42 research outputs found

    Determination of exhaust emission characteristics in the RDE test using the Monte Carlo method

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    The article presents a method of determining the characteristics of exhaust emissions and fuel mass consumption in real driving conditions based on a single test using the Monte Carlo method. The exhaust emission characteristics used are the relations between the emissions and the average vehicle speed, and the characteristic of the fuel mass consumption is the dependence of the fuel mass consumption at the average vehicle speed. The results of empirical research of a passenger car with a spark-ignition engine in the RDE test were used. The use of the Monte Carlo method made it possible to select the initial and final moments of averaging the process values, thanks to which it was possible to determine the discrete values of the characteristics for various values of average vehicle speeds. The determined discrete characteristics of the particulate mass and number emissions and fuel mass consumption relative to the average vehicle speed were approximated by polynomial functions of the second and third degree. The determined discrete characteristics, presented as sets of points, were characterized by a relatively small dis-persion in relation to their polynomial approximations. The average relative deviation of the points of discrete characteristics from the value of the polynomial was in most cases small less than 4%, only in the case of the number of particles emitted deviated from this, as the average relative deviation of the measured points from the determined polynomial was nearly 14%. Combined with the results of RDE empirical studies, the Monte Carlo method proved to be an effective method for determining the characteristics of exhaust emissions, measured in real vehicle operating conditions. The main advantage of the proposed method was a significant reduction in the actual workload necessary to carry out the empirical research where it became possible to determine the charac-teristics in a large range of vehicle average speed values with just one drive test. Using standard methods of meas-uring this type of data, it would be necessary to conduct multiple tests, driving at different average vehicle speeds

    Symulacyjna analiza energochłonności pojazdów elektrycznych w testach badawczych

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    The assessment of energy flow through electric vehicle systems makes estimating their energy consumption possible. The article presents analyzes of the energy consumption of electric vehicles in selected driving tests (NEDC, WLTC and in real traffic conditions – RDC test) in relation to the vehicles different curb weight. The use of electric motors was also analyzed, providing their operating ranges, data of the energy flow in batteries and the change in their charge level. Simulation tests and analyzes were carried out using the AVL Cruise software. It was found that despite similar vehicle energy consumption values in NEDC and RDC testing, there are significant differences in energy flow in vehicle subsystems. The changes in the battery charge level per 100 km of test drive are similar in both the WLTC and RDC tests (6% difference); for the NEDC test, this difference is the greatest at 25% (compared to the previous tests). The energy consumption of electric vehicles depends significantly on the test itself; the values obtained in the tests are in the ranges of 10.1–13.5 kWh/100 km (NEDC test); 13–15 kWh/100 km (WLTC test) and 12.5–16.2 kWh/100 km in the RDC test. The energy consumption values in the NEDC and WLTC tests, compared to the RDC test, are approximately 20% and 10% lower, respectively. Increasing the vehicle mass increases the energy consumption (increasing the vehicle mass by 100 kg was found to increase the energy consumption by 0.34 kWh/100 km).Ocena przepływu energii przez układy pojazdów elektrycznych umożliwia oszacowanie ich energochłonności. W artykule przedstawiono analizy dotyczące zużycia energii pojazdów elektrycznych w wybranych testach jezdnych (NEDC, WLTC oraz w rzeczywistych warunkach ruchu – test RDC) w odniesieniu do zróżnicowanej masy pojazdów. Analizie poddano również wykorzystanie silników elektrycznych, przedstawiając mapy ich pracy, wielkości przepływu energii w akumulatorach oraz stopień zmiany ich naładowania. Badania i analizy symulacyjne wykonano z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania AVL Cruise. Stwierdzono, że mimo podobnych wartości energochłonności pojazdów w testach badawczych NEDC oraz RDC, to występują znaczące różnice przepływu energii w układach akumulacji pojazdów. Zmiany stopnia naładowania akumulatora odniesione do 100 km testu są zbliżone w testach WLTC oraz RDC (różnica 6%); dla testu NEDC różnica ta wynosi maksymalnie 25% (w odniesieniu do poprzednich testów). Energochłonność pojazdów elektrycznych jest silnie zależne od testu badawczego; wartości uzyskane w testach kształtują się na poziomie 10,1–13,5 kWh/100 km (test NEDC); 13–15 kWh/100 km (test WLTC) oraz 12,5–16,2 kWh/100 km w teście RDC. Wartości energochłonności w testach NEDC oraz WLTC są odpowiednio mniejsze o około 20% i 10% w odniesieniu do testu RDC. Zwiększenie masy pojazdu zwiększa zużycie energii (zwiększenie o 100 kg masy pojazdu zwiększa zużycie energii o 0,34 kWh/100 km)

    The Influence of Diesel Oil Improvers on Indices of Atomisation and Combustion in High-Efficiency Engines

