1 research outputs found

    De una fimosis a la amputaci贸n total del pene From phymosis to total amputation of the penis

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    El caso que presentamos es el de un paciente de 53 a帽os que, al no tratarse adecuadamente una fimosis, present贸 un carcinoma epidermoide de pene y fue necesario realizar una amputaci贸n total de este 贸rgano. Es sabido que en la actualidad ese tipo de enfermedad es prevenible y que su aparici贸n se debe a una higiene genital inadecuada relacionada con la presencia de fimosis o prepucio redundante<br>The case of a 53 years-old patient, who did not look for adequate treatment for phymosis and developed epidermoid carcinoma of the penis leading to the total amputation of this organ, was presented in this paper. It is known that this type of disease is preventable at present and that it occurs due to phymosis or redundant foreskin-related poor genital hygien