8 research outputs found

    The Influence of Lignite Mining on Water Quality

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    Zawarto艣膰 偶elaza i glinu w wodzie porowej i osadach dennych acidotroficznego zbiornika meromiktycznego nr 54 w 艁uku Mu偶akowskim, Polska

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    The spatial distribution of iron and aluminum in bottom sludge and pore water of the meromictic acid pit lake no 54 situated in 艁uk Mu偶akowski, Poland were examined. Samples were taken three times from two places located within the meromictic zone and one out of it. Chemical composition of pore water and sludge in vertical profiles were analysed. Two patterns of the distribution of elements between solid and liquid parts depending on the sampling location were found. Samples taken outside meromictic zone had comparable high concentration of iron in the sludge associated with its low amounts in pore water - and on the contrary: low concentration of alum in sludge associated with its high amount in pore water. Samples from the meromictic zone characterized reversed relations.W publikacji przedstawiono zmiany zawarto艣ci 偶elaza i glinu w wodzie porowej i osadach dennych acidotroficznego zbiornika meromiktycznego nr 54 w 艁uku Mu偶akowskim. Pr贸bki pobierano trzykrotnie z dw贸ch miejsc w strefie meromiksji i jednego poza ni膮. Analizowano sk艂ad chemiczny osad贸w i wody porowej w profilu pionowym obranych pr贸b. Stwierdzono dwa wzory rozk艂adu st臋偶e艅 badanych pierwiastk贸w mi臋dzy wod膮 porow膮 i osadami. W pr贸bkach pochodz膮cych spoza strefy meromiksji stosunkowo wysokim st臋偶eniom 偶elaza w osadach towarzyszy艂a jego niska zawarto艣膰 w wodzie porowej, natomiast odwrotn膮 zale偶no艣膰 stwierdzono dla glinu, tj. wysokim st臋偶eniom glinu w wodzie porowej towarzyszy艂a jego niska zawarto艣膰 w osadach. W pr贸bkach pochodz膮cych ze strefy meromiksji zale偶no艣ci te przebiega艂y odwrotnie

    Some aspects of chemical composition of geological structure of "antropogenic lake district"

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    The research results of some aspects of soil chemical composition in the surroundings of the biggest pit, acid reservoir located on 艁uk Mu偶akowski (SW Poland) are presented. Samples were taken every 1m depth, from three 25m deep, boreholes and content of TOC, iron, calcium and aluminium was analyzed. Boreholes were located in the closest neighbourhood of the reservoir, one on side of groundwater inflow, two others on the opposite site. Watertable in each places was confined and groundwater had the chemical composition typical for AMD. Geological structure consisted mainly from sand and clay with sand and brown coal layers. Concentrations of TOC varied from trace amounts to 22,65% dry mass dependently on geology. Soils under research contained high amounts of iron and were poor in calcium. Aluminium concentrations were imperceptibly lower than iron ones and varied from 0,27 to 7,45% dry mass. The following conclusions were formulated: chemical composition of soils stayed under influence of interactions with AMD, the content of iron and calcium may be the result of secondary minerals precipitation form AMD, lack of calcium created conditions favourable water and soil acidification

