15 research outputs found

    Coaches' perceptions of innovation programs of the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation

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    [EN] This research studied the coaches' perceptions of the innovation programs of the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation (RFET) during 2016-2020. The RFET is one of the most relevant national federations in Spain both in terms of results at the highest levels of the game as well as in terms of participation and grassroots tennis. Coaches are considered relevant stakeholders of any sport federation due to their role in delivering the sport. A 29-item questionnaire adapted to tennis was completed by 132 certified coaches RFET members which had different years of experience and coached players of various skill levels. Results showed significant differences between the coaches with more than 20 years of experience as they perceived more rivalry between regional federations in the access to grants and more international competitiveness at high-level tennis as compared to their less experienced colleagues. Coaches also considered that the COVID-19 pandemic had negatively affected the innovation strategy and capability of the organization. They identified a grassroots initiative and a coach education project as the two most valued innovative programs implemented by the RFET in the period. These last findings coincide with those from previous research and highlight the relevance of providing coaches with clear player development guidelines and opportunities for continuous professional development through education. It can be concluded that federation leaders should consider the coaches' perceptions on their innovation programs. This will assist them to better provide initiatives that will satisfy their needs and improve the effectiveness of their federations.Crespo-Celda, M.; Botella-Carrubi, D.; Jabaloyes Vivas, JM. (2021). Coaches' perceptions of innovation programs of the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 16(6):1293-1304. https://doi.org/10.1177/174795412110355561293130416

    Relevance of Skills in Total Quality Management in Engineering Studies as a Tool for Performing Their Jobs

