97 research outputs found

    Supporting people with cognitive disabilities in decision making – processes and dilemmas

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    The exploratory study found that participants, including those with cognitive disability, mostly supported the broad concept of supported decision making. However supporters saw this as a complex, dynamic and frequently chaotic process. Fundamental to the process were relationships and tailoring support to the individual. The skills and knowledge required included communication skills, self-awareness, the capacity for reflective discussion, conflict resolution skills, and knowledge of strategies for tailoring the decision making process to the individual. The study revealed multiple dilemmas and tensions associated with supporting someone with cognitive disability to make a decision but most commonly mentioned were remaining neutral, managing conflicting perspectives amongst differing supporters, balancing rights with risk and best interests, and resource constraints. The study provides some key insights into the practice of supporting people with cognitive disability to make decisions and knowledge that can be incorporated into training programs for people in this role. The findings also highlight the need for further research in this area, particularly in relation to ‘what works’ in support for decision making for people with cognitive disabilit

    Communication-specific Coping Following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Impaired communication is a well-established and enduring consequence of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). As a result, people with severe TBI spend a lot of time attempting to cope with communication breakdown. Coping responses are the cognitive and behavioural efforts we make to moderate the impact of stressful situations. Dispositional coping responses reflect an individual general style of coping and can be used across different types of stressful situations. In contrast, situational coping responses are context-specific strategies that are used in a particular type of stressful situation. Dispositional coping has increasingly been the focus of research in the TBI population and has been found to play a significant role in shaping long-term outcome. While the importance of situation-specific coping has been raised in the literature, communication-specific coping has not been investigated in any depth. This study was undertaken as a preliminary investigation into the relationship between communication-specific coping and social participation. The first aim was to make a comparison between the communication-specific coping strategies used by adults with severe TBI and healthy adults. The second aim was to evaluate the association between coping strategies used and social participation

    The Nature of Impaired Conversational Skill Following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Many communication deficits have been identified following severe traumatic brain injury (TB) in the adult population. Deficits range from motor speech disorders to word finding difficulties and impaired pragmatic skills. In the early post-injury period patients may be aware of motor speech difficulties but show little awareness of pragmatic deficits until several years later. In the long-term, conversational interaction is reported as particularly challenging for adults with severe TBI and those with whom they interact regularly. The primary aim of this study was to identify and describe those conversational skills that are reported by adults with severe TBI and their relatives to be chronically impaired

    A tailored occupational therapist-led vocational intervention for people with stroke: Protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Resuming work after stroke is a common goal of working-age adults, yet there are few vocational rehabilitation programs designed to address the unique challenges faced following stroke. The Work intervention was developed to address these gaps. Objective: This paper presents a protocol that outlines the steps that will be undertaken to pilot both the intervention and trial processes for the Work trial. Methods: The Work trial is a 2-arm, prospective, randomized, blinded-assessor study with intention-to-treat analysis. A total of 54 adults of working age who have experienced a stroke \u3c4 months prior will be randomized 1:1 to either (1) an experimental group who will receive a 12-week early vocational intervention (Work intervention) plus usual clinical rehabilitation or (2) a control group who will receive only their usual clinical rehabilitation. Results: Outcomes include study and intervention feasibility and intervention benefit. In addition to evaluating the feasibility of delivering vocational intervention early after stroke, benefit will be assessed by measuring rates of vocational participation and quality-of-life improvements at the 3- and 6-month follow-ups. Process evaluation using data collected during the study, as well as postintervention individual interviews with participants and surveys with trial therapists, will complement quantitative data. Conclusions: The results of the trial will provide details on the feasibility of delivering the Work intervention embedded within the clinical rehabilitation context and inform future trial processes. Pilot data will enable a future definitive trial to determine the clinical effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation when delivered in the early subacute phase of stroke recovery

    INCOG 2.0 Guidelines for Cognitive Rehabilitation Following Traumatic Brain Injury, Part III: Executive Functions

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    Introduction: Moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury (MS-TBI) causes debilitating and enduring impairments of executive functioning and self-awareness, which clinicians often find challenging to address. Here, we provide an update to the INCOG 2014 guidelines for the clinical management of these impairments. Methods: An expert panel of clinicians/researchers (known as INCOG) reviewed evidence published from 2014 and developed updated recommendations for the management of executive functioning and self-awareness post-MS-TBI, as well as a decision-making algorithm, and an audit tool for review of clinical practice. Results: A total of 8 recommendations are provided regarding executive functioning and self-awareness. Since INCOG 2014, 4 new recommendations were made and 4 were modified and updated from previous recommendations. Six recommendations are based on level A evidence, and 2 are based on level C. Recommendations retained from the previous guidelines and updated, where new evidence was available, focus on enhancement of self-awareness (eg, feedback to increase self-monitoring; training with video-feedback), meta-cognitive strategy instruction (eg, goal management training), enhancement of reasoning skills, and group-based treatments. New recommendations addressing music therapy, virtual therapy, telerehabilitation-delivered metacognitive strategies, and caution regarding other group-based telerehabilitation (due to a lack of evidence) have been made. Conclusions: Effective management of impairments in executive functioning can increase the success and well-being of individuals with MS-TBI in their day-to-day lives. These guidelines provide management recommendations based on the latest evidence, with support for their implementation, and encourage researchers to explore and validate additional factors such as predictors of treatment response

