4 research outputs found
Mono-, bi- and tri-metallic platinum group metal-free electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction following a facile synthetic route
Combined Scanned Macro X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectance Spectroscopy Mapping on Corroded Ancient Bronzes
Bronze is an alloy composed primarily of copper and tin and since its discovery is widespread in the whole world. This alloy can thus be found in many archaeological sites and its study can give information about the technology of production, the trading routes, or the warfare within a region. However, bronze artefacts can undergo severe alteration processes, and the formation of corrosion layers of different copper minerals can prevent the readability of the artefact or even destroy it, as in the case of the ‘bronze disease’. Their preservation is crucial for maintaining a connection to our cultural heritage. In this paper, we present the study of some corroded bronze artefacts found in different burying conditions. They have been analysed through a scanner system that combines two non-invasive techniques, macro XRF (MA-XRF) and visible, near infrared, short wave infrared (VIS-NIR-SWIR) reflectance, to unravel information about the metal and the patina composition, thickness, and distribution. As the corrosion of bronze depends on the burying conditions and the alloy composition, these data are of the utmost importance to understanding the alteration processes occurring in the archaeological site and to ensure the artefacts’ optimal preservation
FUXYA2020: A Low-Cost Homemade Portable EDXRF Spectrometer for Cultural Heritage Applications
The project FUXYA2020 was intended to design and prototype a low-cost basic energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for all those cases where there is not enough financial support to buy a commercial device. Indeed, home-made instruments are ideal when funds are low but constant over the years, as this approach allows the costs to be spread over a longer period of time. The FUXYA2020 was intended mostly for cultural heritage (CH) applications: we optimized the geometry to meet the requirements for both low Z matrix objects, such as glasses and ceramics, and medium-high Z materials, such as metals; besides, we designed a positioning system through Arduino components to obtain good results and repeatability for samples with a complex geometry. The FUXYA2020’s performance was tested both for qualitative and quantitative analyses, the former on pigment layers, and the latter on gold-based certified alloys, exploiting Axil-QXAS software for data elaboration. The classification of ancient ceramics based on multivariate analysis obtained through R environment was also carried out. The qualitative data on pigments have also been compared with the same data obtained by a commercial XRF spectrometer, demonstrating how our very simple and inexpensive prototype can be of great help for a rapid and reliable characterization of cultural heritage materials whenever commercial devices are unaffordable