6,942 research outputs found

    Immunization of Children in a Rural Area of North Kashmir, India: A KAP Study.

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    Background: Knowledge, attitude and practices about immunization among mothers of children aged 1-2 years was assessed. Method: 300 mothers were administered a semi-structured questionnaire at PHC Hajan from 1st march to 1st may 2011 to elicit the information about the knowledge, attitude and practices of the mothers regarding immunization. Results: 100% of mothers knew that vaccination is beneficial and protects their children from diseases. 39% knew OPV protects from polio while only 1% were aware of protective role of BCG. All mothers knew about immunization in pregnancy but 86% were unaware about its preventive role. 26% mothers believed that 3 doses of T.T (tetanus toxoid) are to be given during pregnancy. Whereas 98% of children were completely immunized, 93% completed on schedule. Eighty percent of mothers reported of fever following DPT. All mothers had received tetanus toxoid during pregnancy. Conclusion: Considering mothers' poor knowledge and good attitude, health education on immunization is emphasized to improve their practices

    Non-universal dependence of spatiotemporal regularity on randomness in coupling connections

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    We investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of a network of coupled nonlinear oscillators, modeled by sine circle maps, with varying degrees of randomness in coupling connections. We show that the change in the basin of attraction of the spatiotemporal fixed point due to varying fraction of random links pp, is crucially related to the nature of the local dynamics. Even the qualitative dependence of spatiotemporal regularity on pp changes drastically as the angular frequency of the oscillators change, ranging from monotonic increase or monotonic decrease, to non-monotonic variation. Thus it is evident here that the influence of random coupling connections on spatiotemporal order is highly non-universal, and depends very strongly on the nodal dynamics.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Finland Phenomenon: A Paradigm Shift in Educational Practices in an Islamic School

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    The world has been discussing the Finnish educational system for over a decade now. This paradigm shift in education in Finland has brought about tremendous changes that the world is discussing. To find out how Finland has reached such a high level of student achievement, Principal Mussarut Jabeen who had long planned to visit Finland and Dr. Seema Imam, Professor at National Louis University participated in a book study and tour of Finland to experience first hand their educational system. Members of the book club visited the Department of Education, university teacher education programs, and numerous schools in three cities. This paper discusses an Islamic school’s efforts toward a paradigm shift in education. It takes a look at Finland’s societal values and their best practices, many of which can be implemented in Islamic schools

    Comparison of double disc and combined disc method for the detection of extended spectrum beta lactamases in enterobacteriaceae

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    Objective: To compare double disc approximation and combined disc method for their ability to detect extended spectrum b lactamase (ESBL) production in enterobacteriaceae and determine the percentage of isolates which are falsely reported as sensitive in absence of ESBL detection, in a clinical microbiology laboratory of a tertiary care hospital between September-October 2002. Methods: Selected isolates were identified according to standard biochemical tests. Disc susceptibility tests were performed according to NCCLS. ESBL detection by combined disc [cefotaxime (30 ug) versus cefotaxime plus clavulanate (30+10 ug)] was compared with detection using double discs [amoxy-clavulanic acid (20+10 ug) and aztreonam (30 ug) applied 10 mm apart]. Results were interpreted according to NCCLS and analysed on SPSS version 10. Results: ESBL production was detected in 140 (30%) isolates by combined disc method and 139 (29.5%) by double disc method. There was no significant difference between two methods. Of the ESBL positive isolates 41 (29%) gave zone diameters that were within the sensitivity range cutoff and would have been falsely reported as being beta lactam sensitive in absence of ESBL detection. Conculsion: ESBL detection should be routinely performed in clinical laboratories as false reporting would result in treatment failure despite in vitro sensitivity. No difference was found between the combined disc and double disc methods hence either of two could be used

