20 research outputs found

    Energy Expenditure and Intensity of Interactive Video Dance Games according to Health Recommendations

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    Backround: The aim of this study was the assessment of energy expenditure (EE) and the intensity of physical activity (PA) of adult women during the interactive dance video game (IDVG) Dance Central on Xbox 360 Kinect in the context of health recommendations. Methods: Twenty eight intentionally selected women (mean ± SD age: 21.8±1.1 years, body height: 167.3±6.1cm, body mass: 59.3±5.9 kg, body mass index: 21.2±1.3) met the inclusion criteria and took part in to the experiment. Heart rate monitor, accelerometer, and pedometer were used as measurement tools. Participants performed the same easy dance routine three times (for a total of 10 min.). Trials consisted of imitating the motions presented by the virtual dancer. Results: The data from accelerometer and heart rate monitor were similar, and indicated the moderate intensity of interactive dance video game (IDVG) Dance Central. However, energy expenditure assessed by pedometer was significantly lower. Conclusion: IDVG Dance Central may be useful in increasing the daily dose of physical activity of adult women and meet the health-related recommendations provided its regular practice

    Assessment of the Relevance and Reliability of Reaction Time Tests Performed in Immersive Virtual Reality by Mixed Martial Arts Fighters

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    Immersive virtual reality (VR) is increasingly applied in various areas of life. The potential of this technology has also been noticed in recreational physical activity and sports. It appears that a virtual environment can also be used in diagnosing certain psychomotor abilities. The main aim of this study consisted of assessing the relevance and reliability of VR-implemented tests of simple and complex reaction time (RT) performed by mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters. Thirty-two professional MMA fighters were tested. The original test developed in the virtual environment was applied for RT assessment. The fighters’ task consisted of reacting to the lighting up of a virtual disc situated in front of them by pushing a controller button. The relevance of the test task was estimated by juxtaposing the obtained results with the classic computer test used for measuring simple and complex reactions, while its reliability was assessed with the intraclass correlation procedure. Significant relationships found between the results of VR-implemented tests and computer-based tests confirmed the relevance of the new tool for the assessment of simple and complex RT. In the context of their reliability, RT tests in VR do not differ from tests conducted with the use of standard computer-based tools. VR technology enables the creation of tools that are useful in diagnosing psychomotor abilities. Reaction time tests performed by MMA fighters with the use of VR can be considered relevant, and their reliability is similar to the reliability obtained in computer-based tests

    Ruler Drop Method in Virtual Reality as an Accurate and Reliable Tool for Evaluation of Reaction Time of Mixed Martial Artists

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    Reaction time (RT) is one of the key factors in combat sports. Its high level is a predictor of sporting success. Therefore, RT tests are an important diagnostic tool in combat sports. The implementation of some conventional psychomotor tests in virtual settings can facilitate research and improve the objectivity and standardization of the measurement procedure. The main aim of the present study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of RT measurements, using the ruler drop method (RDM) implemented within immersive virtual reality (VR). Twenty-eight professional mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters were examined. The validity of the new VR measurement method was estimated by comparing the results obtained using the computer test and the conventional catch-the-ruler test. The reliability of the measurements was evaluated using an intraclass correlation procedure. Analysis of variance was used to examine the differences in RT in MMA fighters obtained from different tests. Significant correlations were found between the results of measurements in VR and the results of other tests, with the highest values observed between the tests performed in a virtual environment and computer-based tests. The values of the ICC intraclass correlation coefficients for all the reaction time tests conducted in the group of MMA fighters were at an adequate or high level. The analysis of variance showed that the reaction time of MMA fighters differed significantly between the tests. In VR and computer-based tests, reaction times were significantly longer than during conventional RDM measurements. RT did not depend on the hand used during the test. In conclusion, the VR environment allows for designing and conducting valid reaction time tests reliably and objectively, using standard testing procedures, while reducing the effect of human factors on the measurement results

    Assessment of repetition accuracy of movements and learning possibilities of the dance arrangement by professional dancers and students during active video games play