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    [EN] The Spanish higher education system needs to adapt to the requirements of the European Higher Education Area and to this end, it is necessary for higher education institutions to improve the quality of university education, leading to an increase in competency-based learning activities aimed at developing the skills of graduates. Since university graduates face a large number of requirements when entering the labour market, they need to develop and constantly update the appropriate skills to carry out their work properly. This paper aims to address two fundamental questions. First, do engineering graduates need acquired skills in Total Quality Management (TQM) to perform their jobs successfully? Secondly, which job profile requires the highest level of Total Quality Management training and knowledge? We carried out different multivariate statistical analyses using a sample of engineering graduates who had been in the labour market for two years. The results show that knowledge of this type of management philosophy is necessary for adequate job performance. The job profile requiring the highest level of skills in TQM is described.Martínez-Gómez, M.; Jabaloyes Vivas, JM.; Carrión García, A. (2020). Relevance of Skills in Total Quality Management in Engineering Studies as a Tool for Performing Their Jobs. Sustainability. 12(5):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12052065S115125Kanji, G. K., Malek, A., & Tambi, B. A. (1999). Total quality management in UK higher education institutions. Total Quality Management, 10(1), 129-153. doi:10.1080/0954412998126Heijke, H., Meng, C., & Ramaekers, G. (2003). An investigation into the role of human capital competences and their pay‐off. International Journal of Manpower, 24(7), 750-773. doi:10.1108/01437720310502113Jaca, C., & Psomas, E. (2015). Total quality management practices and performance outcomes in Spanish service companies. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 26(9-10), 958-970. doi:10.1080/14783363.2015.1068588Chen, R., Lee, Y.-D., & Wang, C.-H. (2018). Total quality management and sustainable competitive advantage: serial mediation of transformational leadership and executive ability. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 31(5-6), 451-468. doi:10.1080/14783363.2018.1476132Weil, S. (1999). Re-creating universities for ‘beyond the stable state’: from ‘Dearingesque’ systematic control to post-Dearing systemic learning and inquiry. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 16(2), 171-190. doi:10.1002/(sici)1099-1743(199903/04)16:23.0.co;2-aSleezer, C. M., Gularte, M. A., Waldner, L., & Cook, J. (2008). Business and Higher Education Partner to Develop a High-Skilled Workforce: A Case Study. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 17(2), 65-81. doi:10.1111/j.1937-8327.2004.tb00308.xPossa, G. (2006). Europe’s Universities in Response to Europe’s Challenges. Higher Education in Europe, 31(4), 355-357. doi:10.1080/03797720701302907Andrews, J., & Higson, H. (2008). Graduate Employability, ‘Soft Skills’ Versus ‘Hard’ Business Knowledge: A European Study. Higher Education in Europe, 33(4), 411-422. doi:10.1080/03797720802522627Yusof, S. M., & Aspinwall, E. (2000). Total quality management implementation frameworks: Comparison and review. Total Quality Management, 11(3), 281-294. doi:10.1080/0954412006801Dean, J. W., & Bowen, D. E. (1994). MANAGEMENT THEORY AND TOTAL QUALITY: IMPROVING RESEARCH AND PRACTICE THROUGH THEORY DEVELOPMENT. Academy of Management Review, 19(3), 392-418. doi:10.5465/amr.1994.9412271803Hellsten, U., & Klefsjö, B. (2000). TQM as a management system consisting of values, techniques and tools. The TQM Magazine, 12(4), 238-244. doi:10.1108/09544780010325822Curry, A., & Kadasah, N. (2002). Focusing on key elements of TQM – evaluation for sustainability. The TQM Magazine, 14(4), 207-216. doi:10.1108/09544780210429816Hackman, J. R., & Wageman, R. (1995). Total Quality Management: Empirical, Conceptual, and Practical Issues. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40(2), 309. doi:10.2307/2393640Singh, P. J., & Smith, A. J. R. (2004). Relationship between TQM and innovation: an empirical study. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 15(5), 394-401. doi:10.1108/17410380410540381Asif, M., Searcy, C., Garvare, R., & Ahmad, N. (2011). Including sustainability in business excellence models. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 22(7), 773-786. doi:10.1080/14783363.2011.585784Rocha-Lona, L., Garza-Reyes, J. A., Lim, M. K., & Kumar, V. (2015). Corporate Sustainability and Business Excellence. 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM). doi:10.1109/ieom.2015.7093844Zink, K. J. (2007). From total quality management to corporate sustainability based on a stakeholder management. Journal of Management History, 13(4), 394-401. doi:10.1108/17511340710819615Lagrosen, Y., & Lagrosen, S. (2019). Creating a culture for sustainability and quality – a lean-inspired way of working. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 1-15. doi:10.1080/14783363.2019.1575199Motwani, J. (2001). Critical factors and performance measures of TQM. The TQM Magazine, 13(4), 292-300. doi:10.1108/13683040010362300Rahman, S. (2001). A comparative study of TQM practice and organisational performance of SMEs with and without ISO 9000 certification. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 18(1), 35-49. doi:10.1108/02656710110364486Petroni, A. (2002). Critical factors of MRP implementation in small and medium‐sized firms. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 22(3), 329-348. doi:10.1108/01443570210417623Brah, S. A., & Ying Lim, H. (2006). The effects of technology and TQM on the performance of logistics companies. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 36(3), 192-209. doi:10.1108/09600030610661796Hervás Jorge, A., Ayats, J. C., Desantes, R., & Juliá, J. F. (2012). Las prácticas en empresa como uno de los ejes vertebradores de la empleabilidad. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Superior. doi:10.22201/iisue.20072872e.2012.8.70Kass, G. V. (1980). An Exploratory Technique for Investigating Large Quantities of Categorical Data. Applied Statistics, 29(2), 119. doi:10.2307/2986296Kaiser, H. F. (1958). The varimax criterion for analytic rotation in factor analysis. Psychometrika, 23(3), 187-200. doi:10.1007/bf0228923

