944 research outputs found

    A check list for multi-instrument projects

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    The effect of feed composition on the sensory quality of organic rainbow trout during ice storage

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    The aim of this work was to study whether the type of protein and lipid source in feed for organic Rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) influenced the sensory quality. The protein sources were fishmeal and a matrix of organic vegetable plant mealsproteins, while the lipid sources were fish oil and organic oils of linseed, sunflower, rapeseed and grape seed, respectively. Sensory profiling was performed after 3, 5, 7 and 14 days of storage in ice. Besides sensory analysis also lipid profiles weare measured. The resultsed showed that the lipid type in the feed aeffected the sensory characteristics after 3 days of storage. Especially the trout that had grape seed oil in the feed had a different sensory profile than the trout that had fish oil in the feed. These differences could be explained by the lipid profiles in the fillets. Also after 7 days of ice storage differences in the sensory profile wereas observed again as a result of the used lipid types used. After 7 days of ice storage ThusHere the trout that had grape seed oil orand rapeseed oil for instance had a more neutral flavor and odor profile compared to the other trout fed on linseed or sunflower oil´s. After 14 days of storage no effect of lipid type in the feed was observed, but the trout which had fish meal as protein source had higher intensity of several negative sensory descriptors compared to trout that had the vegetable protein matrix. Overall the results showed that the dietaryfeeds content of protein and lipid aeffecteds the sensory characteristics of the trout in different ways during the ice storage period

    The effects of feed composition on the sensory quality of organic rainbow trout during ice storage

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    The focus of this work was to study which effects the type of protein and lipid source in the feed for organic Rainbow trout influences had on the sensory quality of final product. Two and four different protein and lipid sources were used in the experiment respectively. The protein sources were fishmeal and a mixture of protein from organic vegetable, while the lipid sources were fish oil and organic oil from linseed, sunflower, rapeseed and grape seed. Sensory analysis was performed after 3, 5, 7 and 14 days of storage in ice. The results showed that both protein and lipid source in the feed can influence sensory characteristics of the trout. After 3 and 7 days of storage in ice differences in the sensory characteristics between rainbow trout’s which have had different lipid sources in the feed were observed. While a difference between the trout fed with different protein sources were observed after 14 days of storage, indicating that vegetable protein in the feed increases the self-life of organic rainbow trout

    Tilpasset opplæring gjennom praktiske undervisningsmetoder. En kvalitativ kasusstudie om hvordan praktiske undervisningsmetoder kan brukes for å tilpasse opplæringen i matematikk.

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    Fokuset i denne masteroppgaven har vært hvordan praktiske undervisningsmetoder kan brukes for å tilpasse opplæringen til elevene i 1. klasse. Jeg har tatt utgangspunkt i 1. klasse da det den siste tiden har blitt debattert mye rundt seksårsreformen der første klasse skulle være et mykt overgangsår fra barnehagen til skolen. I dag er det et år stappfullt av undervisning, læringsmål og kartlegginger. På bakgrunn av dette skal jeg se på hvordan praktiske undervisningsmetoder kan bidra til tilpasset opplæring i matematikk på 1. trinn? Jeg har gjennomført en kvalitativ kasusstudie, med en skole, en lær er i en klasse som informant, som har matematikkundervisning på 1. trinn. Jeg observerte fire undervisningsøkter i matematikk og gjennomførte et intervju med læreren i etterkant for å samle inn data. Funnene fra intervjuene er drøftet i lys av teori og relevant litteratur. Det jeg har funnet ut er at ved hjelp av praktiske undervisningsmetoder er det mulig å tilpasse opplæringen til elevene, men da i hovedsak gjennom en bred tilpasning dersom alle skal arbeide med samme oppgave. Tilpasningen skjer gjennom metoder og strategier elevene tar i bruk, og dersom de får samarbeide er det med på å tilpasse. Da kan elevene hjelpe hverandre, de kan bidra med sine styrker og erfaringer og på den måten blir undervisningen tilpasset med at elevene kan utfylle hverandre og lære i samhandling med andre. Dermed kan praktiske undervisningsmetoder være med på å tilpasse opplæringen i 1. klasse, og da særlig hvis læreren har kjennskap til klassen og kan tilpasse opplegget ut fra det. Legge til rette og variere oppleggene slik at undervisningen blir tilpasset til den enkelte elev i samsvar med deres evner og forutsetninger

    Preservation methods throughout the value chain: Fish oil.

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    N-3 Pufa Enriched Emulsified Foods And Strategies For Their Stabilization

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    Kirsten Hastrup: Kultur. Det fleksible fællesskab

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    Anmeldes af Charlotte Jacobsen &nbsp