5 research outputs found

    Spatial Inequality in Times of Urban Transition: Complex Land Markets in Uganda and Somaliland: Public Facing Report

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    This report synthesizes the main issues, findings and recommendations from the analysis of our research on Spatial Inequalities of Urban Transitions, executed between Dec. 2017 and Sept. 2019. Based on a systemic view of land markets and integrated with a political settlement analysis, this report helps in understanding and eventually overcoming constraints to the ways that land markets can contribute to spatial justice. The report can identify some of the ways in which land markets relate to spatial justice. The aim of the report is to suggest forms of support to assist policy development and policy interventions that can enable East African cities to offer greater opportunities to poor and marginalised urban groups. It presents findings on overarching issues in each city from all the research components and associated policy recommendations

    Spatial Inequality in Times of Urban Transition: Complex Land Markets in Uganda and Somaliland: Overarching Synthesis Report

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    This report synthesises the analysis of research on “Spatial Inequalities in Times of Urban Transitions” that was executed from December 2017 to September 2019 in 4 cities in Uganda and Somaliland. Based on a systemic view of land markets and integrated with a political settlement analysis it is meant to help in understanding and eventually overcoming constraints to the ways that land markets can contribute to spatial justice. The report draws on an understanding of political settlements as a way of understanding how varieties of clientelism through informal interfaces manifest themselves in cities and how the materialities and resources of cities shape and afford possibilities for clientelism (Goodfellow, 2017)

    Rusistika - slavistika - lingvistika : Festschrift fĂĽr Werner Lehfeldt zum 60. Geburtstag

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    Beiträge in russ. und dt.Die Festschrift ehrt einen der international bekanntesten und produktivsten Slavisten Deutschlands. Die 48 Beiträge des Bandes von Freunden, Schülern und Kollegen des Jubilars aus dem In- und Ausland entstammen – ohne Begrenzung von Raum, Zeit oder Methode – den Bereichen Slavische Sprachwissenschaft, Allgemeine und Quantitative Linguistik, Slavische Literaturwissenschaft sowie Didaktik des Russischen als Fremdsprache. Sie entsprechen in ihrer höchst aktuellen Thematik dem ausserordentlich breiten Interessenspektrum des langjährigen Herausgebers von Russian Linguistics; neben zahlreichen konkreten philologischen, empirischen Studien zur Synchronie und Diachronie sind auch grundsätzliche Überlegungen und Reflexionen vertreten

    The role of knowledge institutions in placemaking

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    Urban development is increasing in its complexity. Processes that transform urban areas are not steered by the public sector or private enterprises alone. Hybrid forms of urban development are emerging, with a gradually bigger role given to citizens’ initiatives and selforganization. This favours also the involvement of knowledge institutions that add to new models of innovation by actively contributing to and partnering with public and private initiative