    Innovation in tennis An overview of research

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    [EN] During the last decades the tennis ecosystem has been immersed in a gradual process of globalisation, professionalisation and commercialisation in an attempt to effectively respond to the increasing challenges of a rapidly evolving environment. This process has seen a number of innovations being applied in the sport. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of some of these practices as covered by both researchers and practitioners. It is concluded that research has mainly focused on technological innovations of tennis products created to increase the experience of the players. It is suggested that further studies should investigate service, policy and administrative innovations in the game.Crespo-Celda, M.; Botella-Carrubi, D.; Jabaloyes Vivas, JM. (2021). Innovation in tennis An overview of research. ITF Coaching and Sport Science Review. 29(83):1-3. https://doi.org/10.52383/itfcoaching.v29i83.5313298

    How do International Olympic Sport Federations innovate? the use of crowdfunding and the impact of COVID-19

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    [EN] The purpose of this study was to contribute to the understanding of innovation and crowdfunding of International Olympic Sport Federations (IFs), which are the world governing bodies of their respective sports. Three research questions were addressed: the perceptions of the IFs on the implementation of their innovation programmes during the last four years (2016-2020), the impact of COVID-19 on the IFs capability to innovate, and the crowdfunding strategies of the IFs. A mixed method combining qualitative and quantitative approaches was used. An online semi-structured questionnaire which included an open answer section was completed by IFs executives (n = 22) and an analysis of the information provided by IFs through various content sources was conducted. Results showed that IFs with less funding had a significantly more innovative approach that their counterparts, that the perception of the impact of COVID-19 on the innovative capability was not unanimous, that they identified sport-specific programmes as the most innovative of all initiatives delivered during the pandemic, and that crowdfunding projects were implemented in their sport but mostly at individual and local levels. From a research perspective, since this is the first study that investigates the innovation and crowdfunding strategies of IFs, future directions include the need for further research with national and regional federations on these topics. Practical implications are suggested for IFs to deliver innovative programmes to satisfy their stakeholder needs and to consider new funding methods such as crowdfunding as part of their strategies.Crespo, M.; Botella-Carrubi, D.; Jabaloyes Vivas, JM.; Martínez-Gallego, R. (2023). How do International Olympic Sport Federations innovate? the use of crowdfunding and the impact of COVID-19. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 18(3):889-901. https://doi.org/10.1177/1747954122109692288990118

    A systemic methodology for the reduction of complexity of the balanced scorecard in the manufacturing environment