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    Celem pracy jest ocena dokładności odwzorowania ruchów tanecznych oraz możliwości uczenia się układu tanecznego przez tancerki profesjonalne i studentki Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Katowicach (AWF) podczas uprawiana aktywnej gry wideo. Przebadano 13 tancerek zawodowych Teatru Rozrywki w Chorzowie oraz 28 studentek AWF. Dokładność odwzorowania ruchów oraz możliwości uczenia się układu tanecznego oceniano za pomocą systemu Kinect współpracującego z konsolą Xbox 360 i interaktywnej tanecznej gry wideo. Osoby badane podczas kolejnych prób uczyły się ruchów tanecznych demonstrowanych przez wirtualnego nauczyciela. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wykazały, że jakość odwzorowania układu zależy zarówno od doświadczenia tanecznego badanych kobiet, jak i liczby wykonanych powtórzeń. Tancerki profesjonalne znacznie dokładniej niż studentki AWF wykonywały nowopoznane akty ruchowe. Uczestniczki badań w kolejnych próbach precyzyjniej odzwierciedlały układy taneczne, co może świadczyć o możliwości efektywnego uczenia się ruchów tanecznych z wykorzystaniem aktywnej gry wideo.The aim of this study is to assess the accuracy of repetition of dance movements and the possibilities of learning the dance arrangement by professional dancers and students of the Academy of Physical Education in Katowice (AWF) during an active video game. 13 professional dancers from the Rozrywka Theatre in Chorzów and 28 students of the AWF were examined. Accuracy of movement repetition and learning possibilities of the dance arrangement was assessed using the Kinect system cooperating with the Xbox 360 console and an interactive dance video game. The participants during the subsequent trials where learning dance moves demonstrated by a virtual teacher. The results of the tests showed that the quality of repetition of the arrangement depends both on the women’s dance experience and the number of repetitions performed. Professional dancers performed new movement acts much more accurately than students. Participants in subsequent attempts more accurately reflected the dance arrangements. This may indicate the possibility of effective learning of dance moves using an active video game

    Use of a motion-controlled video game to evaluate the reaction time in children aged 11–13

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    Background. In recent years the breakthrough in the video game market has occurred due to the new motion-sensing devices, which require a wide range of limb movements or even the whole body movement. Because of these technical solutions the video games have become a peculiar form of physical activity. Material and methods. The aim of this work was to compare the results of a standard computer test which measures reaction time and a physical test which measures the ability of grasping the Dietrich’s baton with the results obtained in “Super goalkeeper” – the motion-controlled video game for Xbox 360 Kinect. Thirty children attending Primary and Kindergarten schools No. 1 in Piekary Śląskie, Poland, aged 11–13 (the 5th and the 6th grade) took part in the experiment. Results and conclusions. In each trial, boys got higher results than girls. The results obtained in the motion-controlled video game “Super goalkeeper” correlated more strongly with the results of Dietrich’s test than the results of the standard reaction time computer test. The study showed also that the motion-controlled game may be an alternative to the existing tests which measure reaction time

    Coping Strategies for Stress Used by People Working in Managerial Positions in Schools and Educational Establishments during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Although the ability to deal with stress is one of the key competences of people working in managerial positions in schools and educational establishments, principals in this area are very poorly diagnosed. The aim of this study was to consider the coping strategies used by headmasters and deputy headmasters of schools and educational establishments during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, Mini-COPE was used. The respondents (N = 159) obtained a higher mean for “active coping”, “planning”, “positive reframing”, “acceptance”, “use of instrumental support”, “venting”, and “problem-focused strategies” than the normative value. Compared to deputy headmasters, headmasters obtained higher mean results for “planning” and “religion”, and lower results for “behavioral disengagement”. Respondents with longer job seniority in a managerial position, obtained a higher mean for “use of instrumental support” and lower for “religion”. Compared to respondents employed in private schools, people in the public education sector are more likely to use “behavioral disengagement” and less their “sense of humor”. The respondents working in primary schools scored higher on average for “use of instrumental support” and “problem-focused strategies”. It would be advisable to compare the results with the teachers and the persons holding managerial positions in institutions and organizations not related to education

    Recreational cycling provides greater satisfaction and flow in an immersive virtual environment than in real life