    The Single-Case Reporting Guideline In BEhavioural Interventions (SCRIBE) 2016 statement

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    We developed a reporting guideline to provide authors with guidance about what should be reported when writing a paper for publication in a scientific journal using a particular type of research design: the single-case experimental design. This report describes the methods used to develop the Single-Case Reporting guideline In BEhavioural interventions (SCRIBE) 2016. As a result of 2 online surveys and a 2-day meeting of experts, the SCRIBE 2016 checklist was developed, which is a set of 26 items that authors need to address when writing about single-case research. This article complements the more detailed SCRIBE 2016 Explanation and Elaboration article (Tate et al., 2016) that provides a rationale for each of the items and examples of adequate reporting from the literature. Both these resources will assist authors to prepare reports of single-case research with clarity, completeness, accuracy, and transparency. They will also provide journal reviewers and editors with a practical checklist against which such reports may be critically evaluated. We recommend that the SCRIBE 2016 is used by authors preparing manuscripts describing single-case research for publication, as well as journal reviewers and editors who are evaluating such manuscripts.Funding for the SCRIBE project was provided by the Lifetime Care and Support Authority of New South Wales, Australia. The funding body was not involved in the conduct, interpretation or writing of this work. We acknowledge the contribution of the responders to the Delphi surveys, as well as administrative assistance provided by Kali Godbee and Donna Wakim at the SCRIBE consensus meeting. Lyndsey Nickels was funded by an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT120100102) and Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Cognition and Its Disorders (CE110001021). For further discussion on this topic, please visit the Archives of Scientific Psychology online public forum at http://arcblog.apa.org. (Lifetime Care and Support Authority of New South Wales, Australia; FT120100102 - Australian Research Council Future Fellowship; CE110001021 - Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Cognition and Its Disorders)Published versio

    INCOG 2.0 Guidelines for Cognitive Rehabilitation Following Traumatic Brain Injury, Part IV: Cognitive-Communication and Social Cognition Disorders

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    Introduction: Moderate to severe traumatic brain injury causes significant cognitive impairments, including impairments in social cognition, the ability to recognize others\u27 emotions, and infer others\u27 thoughts. These cognitive impairments can have profound negative effects on communication functions, resulting in a cognitive-communication disorder. Cognitive-communication disorders can significantly limit a person\u27s ability to socialize, work, and study, and thus are critical targets for intervention. This article presents the updated INCOG 2.0 recommendations for management of cognitive-communication disorders. As social cognition is central to cognitive-communication disorders, this update includes interventions for social cognition. Methods: An expert panel of clinicians/researchers reviewed evidence published since 2014 and developed updated recommendations for interventions for cognitive-communication and social cognition disorders, a decision-making algorithm tool, and an audit tool for review of clinical practice. Results: Since INCOG 2014, there has been significant growth in cognitive-communication interventions and emergence of social cognition rehabilitation research. INCOG 2.0 has 9 recommendations, including 5 updated INCOG 2014 recommendations, and 4 new recommendations addressing cultural competence training, group interventions, telerehabilitation, and management of social cognition disorders. Cognitive-communication disorders should be individualized, goal- and outcome-oriented, and appropriate to the context in which the person lives and incorporate social communication and communication partner training. Group therapy and telerehabilitation are recommended to improve social communication. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) should be offered to the person with severe communication disability and their communication partners should also be trained to interact using AAC. Social cognition should be assessed and treated, with a focus on personally relevant contexts and outcomes. Conclusions: The INCOG 2.0 recommendations reflect new evidence for treatment of cognitive-communication disorders, particularly social interactions, communication partner training, group treatments to improve social communication, and telehealth delivery. Evidence is emerging for the rehabilitation of social cognition; however, the impact on participation outcomes needs further research

    Lower doses of carvedilol in Japanese heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction could show the potential to be non-inferior to higher doses in US patients: An international collaborative observational study

