa de variação) (3,8;3,5-4,1 vs 3,8;3,6-5,0g/dl). Pacientes com pênfigo apresentaram menor índice creatinina-altura (64,8 ± 17,6 vs 90,1 ± 33,4%) e maior ingestão de energia (3080 ± 1099 vs 2187 ± 702kcal/dia) e carboidratos (376,8 ± 135,8 vs 242,0 ± 80,7g/dia). Apesar do maior consumo de alimentos, os pacientes com pênfigo apresentaram menor massa muscular que os controles, achados possivelmente relacionados ao aumento do apetite e efeitos metabólicos combinados da corticoterapia e da doença inflamatória crônica
Vitamin A, vitamin E, iron and zinc status in a cohort of HIV-infected mothers and their uninfected infants
We hypothesized that nutritional deficiency would be common in a cohort of postpartum, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected women and their infants.
Weight and height, as well as blood concentrations of retinol, α-tocopherol, ferritin, hemoglobin, and zinc, were measured in mothers after delivery and in their infants at birth and at 6-12 weeks and six months of age. Retinol and α-tocopherol levels were quantified by high performance liquid chromatography, and zinc levels were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The maternal body mass index during pregnancy was adjusted for gestational age (adjBMI).
Among the 97 women 19.6% were underweight. Laboratory abnormalities were most frequently observed for the hemoglobin (46.4%), zinc (41.1%), retinol (12.5%) and ferritin (6.5%) levels. Five percent of the women had mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentrations \u3c 31g/dL. The most common deficiency in the infants was α-tocopherol (81%) at birth; however, only 18.5% of infants had deficient levels at six months of age. Large percentages of infants had zinc (36.8%) and retinol (29.5%) deficiencies at birth; however, these percentages decreased to 17.5% and 18.5%, respectively, by six months of age. No associations between infant micronutrient deficiencies and either the maternal adjBMI category or maternal micronutrient deficiencies were found.
Micronutrient deficiencies were common in HIV-infected women and their infants. Micronutrient deficiencies were less prevalent in the infants at six months of age. Neither underweight women nor their infants at birth were at increased risk for micronutrient deficiencies
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