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    Abstract Background As the state of satisfaction and flow involved in the physical activity (PA) determines future training commitment, it is undoubtedly very important to study the factors influencing the attractiveness of PA. One of such factors is the usage of virtual reality (VR) technology which creates opportunities for its users to practice various forms of PA in a altered way. It is interesting whether PA practiced in a virtual environment can offer higher levels of satisfaction and flow comparing with PA practiced in the real world. Positive answer to this question support the statement that the use of such technology could contribute to the future commitment in PA. Therefore, in order to find out whether PA in VR can be an attractive alternative towards the PA in a real world, the research should be undertaken to verify if the state of satisfaction and flow involved in the practising certain PA in the VR environment could be higher comparing to the levels of pleasure and flow connected with the same PA carried out in the real world. Objective The main objective of the study was to assess the level of satisfaction and flow experienced by healthy adults during various cycling conditions: real life (RL), non-immersive and immersive virtual reality (nIVR and IVR). Additionally, questionnaires for assessing satisfaction with PA and flow in RL and VR were also validated in terms of their measurement reliability. The correlation of the results obtained during tests using both measurement tools was also assessed. Methods Forty students were studied, including 20 women (age 22.35 ± 2.32 years) and 20 men (age 22.95 ± 2.19 years). The Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) was used to evaluate the enjoyment of cycling. Flow state was assessed using The Flow State Scale (FSS). Results Based on Friedman’s analysis of variance regarding the results obtained for all the respondents, it can be concluded that the conditions of cycling significantly affect their level of satisfaction (χ2 = 85.61(40;3); p < 0.001) and flow (χ2 = 40.52(40;3); p < 0.001). The research participants rated cycling the highest in IVR. Based on the calculated Cronbach's alpha coefficients, high measurement reliability of the questionnaires used in nIVR (PACES, α = 0.94; FFS-2, α = 0.86) and IVR (PACES, α = 0.89; FFS-2, α = 0.91). There was also a significant positive moderate correlation between PA satisfaction and user flow. Conclusions The research is the first attempt to directly compare the sense of satisfaction and flow when practicing cycling in RL and in nIVR and IVR. The greater attractiveness and higher level of flow during PA in IVR compared to a similar traditional form of PA in RL, found on the basis of the conducted research, should prompt reflection by both those involved in planning and promoting PA, as well as the creators of active video games (AVGs). Due to the great attractiveness of PA in IVR and the constant, dynamic development of immersive information technologies, virtual training may, in the near future, become not only an important supplement to conventional forms of exercise, but perhaps even an alternative solution

    Exercise Dependence in Practitioners of Martial Arts and Combat Sports

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    Background: The aim of this study was to analyse prevalence exercise dependence among practicing martial arts and combat sports. Methods: There were 166 respondents. The Exercise Dependence Scale&mdash;EDS was used. Results: The martial arts practitioners obtained a lower result in the &lsquo;intention effects&rsquo; (p &lt; 0.05; &eta;2 = 0.03), &lsquo;continuance&rsquo; (p = 0.04; &eta;2 = 0.03), &lsquo;lack of control&rsquo; (p &lt; 0.05; &eta;2 = 0.03), &lsquo;reduction in other activities&rsquo; (p = 0.04; &eta;2 = 0.03), and &lsquo;total score&rsquo; (p = 0.04; &eta;2 = 0.03) than the combat sports athletes. Both the respondents with a high training rank (p &lt; 0.05) and subjects with above 5 years of training experience (p = 0.03; &eta;2 = 0.03) achieved the higher mean in the &lsquo;time&rsquo; subscale. Women obtained lower results in the case of &lsquo;tolerance&rsquo; (p = 0.04; &eta;2 = 0.04). The regression coefficient indicates that the higher respondent&rsquo;s age, the lower total score she/he will achieve in the EDS. Conclusions: The findings have practical implications for identifying subjects &lsquo;at-risk for exercise dependence&rsquo; symptoms, and may aid coaches and individuals in the implementation of a prevention program, to seek suitable support

    Applicability of Smartphone for Dynamic Postural Stability Evaluation

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of smartphone’s gyroscope for dynamic postural stability among young healthy adults. The research included convenience sample of 85 healthy adults—37 women (mean age 22.1±1.6, body height 167.2±7.0) and 48 men (mean age 22.4±1.7, body height 176.1±13.8). In order to assess the accuracy of stabilometric measurement recorded by mobile phone, the raw data obtained at the same time by Sigma Balance Platform and Smartphone (SP) were correlated. Two thirty-second trials with one-minute interval break were performed (first in the frontal plane and second in the sagittal plane). A total of 170 measurements of postural stability were recorded (85 in frontal and 85 in the sagittal plane). The following parameters were included: the path of the stabilogram (in the case of SP, angular path) and the variation of the swing (standard deviation of the horizontal deflection of the platform). The results have shown strong and significant relationship between body sway variability measured by Sigma platform and smartphone in frontal (r=0.997) and sagittal (r=0.990) plane. For the geometric center of the platform and angular path distances, the correlation coefficient was also statistically significant and high, considering both lateral (r=0.999) and anterior-posterior sway (r=0.981). Our research shows that smartphones with gyroscope have potential for accurate assessment of postural balance, as an alternative for expensive and specialized equipment