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    The process of fuel combustion in a diesel engine is determined by factors existing during liquid fuel injection and atomisation. The physicochemical properties of the fuel to a large extent decide upon the quality of this phase of cylinder fuelling. So it is important to ensure appropriate properties of a fuel affecting its atomisation and, as a result, combustion. The paper deals with the topic of diesel oil improvers and the analysis of their influence on atomisation and combustion indices. In the studies base diesel oil and a diesel fuel improved by a package of additives, were used. The process of conventional and improved fuel injection was analysed by using optical examinations. The amount of released heat was evaluated during the studies carried out on combustion. Significant aspects of the applied improvers in relation to fuel injection and its combustion have been indicated

    The use of the mild hybrid system in vehicles with regard to exhaust emissions and their environmental impact

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    Pollution of the environment is a global phenomenon. The lack of specific actions to reduce environmental pollution can lead to an increase in the average temperature of the Earth's air and to global consequences. One of the important sectors affecting environmental pollution is transport, including road transport. Currently, intensive legislative and construction works are underway to reduce the emission of harmful substances from road transport. Meeting the requirements imposed by the European Union makes it necessary not only to make structural changes to combustion units or exhaust aftertreatment systems, but also to use additional systems supporting the operation of the main engine. This group includes, among others, Mild Hybrid propulsion systems and classic hybrid systems. Their application is to affect not only the possibility of reducing the swept volume of a combustion unit, while maintaining its operational parameters, but also to reduce the emission of harmful substances of exhaust gases. The conducted research and its analysis indicate the legitimacy of using a newer vehicle equipped with a modern propulsion system, i.e. Mild Hybrid, in real conditions. In the case of toxic emissions of exhaust gases, a difference in emissions of individual components is noticeable, depending on the chosen driving mode. However, it is worth mentioning the difference in the emission of nitrogen oxides and the number of particulate matters. Their emission is reduced in relation to a vehicle using a classic powertrain. The use of a modern propulsion system also improves reliability. The tested Mild Hybrid vehicle does not use a conventional alternator and starter. This eliminates the elements that are prone to damage in prolonged operation. This is an unquestionable advantage when taking into account the operation of the vehicle

    Cold start emissions from a gasoline engine in RDE tests at different ambient temperatures

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    The implementation of the 3rd package of the RDE test procedure has extended the test method by considering emissions from a cold start period into the total exhaust emissions from a vehicle. The article presents the research results of exhaust emissions of a vehicle equipped with a gasoline engine. The tests were carried out at two different ambient temperatures, in line with the requirements of the RDE test procedure for passenger cars, meeting the Euro 6d-Temp emissions standard. The obtained results were analyzed, i.e. there were compared the engine and vehicle operating parameters and the values of road exhaust emissions during the cold start at two different ambient temperatures. The summary presents the shares of the cold start phase for each exhaust emission compound in the urban part of the test and the entire RDE test, depending on the ambient temperature (8ºC and 25ºC)

    Exhaust Emissions from Euro 6 Vehicles in WLTC and RDE—Part 2: Verification by Experimental Measurement

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    The subject of assessing exhaust emissions in real driving conditions has been relevant for a long time. Its introduction into approval tests focused attention on the comparative possibilities of tests performed on a chassis dynamometer and in road conditions. The article is a continuation of research on the possibilities of estimating emissions in the Real Driving Emission test based on emission data from Worldwide harmonized Light Vehicles Test Cycles. The first part discussed the possibility of comparing dynamic parameters in these tests, and the second part discussed the possibility of estimating road exhaust emissions. The work was done in two stages: the first stage involved the use of distance-specific emissions in individual parts of the WLTC test, and the second stage involved the use of exhaust emission rates as datasets divided into intervals defined by vehicle speed and acceleration. Comparative tests were performed for conventional vehicles (gasoline, diesel) and hybrid vehicles. A chassis dynamometer was used to carry out WLTC tests and PEMS equipment was used for the RDE tests. The exhaust gas components that had to be measured in road tests, namely: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and the number of particulate matter, were analyzed. Based on the data collected, parameters such as road emissions and the exhaust emissions rate were determined for each phase of the dynamometer test as well as the road test. Because of this, it was possible to compare the distance-specific exhaust emissions of each vehicle in the two emission tests. The comparison resulted in establishing that it is possible to estimate distance-specific exhaust emissions of conventional and hybrid vehicles in road test conditions, using only the results obtained in the approval test (for selected test phases). The research concluded that it is possible to estimate selected RDE test parameters based on the results obtained in the WLTC test for the tested vehicles

    Analysis of the Exhaust Emissions of Hybrid Vehicles for the Current and Future RDE Driving Cycle