    Water supply system in Zielona Gora (Poland) reconstruction concept

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    G艂贸wnym niedomaganiem obecnego systemu zaopatrzenia Zielonej G贸ry w wod臋 jest ma艂y stopie艅 wykorzystania zasob贸w w贸d podziemnych, a tak偶e niew艂a艣ciwy rozdzia艂 poszczeg贸lnych rodzaj贸w wody mi臋dzy odbiorc贸w indywidualnych i przemys艂 oraz kosztowny system wielostopniowego t艂oczenia wody. Opracowany model docelowy zaopatrzenia Zielonej G贸ry w wod臋 zak艂ada budow臋 dw贸ch nowych uj臋膰 i stacji oczyszczania wody w po艂udniowej cz臋艣ci miasta oraz rozszerzenie zasi臋gu obszaru obj臋tego dostaw膮 w贸d podziemnych. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, 偶e nie jest mo偶liwe wyeliminowanie udzia艂u wody powierzchniowej z zielonog贸rskiego systemu zasilania. Proponowany model pozwala jednak na zwi臋kszenie udzia艂u w贸d podziemnych wykorzystywanych do zaopatrzenia ludno艣ci. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy sporz膮dzono nast臋puj膮ce wytyczne przebudowy obiekt贸w istniej膮cych: uj臋cie w贸d powierzchniowych zostanie utrzymane (prognozowana wydajno艣膰 400 m3/h), stacja oczyszczania wody w Zawadzie nadal b臋dzie oczyszcza膰 wody zmieszane (powierzchniowe i podziemne) w prognozowanej ilo艣ci 1000 m3/h, pompownia przy ul. Sulechowskiej powinna w przysz艂o艣ci zapewni膰 wydajno艣膰 1000 m3/h.The main disadvantages of current water supply system in Zielona Gora include low degree of groundwater exploitation, improper distribution of individual water types among individual consumers and costly multistage pumping system. The target model of Zielona Gora water supply assumes building of the two new intake sites and a treatment plant in the southern part of the town as well as extension of groundwater supplied area. The analysis completed leads to conclusion that eliminating surface water contribution to Zielona Gora water supply system is not feasible. However, the proposed model allows increasing the contribution of groundwater to the water supply system. The following guidelines regarding existing objects reconstruction were developed based on the performed analysis: surface water intake site shall remain (prognostic efficiency of 400 m3/h), water treatment plant in Zawada shall continue to treat mixed waters (surface and groundwater) according to prognosis of 1000 m3/h, and the pumping system at Sulechowska street should insure future efficiency of 1000 m3/h

    Chemical composition of water in post-mining reservoir of inpact origin

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    W publikacji om贸wiono najwa偶niejsze zmiany sk艂adu sk艂adu fizyczno-chemicznego w贸d zbiornika kopalnianego nr 31 w latach 1981梅2010. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych bada艅 mo偶na sformu艂owa膰 nast臋puj膮ce wnioski: 1. Najwa偶niejszym parametrem ulegaj膮cym zmianie na przestrzeni lat, by艂 wzrost warto艣ci pH w wodzie powierzchniowej, kt贸ry jest spowodowany wzrostem aktywno艣ci biologicznej. Nale偶y spodziewa膰 si臋 w przysz艂o艣ci dalszego podwy偶szania si臋 pH powierzchniowej warstwy w贸d. 2. St臋偶enie 偶elaza w powierzchniowej warstwie w贸d jest ograniczone rozpuszczalno艣ci膮 uwodnionych tlenk贸w oraz w臋glanu 偶elaza (III) i niezale偶nie pod wielko艣ci dop艂ywaj膮cych 艂adunk贸w pozostanie na zbli偶onym poziomie lub ulegnie nieznacznemu obni偶eniu w wyniku podwy偶szenia si臋 warto艣ci pH wody. 3. Na dolne warstwy zbiornika okresowo oddzia艂uj膮 zakwaszone wody kopalniane, co powoduje znaczne wahania st臋偶enia siarczan贸w (VI) oraz wzbogacenie przydennych warstw wody w zwi膮zki 偶elaza (II). 4. Rozk艂ad temperatur wody badanego zbiornika stanowi potwierdzenie tezy o dop艂ywie w贸d podziemnych do dolnych cz臋艣ci zbiornika i meromiksji badanego zbiornika. Sk艂ad w贸d zbiornika ca艂y czas ewoluuje, jednak szybko艣膰 zmian jest powolna. Aby okre艣li膰 trwa艂o艣膰 zachodz膮cych proces贸w niezb臋dne jest prowadzenie regularnego monitoringu w贸d w mo偶liwie szerokim zakresie analitycznym.The chemistry of post-mining reservoir the No. 31 was discussed. The reservoir under research is located on so called "antrophogenic lake district" in 艁uk Mu偶akowski (Lubuski District, West Poland). The "antrophogenic lake district" comprises of about 100 post-mining reservoirs of different origin: opencast and sinks. On the basis of pH value and redox potential of waters the reservoirs were included into two groups: acidotrophic (pH ranging between 2,6 and 3,7 and redox potential of 605 to 755 mV) and "others" (pH ranging be-tween 5,2 and 7,4 and redox potential of 380 to 600 mV). The reservoir under research came into being circa 1900 year and is one of the oldest within the district. The reservoir is rather small, of about 2 ha area with the maximal deep of 12 m. The reservoir is surrounded by forest and, on the south, borders with road no 12. The pH value of its water is circum neutral, therefore the reservoir was classified to the group "others". The results of research conducted in the years 1981, 1987, 1993 and 2009梅2010 are discussed. Chemical composition of water in vertical profile in the deepest place of reservoir was analysed. The publication focus on the most important for the reservoir chemistry parameters such as temperature, pH-vales, total organic carbon, nitrogen compounds, phosphate, iron compounds and sulphate. The most important changes in chemical composition of upper water were pH value increase and iron concentration decrease. Concentration of sul-phate fluctuated in the whole reservoir. The hydrochemical type of reservoir changed from bicarbonate-calcium-magnesium, via bicarbonate-magnesium and bicarbonate-sulphate-calcium to bicarbonate-calcium type. On the ground of the research the following conclusions and thesis can be pointed out: ? biological activity will cause further increase of pH value of water of upper layer (pH value of bottom layer will stay on the same level due to AMD in-teraction), iron concentration in upper layer is limited by hydrous oxide (HFO) and ferric carbonate precipitation, so the concentration of Fe(III) will remain on the same level or decrease a little according increase of pH value, upper layers of reservoir are under influence of acid mine drainage, what cause fluctuations of sulphate and iron (II) concentration, the pattern of temperature in vertical profile is typical for meromictic reser-voirs

