19,877 research outputs found

    Generation of maximally entangled states with sub-luminal Lorentz boost

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    Recent work has studied entanglement between the spin and momentum components of a single spin-1/2 particle and showed that maximal entanglement is obtained only when boosts approach the speed of light. Here we extend the boost scenario to general geometries and show that, intriguingly, maximal entanglement can be achieved with boosts less than the speed of light. Boosts approaching the speed of light may even decrease entanglement. We also provide a geometric explanation for this behavior

    The Counting of Generalized Polarizabilities

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    We demonstrate a concise method to enumerate the number of generalized polarizabilities---quantities characterizing the independent observables in singly-virtual Compton scattering---for a target particle of arbitrary spin s. By using crossing symmetry and J^{PC} conservation, we show that this number is (10s+1+delta_{s,0}).Comment: 10 pages, revtex4, no figures. Version to appear in Phys. Rev. D. Paper now divided into sections and clarifying comments added, but physics content unchange

    Does Peer Ability Affect Student Achievement?

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    Empirical analysis of peer effects on student achievement has been open to question because of the difficulties of separating peer effects from other confounding influences. While most econometric attention has been directed at issues of simultaneous determination of peer interactions, we argue that issues of omitted and mismeasured variables are likely to be more important. We control for the most important determinants of achievement that will confound peer estimates by removing student and school-by-grade fixed effects in addition to observable family and school characteristics. The analysis also addresses the reciprocal nature of peer interactions and the interpretation of estimates based upon models using past achievement as the measure of peer group quality. The results indicate that peer achievement has a positive effect on achievement growth. Moreover, students throughout the school test score distribution appear to benefit from higher achieving schoolmates. On the other hand, the variance in achievement appears to have no systematic effect.

    Photophysics of a novel optical probe: 7-azaindole

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    7-Azaindole is the chromophoric side chain of the nonnatural amino acid 7-azatryptopha11, which we have shown can be incorporated into bacterial protein and is amenable to peptide synthesis. Timeresolved fluorescence measurements of 7-amindole are performed as a function of solvent, pH, and temperature in order to characterize its behavior and to establish criteria for the interpretation of its photophysics when it is incorporated into, or interacts with, proteins. The first time-resolved measurements of 7-azaindole in water are presented. The dependence of the fluorescence properties of 7-azaindole in water with respect to that in various solvents of differing polarity and the temperature dependence of the fluorescence lifetimes of 7-azaindole in H20 and D20, and in CHBOH and CH30D, suggest that the fuorescent species of 7-azaindole in water is a tautomerized excited-state solutesolvent complex. Time-resolved fluorescence measurements as a function of temperature verify the existence in methanol of a ground-state precursor to the 7-azaindole *tautomer” species. Upon optical excitation, this precursor decays into the tautomer in less than 30 ps. Our results are used to rationalize the sensitivity of the fluorescence lifetime of a synthetic peptide containing 7-azatryptophan alone in aqueous solution and in complex with a protein

    SM(2,4k) fermionic characters and restricted jagged partitions

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    A derivation of the basis of states for the SM(2,4k)SM(2,4k) superconformal minimal models is presented. It relies on a general hypothesis concerning the role of the null field of dimension 2k−1/22k-1/2. The basis is expressed solely in terms of GrG_r modes and it takes the form of simple exclusion conditions (being thus a quasi-particle-type basis). Its elements are in correspondence with (2k−1)(2k-1)-restricted jagged partitions. The generating functions of the latter provide novel fermionic forms for the characters of the irreducible representations in both Ramond and Neveu-Schwarz sectors.Comment: 12 page

    Deaning from the Middle: Academic Deans’ Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness

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    As higher education changes, academic deans’ roles also adapt to meet the demands of increased enrollment and serving diverse student populations. Academic deans lead from the middle of their institutions; they must report to university administration, while serving the faculty members within their respective colleges or schools (Bright & Richards, 2001; Buller, 2007; Butin, 2016; Dill, 1980; Gallos, 2002; Morris, 1981; Perlmutter, 2017). To meet these demands, academic deans must develop emotional intelligence to lead effectively. Emotional intelligence serves as a skillset for academic deans to use in navigating their administrative duties and serving as leaders for their faculty and staff. This study focused on determining whether academic deans’ emotional intelligence is related to their leadership effectiveness. The researcher hypothesized that emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness were related. A survey consisting of demographic questions, the Genos Emotional Intelligence Inventory, and the Leadership Practices Inventory were used to measure whether emotional intelligence served as a predictor for leadership effectiveness. Results indicated that emotional intelligence indeed served as an indicator of leadership effectiveness for academic deans

    Casimir-Polder interaction of fullerene molecules with surfaces

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    We calculate the thermal Casimir--Polder potential of C60 and C70 fullerene molecules near gold and silicon nitride surfaces, motivated by their relevance for molecular matter wave interference experiments. We obtain the coefficients governing the asymptotic power laws of the interaction in the thermal, retarded and nonretarded distance regimes and evaluate the full potential numerically. The interaction is found to be dominated by electronic transitions, and hence independent of the internal temperature of the molecules. The contributions from phonon transitions, which are affected by the molecular temperature, give rise to only a small correction. Moreover, we find that the sizeable molecular line widths of thermal fullerenes may modify the nonretarded interaction, depending on the model used. Detailed measurements of the nonretarded potential of fullerene thus allow one to distinguish between different theories of incorporating damping.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, 9 table

    Rituximab induced pulmonary edema managed with extracorporeal life support

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    Though rare, rituximab has been reported to induce severe pulmonary edema. We describe the first report of ECLS utilization for this indication. A 31-year-old female with severe thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura developed florid pulmonary edema after rituximab infusion. Despite advanced ventilatory settings, she developed severe respiratory acidosis and remained hypoxemic with a significant vasopressor requirement. Since her pulmonary insult was likely transient, ECLS was considered. Due to combined cardiorespiratory failure, she received support with peripheral venoarterial ECLS. During her ECLS course, she received daily plasmapheresis and high dose steroids. Her pulmonary function recovered and she was decannulated after 8 days. She was discharged after 23 days without residual sequelae