    Universal scaling dynamics in a perturbed granular gas

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    We study the response of a granular system at rest to an instantaneous input of energy in a localised region. We present scaling arguments that show that, in dd dimensions, the radius of the resulting disturbance increases with time tt as tαt^{\alpha}, and the energy decreases as tαdt^{-\alpha d}, where the exponent α=1/(d+1)\alpha=1/(d+1) is independent of the coefficient of restitution. We support our arguments with an exact calculation in one dimension and event driven molecular dynamic simulations of hard sphere particles in two and three dimensions.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Character association in Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) | Asociación entre caracteres en pimentón (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    The present investigation was carried out in 2007-08 using 25 chilli genotypes to elucidate the association of various yield attributing traits to develop a reliable set of traits for indirect selection. The data were observed from five randomly selected competitive plants from each replication for eight quantitative traits. The genotypic coefficients were higher in the magnitudes relative to corresponding estimates of phenotypic coefficients, which indicated high heritability of the traits under study. The fruits yield/plant exhibited highly significant correlation with number of fruits/plant, number of branches/plant and height of the plant, indicating the usefulness of these traits for improving upon fruit yield in chilli. Path coefficient analysis revealed that the highest direct effect on fruit yield/plant was exerted by average fruit weight followed by number of fruits/plant, number of branches/plant and plant spread, while as highest indirect effect on fruit yield/plant was exerted by number of branches/plant through number of fruits/plant, fruit length and fruit breadth through average fruit weight and plant height through number of fruits/plant. These traits can be used to develop an optimally reliable selection index for realizing improvements in fruit yield in chilli.Key words: Chilli, character association, correlation, path analysisRESUMENLa presente investigación se llevó a cabo en 2007-2008 utilizando 25 genotipos de pimentón para dilucidar la asociación de diversos componentes del rendimiento para desarrollar un conjunto confiable de caracteres para la selección indirecta. Los datos se observaron en cinco plantas bajo competencia y seleccionadas al azar de cada replicación para ocho caracteres cuantitativos. Los coeficientes genotípicos fueron mayores en magnitud relativa en comparación con las estimaciones del coeficiente fenotípico, lo cual indica una alta heredabilidad de los caracteres bajo estudio. El rendimiento de frutos/plantaexhibió una correlación altamente significativa con el número de frutos/planta, número de reamas/planta y altura, indicando la utilidad de estos caracteres para mejorar el rendimiento de frutos en pimentón. El análisis de los coeficientes detrayectoria reveló que el mayor efecto directo sobre el rendimiento de frutos/planta fue ejercido por el peso promedio del fruto seguido por el número de frutos/planta, número de reamas/planta y el dosel de la planta, mientras, mientras que los mayores efectos indirectos sobre el rendimiento de frutos/planta fue ejercido por el número de ramas/planta a través delnúmero de frutos/planta, longitud del fruto y ancho del fruto a través del peso promedio del fruto y la altura de la planta a través del número de frutos/planta. Estos caracteres pueden ser usados para desarrollar un índice de selección óptimamente confiable para realizar mejoras en el rendimiento de frutos en pimentón.Palabras clave: Pimentón, asociación de caracteres, correlación, análisis de trayectori

    Aqueous Extract of Nigella sativa Seeds Suppresses Testicular Steroidogenesis in Mice Leydig Cells in vitro.

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    10ABSTRACT 11Nigella sativa (black seed) is an important medicinal herb with folkloric use in wide range of diseases. It is 12well studied for its biological activities. However, there is limited information regarding its effect on the 13male reproductive system. This study describes the effect of the aqueous extract of N. sativa (NSE) on 14 testicular steroidogenesis from mice Leydig cells in vitro. Mice testicular cells were incubated in a media 15 containing either no treatment or NSE or LH alone or combination of LH and NSE. Incubations were 16 carried out for three hours in a shaking water bath at 34°C. Testosterone was measured by 17 radioimmunoassay. At all doses, NSE significantly (p \u3c 0.05) inhibited both basal and LH-stimulated in 18 vitro testosterone secretion. At a dose of l000 μg, NSE inhibited 52% of basal testosterone and 97% of 19 LH-stimulated testosterone, compared to control (0.32 ± 0.008 ng/ml) and LH alone (0.33 ± 0.01 ng/ml) 20 respectively. Thus, it is concluded that that both the basal and the LH-stimulated secretion of testosterone 21 from Leydig cells are suppressed significantly in the presence of different doses of NSE in vitro. However, 22 further studies are needed to explore the effect of chronic treatment with NSE in male and its potential to 23 be used as a contraceptive in male


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    Objective: To identify frequency, type, severity and predictors of potential drug-drug interactions(pDDIs), potential drug-food interactions(pDFIs), potential drug-alcohol interactions(pDAIs) and potential drug-tobacco interactions(pDTIs) and most frequently interacting drug combination pairs in hospitalized patients from departments(depts) of General Medicine(GM), Orthopedic(Ortho), Gynecology(OBG), Pulmonology(Pulmo), General Surgery (GS), Psychiatry (Psych), Otolaryngology(ENT) and Dermatology (Derm) of study population. Methods: A Prospective Observational Study was conducted in eight major dept's of a tertiary care teaching hospital for a period of 6 mo. A sample size of 650 prescriptions reflecting admission no's for each department were used. Results: A total of 650 patients were included in the study. Among them, 282(43.4%) were males and 368(56.6%) were females. The mean age of the study population was 39.67±15.23. A total of 487 pDDIs, 734 pDFIs, 586 pDAIs and 159 pDTIs were found out of 650 hospitalized episodes. OBG showed the highest pDDIs and pDAIs. Highest pDFIs and pDTIs were seen in Pulmo. The majority of DDIs were minor, DFIs and DAIs were moderate and DTIs were of major in severity. Pharmacokinetic types of interactions were seen in the majority of the depts. Logistic regression analysis showed that Polypharmacy was associated with the occurrence of DIs. Most of the DIs repeated several times in particular depts and a list of these combinations was prepared. Conclusion: With the high occurrence of overall DIs and characteristic patterns of DIs combination pairs among different departments of the hospital, the presence of clinical pharmacists in hospitals can play a great role, especially in developing nations like India where their role in hospitalized settings is always controversial