579 research outputs found

    Revisiting Cosmic No-Hair Theorem for Inflationary Settings

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    In this work we revisit Wald's cosmic no-hair theorem in the context of accelerating Bianchi cosmologies for a generic cosmic fluid with non-vanishing anisotropic stress tensor and when the fluid energy momentum tensor is of the form of a cosmological constant term plus a piece which does not respect strong or dominant energy conditions. Such a fluid is the one appearing in inflationary models. We show that for such a system anisotropy may grow, in contrast to the cosmic no-hair conjecture. In particular, for a generic inflationary model we show that there is an upper bound on the growth of anisotropy. For slow-roll inflationary models our analysis can be refined further and the upper bound is found to be of the order of slow-roll parameters. We examine our general discussions and our extension of Wald's theorem for three classes of slow-roll inflationary models, generic multi-scalar field driven models, anisotropic models involving U(1) gauge fields and the gauge-flation scenario.Comment: 21 pp, 4 .eps figure

    An Arena for Model Building in the Cohen-Glashow Very Special Relativity

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    The Cohen-Glashow Very Special Relativity (VSR) algebra [arXiv:hep-ph/0601236] is defined as the part of the Lorentz algebra which upon addition of CP or T invariance enhances to the full Lorentz group, plus the space-time translations. We show that noncommutative space-time, in particular noncommutative Moyal plane, with light-like noncommutativity provides a robust mathematical setting for quantum field theories which are VSR invariant and hence set the stage for building VSR invariant particle physics models. In our setting the VSR invariant theories are specified with a single deformation parameter, the noncommutativity scale \Lambda_{NC}. Preliminary analysis with the available data leads to \Lambda_{NC}\gtrsim 1-10 TeV. This note is prepared for the Proceedings of the G27 Mathematical Physics Conference, Yerevan 2008, and is based on arXiv:0806.3699[hep-th].Comment: Presented by M.M.Sh-J. in the G27 Mathematical Physics Conference, Yerevan 2008 as the 4th Weyl Prize Ceremony Tal

    Soft Charges and Electric-Magnetic Duality

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    The main focus of this work is to study magnetic soft charges of the four dimensional Maxwell theory. Imposing appropriate asymptotic falloff conditions, we compute the electric and magnetic soft charges and their algebra both at spatial and at null infinity. While the commutator of two electric or two magnetic soft charges vanish, the electric and magnetic soft charges satisfy a complex U(1)U(1) current algebra. This current algebra through Sugawara construction yields two U(1)U(1) Kac-Moody algebras. We repeat the charge analysis in the electric-magnetic duality-symmetric Maxwell theory and construct the duality-symmetric phase space where the electric and magnetic soft charges generate the respective boundary gauge transformations. We show that the generator of the electric-magnetic duality and the electric and magnetic soft charges form infinite copies of iso(2)iso(2) algebra. Moreover, we study the algebra of charges associated with the global Poincar\'e symmetry of the background Minkowski spacetime and the soft charges. We discuss physical meaning and implication of our charges and their algebra.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figures; published version in JHE

    Shallow Water Memory: Stokes and Darwin Drifts

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    It has been shown in \cite{Tong:2022gpg} that shallow water in the Euler description admits a dual gauge theory formulation. We show in the Lagrange description this gauge symmetry is a manifestation of the 2 dimensional area-preserving diffeomorphisms. We find surface charges associated with the gauge symmetry and their algebra, and study their physics in the shallow water system. In particular, we provide a reinterpretation of the Kelvin circulation theorem in terms of conserved charges. In the linear shallow water case, the charges form a u(1) current algebra with level proportional to the Coriolis parameter over the height of the fluid. We also study memory effect for the gauge theory description of the linearized shallow water and show Euler, Stokes and Darwin drifts can be understood as a memory effect and/or change of the surface charges in the gauge theory description.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures, minor improvements, references adde

    A note on bosonic open strings in constant B field

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    We sketch the main steps of old covariant quantization of bosonic open strings in a constant BB field background. We comment on its space-time symmetries and the induced effective metric. The low-energy spectrum is evaluated and the appearance of a new non-commutative gauge symmetry is addressed.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, important comments added, to appear in PR

    Hydro & Thermo Dynamics at Causal Boundaries, Examples in 3d Gravity

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    We study 3-dimensional gravity on a spacetime bounded by a generic 2-dimensional causal surface. We review the solution phase space specified by 4 generic functions over the causal boundary, construct the symplectic form over the solution space and the 4 boundary charges and their algebra. The boundary charges label boundary degrees of freedom. Three of these charges extend and generalize the Brown-York charges to the generic causal boundary, are canonical conjugates of boundary metric components and naturally give rise to a fluid description at the causal boundary. Moreover, we show that the boundary charges besides the causal boundary hydrodynamic description, also admit a thermodynamic description with a natural (geometric) causal boundary temperature and angular velocity. When the causal boundary is the asymptotic boundary of the 3d AdS or flat space, the hydrodynamic description respectively recovers an extension of the known conformal or conformal-Carrollian asymptotic hydrodynamics. When the causal boundary is a generic null surface, we recover the null surface thermodynamics of [1] which is an extension of the usual black hole thermodynamics description.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figure

    Carrollian Structure of the Null Boundary Solution Space

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    We study pure DD dimensional Einstein gravity in spacetimes with a generic null boundary. We focus on the symplectic form of the solution phase space which comprises a 2D2D dimensional boundary part and a 2(D(D−3)/2+1)2(D(D-3)/2+1) dimensional bulk part. The symplectic form is the sum of the bulk and boundary parts, obtained through integration over a codimension 1 surface (null boundary) and a codimension 2 spatial section of it, respectively. Notably, while the total symplectic form is a closed 2-form over the solution phase space, neither the boundary nor the bulk symplectic forms are closed due to the symplectic flux of the bulk modes passing through the boundary. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the D(D−3)/2+1D(D-3)/2+1 dimensional Lagrangian submanifold of the bulk part of the solution phase space has a Carrollian structure, with the metric on the D(D−3)/2D(D-3)/2 dimensional part being the Wheeler-DeWitt metric, and the Carrollian kernel vector corresponding to the outgoing Robinson-Trautman gravitational wave solution.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures, references adde
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