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    Maeda M., Humber D., Hida E., et al. (2024) Lower doses of carvedilol in Japanese heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction could show the potential to be non-inferior to higher doses in US patients: An international collaborative observational study. PLoS ONE 19(3.0): e0299510. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0299510.The Japanese national guidelines recommend significantly lower doses of carvedilol for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) management than the US guidelines. Using real-world data, we determined whether initial and target doses of carvedilol in Japanese patients (JPNs) differ from those in US patients (USPs), especially in Asian Americans (ASA) and Caucasians (CA), and investigated differences in outcomes. We collected data from the electronic medical records, including demographics, carvedilol dosing, tolerability, cardiac functional indicators like EF, cardiovascular events including all-cause deaths, and laboratory values from the University of California, San Diego Health and Osaka University. JPNs had significantly lower doses (mg/day) of carvedilol initiation (66 USPs composed of 38 CAs and 28 ASAs, 17.1±16.2; 93 JPNs, 4.3±4.2, p<0.001) and one year after initiation (33.0±21.8; 11.2±6.5, p<0.001), and a significantly lower relative rate (RR) of dose discontinuation and reduction than USPs (RR: 0.406, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.181–0.911, p<0.05). CAs showed the highest reduction rate (0.184), and ASAs had the highest discontinuation rate (0.107). A slight mean difference with narrow 95% CI ranges straddling zero was observed between the two regions in the change from the baseline of each cardiac functional indicator (LVEF, -0.68 [−5.49–4.12]; LVDd, −0.55 [−3.24–2.15]; LVDd index, −0.25 [−1.92–1.43]; LVDs, −0.03 [−3.84–3.90]; LVDs index, −0.04 [−2.38–2.30]; heart rate, 1.62 [−3.07–6.32]). The event-free survival showed no difference (p = 0.172) among the races. Conclusively, despite JPNs exhibiting markedly lower carvedilol doses, their dose effectiveness has the potential to be non-inferior to that in USPs. Dose de-escalation, not discontinuation, could be an option in some Asian and ASA HFrEF patients intolerable to high doses of carvedilol

    Insights into the Role of a Cardiomyopathy-Causing Genetic Variant in ACTN2

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    Pathogenic variants in ACTN2, coding for alpha-actinin 2, are known to be rare causes of Hyper-trophic Cardiomyopathy. However, little is known about the underlying disease mechanisms. Adult heterozygous mice carrying the Actn2 p.Met228Thr variant were phenotyped by echocar-diography. For homozygous mice, viable E15.5 embryonic hearts were analysed by High Reso-lution Episcopic Microscopy and wholemount staining, complemented by unbiased proteomics, qPCR and Western blotting. Heterozygous Actn2 p.Met228Thr mice have no overt phenotype. Only mature males show molecular parameters indicative of cardiomyopathy. By contrast, the variant is embryonically lethal in the homozygous setting and E15.5 hearts show multiple morphological abnormalities. Molecular analyses, including unbiased proteomics, identified quantitative abnormalities in sarcomeric parameters, cell cycle defects and mitochondrial dys-function. The mutant alpha-actinin protein is found to be destabilised, associated with increased activity of the ubiquitin-proteosomal system. This missense variant in alpha-actinin renders the protein less stable. In response, the ubiquitin-proteosomal system is activated; a mechanism which has been implicated in cardiomyopathies previously. In parallel, lack of functional al-pha-actinin is thought to cause energetic defects through mitochondrial dysfunction. This seems, together with cell cycle defects, the likely cause of death of the embryos. The defects also have wide-ranging morphological consequences

    The Koolungar Moorditj Healthy Skin Project: Elder and Community Led Resources Strengthen Aboriginal Voice for Skin Health

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    In partnership with local Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations, the Elder-led co-designed Koolungar Moorditj Healthy Skin project is guided by principles of reciprocity, capacity building, respect, and community involvement. Through this work, the team of Elders, community members, clinicians and research staff have gained insight into the skin health needs of urban-living Aboriginal koolungar (children); and having identified a lack of targeted and culturally appropriate health literacy and health promotion resources on moorditj (strong) skin, prioritised development of community-created healthy skin resources. Community members self-appointed to Aboriginal Community Advisory Groups (CAG) on Whadjuk (Perth) and Wardandi (Bunbury) boodjar (land/place) provided local leadership and led the development of moorditj skin resources. Over several online and face-to-face meetings facilitated by an Aboriginal project officer, CAG members shared local perspectives and cultural knowledge to develop and inform the messaging, medium, and dissemination of health literacy and health promotion resources for healthy skin. All CAG-created research approaches, resources and materials were presented to the Elder Researchers for discussion, final review, and implementation by the project team. Culturally appropriate moorditj skin resources, designed by community for community, build on knowledge of healthy skin to achieve moorditj skin and moorditj health for urban-living Aboriginal koolungar
