93 research outputs found

    José rafael arboleda s. j. (1916-1992): el programa de los estudios afroamericanos y los inicios de la reflexión antropológica sobre poblaciones negras en colombia

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    A pesar de su importancia para la historia de la ciencia social y la antropología colombianas, la obra intelectual del padre Arboleda ha sido relegada al olvido. El presente trabajo busca analizar la propuesta de investigación del padre Arboleda, atendiendo a dos preguntas principales: ¿cómo constituye la antropología sus objetos de interés científico? ¿En qué términos ocurrió la aparición de los afrocolombianos en el horizonte discursivo de la antropología nacional? Esto, con el propósito de iluminar los debates actuales de los estudios afrocolombianos en conexión con la tradición académica existente sobre estas poblaciones. Palabras clave: antropología social, historia, estudios afroamericanos, afrocolombianos. ABSTRACT Despite its importance for the Colombian history of social sciences and anthropology, the intellectual work of Father Arboleda has been forgotten. This paper intends to analyze the research proposal of Father Arboleda, considering two major questions: How anthropology constitutes its objects of scientific interest? In which terms did the apparition of Afrocolombians occur in the discursive horizon of national anthropology? This, in order to enlighten the current debates in afrocolombian studies, related to the existing academic tradition about these populations. Keywords: social anthropology, history, Afro-American studies, Afro-Colombians

    Rapid and massive depletion of NKp44<sup>+</sup>I LCs in intestinal mucosae after SIV infection.

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    <p>(A) Representative gating strategy to identify NKp44<sup>+</sup>ILCs and NKG2A<sup>+</sup> NK cells. After gating on CD45<sup>+</sup> leukocytes to exclude contaminating epithelial cells, dead cells and debris were excluded by using a vital stain. Among live CD45<sup>+</sup>CD3<sup>–</sup> mononuclear cells, NKp44<sup>+</sup>ILCs and NK cells were identified by mutually exclusive expression of NKp44 and NKG2A, respectively. Frequencies of NKp44<sup>+</sup>ILCs among mononuclear cells in colon (B), jejunum and PaLN (C), and MLN (D) were compared between naïve, acute and chronically SIV-infected macaques at the indicated time points. Frequencies of NKG2A<sup>+</sup>NK cells among mononuclear cells in colon (E), jejunum and PaLN (F), and MLN (G) were compared between naïve, acute and chronically SIV-infected macaques at the indicated time points. Samples are from naïve macaques (n = 12) and those sacrificed at day 6/7 (n = 6), day 14 post-infection (n = 6), and those sacrificed in chronic disease (n = 8). Data from pre-infection colorectal biopsies are also grouped with naïve animal data for cross-sectional analyses.</p

    Quantification of inflammatory cytokines in SIV-infected macaques.

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    <p>(A) Longitudinal cytokine levels in plasma during acute SIV infection. (B) Comparison of plasma cytokine levels in naïve and chronically SIV-infected macaques. (C) Cytokine concentrations in gastrointestinal washes from naïve and SIV-infected macaques sacrificed at days 6/7 post-infection as described in the <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004551#s2" target="_blank">Methods</a>. Statistically significant differences between pre-infection and post-infection samples (A) were determined by Student's <i>t</i> test. Mann-Whitney <i>U</i> test was used for cross-sectional comparisons (A & B). Only statistically significant <i>p</i> values are shown; *, <i>p</i><0.05. Samples are from naïve macaques (n = 6), those sacrificed at day 6/7 post-infection (n = 6), and animals sacrificed in chronic disease (n = 8). UD, undetectable.</p

    Methylene blue dye staining of female genital tract following a 2 ml inoculum challenge.

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    <p>Twenty minutes following dye exposure, animals were necropsied and the entire female genital tract was extracted en block and dissected. The tissue was photographed to assess both completeness of dye coverage and length of distance from the vaginal introitus. Overall there was complete dye staining in the vaginal vault, but stain was not detected in the cervix, uterus, or ovaries.</p

    Intracellular RORγt and caspase-3 levels in cytokine cultured NKp44+ ILCs.

