23 research outputs found

    MLPerf Inference Benchmark

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    Machine-learning (ML) hardware and software system demand is burgeoning. Driven by ML applications, the number of different ML inference systems has exploded. Over 100 organizations are building ML inference chips, and the systems that incorporate existing models span at least three orders of magnitude in power consumption and five orders of magnitude in performance; they range from embedded devices to data-center solutions. Fueling the hardware are a dozen or more software frameworks and libraries. The myriad combinations of ML hardware and ML software make assessing ML-system performance in an architecture-neutral, representative, and reproducible manner challenging. There is a clear need for industry-wide standard ML benchmarking and evaluation criteria. MLPerf Inference answers that call. In this paper, we present our benchmarking method for evaluating ML inference systems. Driven by more than 30 organizations as well as more than 200 ML engineers and practitioners, MLPerf prescribes a set of rules and best practices to ensure comparability across systems with wildly differing architectures. The first call for submissions garnered more than 600 reproducible inference-performance measurements from 14 organizations, representing over 30 systems that showcase a wide range of capabilities. The submissions attest to the benchmark's flexibility and adaptability.Comment: ISCA 202

    Automatically Harnessing Sparse Acceleration

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    Sparse linear algebra is central to many scientific programs, yet compilers fail to optimize it well. High-performance libraries are available, but adoption costs are significant. Moreover, libraries tie programs into vendor-specific software and hardware ecosystems, creating non-portable code. In this paper, we develop a new approach based on our specification Language for implementers of Linear Algebra Computations (LiLAC). Rather than requiring the application developer to (re)write every program for a given library, the burden is shifted to a one-off description by the library implementer. The LiLAC-enabled compiler uses this to insert appropriate library routines without source code changes. LiLAC provides automatic data marshaling, maintaining state between calls and minimizing data transfers. Appropriate places for library insertion are detected in compiler intermediate representation, independent of source languages. We evaluated on large-scale scientific applications written in FORTRAN; standard C/C++ and FORTRAN benchmarks; and C++ graph analytics kernels. Across heterogeneous platforms, applications and data sets we show speedups of 1.1×\times to over 10×\times without user intervention.Comment: Accepted to CC 202

    Warp-aware trace scheduling for GPUs

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    GPU performance depends not only on thread/warp level parallelism (TLP) but also on instruction-level parallelism (ILP). It is not enough to schedule instructions within ba-sic blocks, it is also necessary to exploit opportunities for ILP optimization beyond branch boundaries. Unfortunately, modern GPUs cannot dynamically carry out such optimiza-tions because they lack hardware branch prediction and can-not speculatively execute instructions beyond a branch. We propose to circumvent these limitations by adapting Trace Scheduling, a technique originally developed for mi-crocode optimization. Trace Scheduling divides code into traces (or paths), and optimizes each trace in a context-independent way. Adapting Trace Scheduling to GPU code requires revisiting and revising each step of microcode Trace Scheduling to attend to branch and warp behavior, identi-fying instructions on the critical path, avoiding warp diver-gence, and reducing divergence time. Here, we propose “Warp-Aware Trace Scheduling ” for GPUs. As evaluated on the Rodinia Benchmark Suite using dynamic profiling, our fully-automatic optimization achieves a geometric mean speedup of 1.10 × on a real system by increasing instructions executed per cycle (IPC) by a har-monic mean of 1.12 × and reducing instruction serialization and total instructions executed

    Dynamically Managed Data for CPU-GPU Architectures

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    GPUs are flexible parallel processors capable of accelerating real applications. To exploit them, programmers must ensure a consistent program state between the CPU and GPU memories by managing data. Manually managing data is tedious and error-prone. In prior work on automatic CPU-GPU data management, alias analysis quality limits performance, and type-inference quality limits applicability. This paper presents Dynamically Managed Data (DyManD), the first automatic system to manage complex and recursive data-structures without static analyses. By replacing static analyses with a dynamic run-time system, DyManD overcomes the performance limitations of alias analysis and enables management for complex and recursive data-structures. DyManD-enabled GPU parallelization matches the performance of prior work equipped with perfectly precise alias analysis for 27 programs and demonstrates improved applicability on programs not previously managed automatically. 1

    Speculative Parallelization Using Software Multi-threaded Transactions

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    With the right techniques, multicore architectures may be able to continue the exponential performance trend that elevated the performance of applications of all types for decades. While many scientific programs can be parallelized without speculative techniques, speculative parallelism appears to be the key to continuing this trend for general-purpose applications. Recently-proposed code parallelization techniques, such as those by Bridges et al. and by Thies et al., demonstrate scalable performance on multiple cores by using speculation to divide code into atomic units (transactions) that span multiple threads in order to expose data parallelism. Unfortunately, most software and hardware Thread-Level Speculation (TLS) memory systems and transactional memories are not sufficient because they only support single-threaded atomic units. Multi-threaded Transactions (MTXs) address this problem, but they require expensive hardware support as currently proposed in the literature. This paper proposes a Software MTX (SMTX) system that captures the applicability and performance of hardware MTX, but onexistingmulticoremachines. The SMTX system yields a harmonic mean speedup of 13.36x onnative hardware with four 6-core processors (24 cores in total) running speculatively parallelized applications. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.3.3 [Programming Languages]: Language Constructs and Features—Concurrent programmin

    Automatically Exploiting Cross-Invocation Parallelism Using Runtime Information

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    Automatic parallelization is a promising approach to producing scalable multi-threaded programs for multicore architectures. Many existing automatic techniques only parallelize iterations within a loop invocation and synchronize threads at the end of each loop invocation. When parallel code contains many loop invocations, synchronization can easily become a performance bottleneck. Some automatic techniques address this problem by exploiting crossinvocation parallelism. These techniques use static analysis to partition iterations among threads to avoid crossthread dependences. However, this partitioning is not always achievable at compile-time, because program input determines dependence patterns at run-time. By contrast, this paper proposes DOMORE, the first automatic parallelization technique that uses runtime information to exploit additional cross-invocation parallelism. Instead of partitioning iterations statically, DOMORE dynamically detects crossthread dependences and synchronizes only when necessary. DOMORE consists of a compiler and a runtime library. At compile time, DOMORE automatically parallelizes loops and inserts a custom runtime engine into programs. At runtime, the engine observes dependences and synchronizes iterations only when necessary. For six programs, DOMORE achieves a geomean loop speedup of 2.1 × over parallel execution without cross-invocation parallelization and of 3.2× over sequential execution on eight cores

    Decoupled Software Pipelining Creates Parallelization Opportunities

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    Decoupled Software Pipelining (DSWP) is one approach to automatically extract threads from loops. It partitions loops into long-running threads that communicate in a pipelined manner via inter-core queues. This work recognizes that DSWP can also be an enabling transformation for other loop parallelization techniques. This use of DSWP, called DSWP+, splits a loop into new loops with dependence patterns amenable to parallelization using techniques that were originally either inapplicable or poorly-performing. By parallelizing each stage of the DSWP+ pipeline using (potentially) different techniques, not only is the benefit of DSWP increased, but the applicability and performance of other parallelization techniques are enhanced. This paper evaluates DSWP+ as an enabling framework for other transformations by applying it in conjunction with DOALL, LO-CALWRITE, and SpecDOALL to individual stages of the pipeline. This paper demonstrates significant performance gains on a commodity 8-core multicore machine running a variety of codes transformed with DSWP+