    Application of Chlorine Dioxide in the Water Treatment Plant of Zawada Providing Potable Water for the City of Zielona G贸ra

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    W pracy podsumowano do艣wiadczenia zwi膮zane z wdro偶eniem dwutlenku chloru do utleniania po艣redniego i dezynfekcji w stacji uzdatniania wody w Zawadzie, zaopatruj膮cej w wod臋 Zielon膮 G贸r臋. Instalacja do przygotowania i dawkowania dwutlenku chloru pracuje od 2000 r. Wprowadzenie reagenta na skal臋 techniczn膮 poprzedzone by艂o badaniami laboratoryjnymi, maj膮cymi na celu okre艣lenie zapotrzebowania wody na dwutlenek chloru. W 2000 r. zbudowano tymczasow膮 instalacj臋 do wytwarzania ClO2 z kwasu solnego i chlorynu sodu, kt贸ra pracowa艂a przez oko艂o 12 miesi臋cy, po czym uruchomiono instalacj臋 docelow膮 wytwarzania dwutlenku chloru z chloru i chlorynu sodu. Obecnie do utleniania po艣redniego wykorzystywane s膮 dwutlenek chloru (0,3梅0,5 gClO2/m3) oraz chlor (ok. 1,8 gCl2/m3), natomiast do dezynfekcji wody stosuje si臋 wy艂膮cznie dwutlenek chloru (0,35梅0,6 gClO2/m3). Efektem zastosowania dwutlenku chloru by艂a przede wszystkim poprawa w艂a艣ciwo艣ci organoleptycznych wody, a tak偶e obni偶enie st臋偶enia THM w wodzie uzdatnionej.In 2000, a temporary system for ClO2 production from hydrochloric acid and sodium chlorite was established. After approximately 12 months of operation, it was replaced by another installation which produces ClO2 from chlorine and sodium chlorite and has been operated ever since. The ClO2 obtained in this way is used for intermediate oxidation (with 0.3 to 0.5 g/m3) and disinfection (with 0.35 to 0.50 g/m3). The benefits from the application of ClO2 were the improved organoleptic properties of the treated water, as well as the reduction of THM concentration in tap water