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    <p>NKp44+ ILCs were cultured overnight in various cytokines and RORγt (A) and caspase-3 (B) were quantified intracellularly by flow cytometry. Bars represent mean ± SEM of 5 independent experiments. Student's <i>t</i> test was used to compare media control to each cytokine-treated culture; * <i>p</i><0.05, ** <i>p</i><0.01. MFI, median fluorescence intensity.</p

    Comparison of NKG2A<sup>+</sup>NK cell functions within naïve, acute and chronically SIV-infected macaques.

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    <p>(A) Median fluorescence intensities (MFI) of perforin expression in NKG2A<sup>+</sup>NK cells <i>ex vivo</i>. (B) Representative flow cytometry plots demonstrating cytokine-secretion profiles of mucosal NKG2A<sup>+</sup>ILCs following mitogen stimulation. (C) Multiparametric analyses on the data shown in (B) were performed with SPICE 5.0 software. Pies indicate means of 6 to 8 animals per group for each multifunction and arcs show overlap of individual functions. (D) Combined tissue bar comparisons of individual multifunctions. Multifunctions are indicated by rainbow color boxes beneath each combination and correspond to the same colored pie slices in (C). Statistically significant differences between naïve versus acute (red) or naïve versus chronic (green) are indicated; Student's <i>t</i> test. Samples are from naïve macaques (n = 6), those sacrificed at day 14 post-infection (n = 6), and animals sacrificed in chronic disease (n = 8).</p

    Comparison of NKp44<sup>+</sup>ILC functions within naïve, acute and chronically SIV-infected macaques.

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    <p>(A) Median fluorescence intensities (MFI) of perforin expression in NKp44<sup>+</sup>ILCs ex vivo. (B) Representative flow cytometry plots demonstrating cytokine-secretion profiles of mucosal NKp44<sup>+</sup>ILCs following mitogen stimulation. (C) Multiparametric analyses on the data shown in (B) were performed with SPICE 5.0 software. Pies indicate means of 6 to 8 animals per group for each multifunction and arcs show overlap of individual functions. (D) Combined tissue bar comparisons of individual multifunctions. Multifunctions are indicated by rainbow color boxes beneath each combination and correspond to the same colored pie slices in (C). Statistically significant differences between naïve versus acute (red) or naïve versus chronic (green) are indicated; Student's <i>t</i> test. Samples are from naïve macaques (n = 6), those sacrificed at day 14 post-infection (n = ), and animals sacrificed in chronic disease (n = 8).</p

    Plasma viremia and CD4<sup>+</sup>T cell dynamics in SIV infection.

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    <p>(A) Kinetics of plasma viral load during acute SIV infection. Percentages of CD4<sup>+</sup>T cells among total CD3<sup>+</sup>T cells in blood (B), colon (C), MLN (D), and jejunum and PaLN (E). Statistical comparisons are between naïve and acutely infected macaques at the indicated time points. Mann-Whitney <i>U</i> test; * <i>p</i><0.05, ** <i>p</i><0.01, *** <i>p</i><0.001. MLN and PaLN; mesenteric and pararectal/paracolonic lymph nodes, respectively. Samples are from naïve macaques (n = 7) and those sacrificed at day 6/7 (n = 6), day 14 post-infection (n = 6), and those sacrificed in chronic disease (n = 8).</p

    Methylene blue dye staining of rectum and descending colon following a 1 ml (A) or 3 ml (B) simulated challenge.

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    <p>Twenty minutes following dye exposure, animals were necropsied and rectum/distal colon was removed en block. Once fecal matter was gently cleared from tissue, stained mucosal tissue was photographed to assess both completeness coverage and the maximal distance of dye coverage from the anal verge.</p