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    Hybrid vehicles account for the largest share of new motor vehicle sales in Europe. These are vehicles that are expected to bridge the technological gap between vehicles with internal combustion engines and electric vehicles. Such a solution also makes it possible to meet the limits of motor vehicle emissions, at a time when it is particularly important to test them under actual traffic conditions. This article analyzes the impact of the length of the test routes in relation to current, but also future regulations of approval standards. Three routes of post-phase composition (urban, rural, motorway) with lengths of about 30, 16 and 8 km were selected for the study. Measurements of the main emission components were made using portable emission measurement systems (PEMS), and exhaust emissions were determined using the moving average window (MAW) method. Analysis of the obtained results led to the conclusion that the current requirements for the RDE test (in particular, the duration of the test) enforce a length of each part of 32 km. Reducing the test to 60–90 min causes the individual phases to last 16 km, and the main advantage of such a solution is the very strong influence of the cold start phase on the emission results in the urban phase. Future declarations by lawmakers to drastically reduce the length of the test phases to 8 km will force hybrid vehicles to be tested largely using the internal combustion engine. This will be the right thing to do, especially in the urban phase, as now in addition to a significant reduction in the engine warm-up phase, manufacturers will have to take into account that such an engine thermal condition can also occur in the rural phase

    Evaluation of ecological extremes of vehicles in road emission tests

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    New testing procedures for determining road emissions of exhaust pollutants for passenger vehicles were established in 2018. New road testing procedures are designed to determine actual exhaust emissions, which may not always reflect laboratory emissions. Test procedures for the emission of pollutants in real traffic conditions are divided into four stages. The latest research on the emission of pollutants from motor vehicles in road traffic conditions, carried out using mobile measuring systems, reflects the actual ecological state of vehicles. The article compares the results of exhaust emissions obtained in road tests using the latest legislative proposals for passenger cars. Then, an attempt was made to determine the engine operating parameters in which exhaust road emission would be the lowest. Solution scenarios were defined as part of permissible changes to dynamic parameters that are included in European legislation on RDE testing. For this purpose, an optimization tool was used, allowing on the basis of given input data to determine the minimum objective function, defined as the smallest emission value of individual harmful compounds. The results of the exhaust gas emissions in the RDE test were used to determine the road emissions of individual harmful compounds. A thorough analysis of the emission intensity of individual compounds has shown that it is possible to approximate such values using functional rela-tionships or adopting them as a constant value. This division was used to determine the extremes (in this case the minima) of the objective function (minimum road emissions of harmful exhaust components). This task resulted in obtaining (within the permissible tolerances of all driving parameters and durations of individual road test sections) the value of exhaust emissions in the range from 26% to 81% lower than in the actual road test. This means that there is a tolerance range, where you can obtain the value of emissions in road tests. As a result, you can use the process of determining the minimum emissions tests RDE calibration of the drive units already at the stage of preparation so that in the real traffic conditions characterized by the lowest exhaust emissions

    Exhaust Emissions from Euro 6 Vehicles in WLTC and RDE—Part 1: Methodology and Similarity Conditions Studies

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    The article is an attempt to perform an ecological assessment of passenger cars with various types of engines in road emission tests. The main research problem and, at the same time, the goal was to develop a method for determining the exhaust emissions from motor vehicles in real traffic conditions based on results obtained in homologation tests. The tests were carried out on vehicles equipped with gasoline, diesel, and hybrid engines, and the obtained results were analyzed. All of the selected vehicles were of the same class—passenger cars, with a similar curb weight, similar maximum engine power, and in the same emission class (Euro 6d). The authors compared the dynamic parameters of vehicle motion in established emission tests: Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Cycles and Real Driving Emissions. Four procedures were used to analyze and compare the operating conditions of the vehicles in the WLTC and RDE tests, differing in how the phases in the tests were divided as well as having a different methodology for determining the road emissions in the tests. The procedures were as follows: WLTC (where the test was divided and the determination of the road emission of exhaust gases was carried out according to the standard WLTP procedure), RDE (the road test was divided into sections and the exhaust emission was determined according to the standard RDE procedure), WLTC1+2 (the test was divided into phases: 1 + 2, 3, and 4; a combination of phases 1 and 2 corresponding to the urban section of the RDE test), WLTCRDE (where drive phases were divided and emissions determined in the same way as in the RDE procedure, which assumes the division of the test into sections based on vehicle speed). The implementation of the research task in the form of an algorithm procedure when comparing the dynamic parameters of the movement in the WLTC and RDE tests is the leading goal presented in this article. The division of the WLTC test into sections (urban, rural, and motorway) according to the RDE procedure and also the calculation of the total emissions in the test according to this procedure resulted in obtaining similar road emission values in the test

    Nanoparticle emissions from combustion engines

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     This book focuses on particulate matter emissions produced by vehicles with combustion engines. It describes the physicochemical properties of the particulate matter, the mechanisms of its formation and its environmental impacts (including those on human beings). It discusses methods for measuring particulate mass and number, including the state-of-the-art in Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) equipment for measuring the exhaust emissions of both light and heavy-duty vehicles and buses under actual operating conditions. The book presents the authors’ latest investigations into the relations between particulate emission (mass and number) and engine operating parameters, as well as their new findings obtained through road tests performed on various types of vehicles, including those using diesel particulate filter regeneration. The book, which addresses the needs of academics and professionals alike, also discusses relevant European regulations on particulate emissions and highlights selected methods aimed at the reduction of particulate emissions from automobiles