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    [EN] The main objective of this paper is to develop and validate a methodology to select the most important key performance indicators from the balanced scorecard. The methodology uses and validates the implicit systemic hypothesis in the balanced scorecard model, together with a qualitative and statistical analysis. It helps to determine a small set of indicators that summarizes the company's performance. The method was tested using actual data of 3 complete years of a multinational manufacturing company's balanced scorecard. The results showed that the scorecard can be summarized in six metrics, one for each dimension, from an initial scorecard composed of 90 indicators. In addition to reducing complexity, the method tackles the hitherto unresolved issues of the analysis of the trade-offs between different dimensions and the lagged effects between metrics.Sánchez-Márquez, R.; Albarracín Guillem, JM.; Vicens Salort, E.; Jabaloyes Vivas, JM. (2020). A systemic methodology for the reduction of complexity of the balanced scorecard in the manufacturing environment. Cogent Business & Management. 7(1):1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2020.1720944S11871Anand, M., Sahay, B. S., & Saha, S. (2005). Balanced Scorecard in Indian Companies. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, 30(2), 11-26. doi:10.1177/0256090920050202Banker, R. D., Chang, H., Janakiraman, S. N., & Konstans, C. (2004). A balanced scorecard analysis of performance metrics. European Journal of Operational Research, 154(2), 423-436. doi:10.1016/s0377-2217(03)00179-6Bansal, A., Kauffman, R. J., & Weitz, R. R. (1993). Comparing the Modeling Performance of Regression and Neural Networks as Data Quality Varies: A Business Value Approach. Journal of Management Information Systems, 10(1), 11-32. doi:10.1080/07421222.1993.11517988Boj, J. J., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, R., & Alfaro-Saiz, J.-J. (2014). An ANP-multi-criteria-based methodology to link intangible assets and organizational performance in a Balanced Scorecard context. Decision Support Systems, 68, 98-110. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2014.10.002Chytas, P., Glykas, M., & Valiris, G. (2011). A proactive balanced scorecard. International Journal of Information Management, 31(5), 460-468. doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2010.12.007Dong, Y., & Qin, S. J. (2018). A novel dynamic PCA algorithm for dynamic data modeling and process monitoring. Journal of Process Control, 67, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2017.05.002Ferenc, A. (2011). Balanced scorecard measurement applications at a car manufacturer supplier company. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f10e/409533c49dd2934ace78405126978302ab96.pdfFisher, R. A. (1992). Statistical Methods for Research Workers. Breakthroughs in Statistics, 66-70. doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-4380-9_6Gans, D. J. (1981). Corrected and Extended Tables for Tukey’s Quick Test. Technometrics, 23(2), 193-195. doi:10.1080/00401706.1981.10486265Grillo, H., Campuzano-Bolarin, F., & Mula, J. (2018). Modelling performance management measures through statistics and system dynamics-based simulation. Dirección y Organización, (65), 20-35. doi:10.37610/dyo.v0i65.526Gurrea, V., Alfaro-Saiz, J.-J., Rodriguez, R., & Verdecho, M. J. (2014). Application of fuzzy logic in performance management: a literature review. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering, 2(2), 93. doi:10.4995/ijpme.2014.1859Hoque, Z. (2014). 20 years of studies on the balanced scorecard: Trends, accomplishments, gaps and opportunities for future research. The British Accounting Review, 46(1), 33-59. doi:10.1016/j.bar.2013.10.003Junior, I. C. A., Marqui, A. C. & Martins, R. A. (2008). Multiple case study on balanced scorecard implementation in sugarcane companies. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=, R. S. (2009). Conceptual Foundations of the Balanced Scorecard. Handbooks of Management Accounting Research, 1253-1269. doi:10.1016/s1751-3243(07)03003-9Ku, W., Storer, R. H., & Georgakis, C. (1995). Disturbance detection and isolation by dynamic principal component analysis. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 30(1), 179-196. doi:10.1016/0169-7439(95)00076-3Malmi, T. (2001). Balanced scorecards in Finnish companies: A research note. Management Accounting Research, 12(2), 207-220. doi:10.1006/mare.2000.0154Morard, B., Stancu, A. & Jeannette, C. (2013). Time evolution analysis and forecast of key performance indicators in a balanced scorecard. Global Journal of Business Research, 7(2), 9–27.Noerreklit, H., & Schoenfeld, H.-M. W. (2000). Controlling Multinational Companies: An Attempt to Analyze Some Unresolved Issues. The International Journal of Accounting, 35(3), 415-430. doi:10.1016/s0020-7063(00)00064-9Rodriguez, R. R., Saiz, J. J. A., & Bas, A. O. (2009). Quantitative relationships between key performance indicators for supporting decision-making processes. Computers in Industry, 60(2), 104-113. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2008.09.002Sanchez-Marquez, R., Albarracin Guillem, J. M., Vicens-Salort, E., & Jabaloyes Vivas, J. (2018). A statistical system management method to tackle data uncertainty when using key performance indicators of the balanced scorecard. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 48, 166-179. doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2018.07.010Sánchez Márquez, R., Albarracín Guillem, J. M., Vicens-Salort, E., & Jabaloyes Vivas, J. (2018). Intellectual Capital and Balanced Scorecard: impact of Learning and Development Programs using Key Performance Indicators in Manufacturing Environment. Dirección y Organización, (66), 34-49. doi:10.37610/dyo.v0i66.534Verdecho, M.-J., Alfaro-Saiz, J.-J., & Rodriguez-Rodriguez, R. (2014). A Performance Management Framework for Managing Sustainable Collaborative Enterprise Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 546-554. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-44745-1_54Walczak, S., & Cerpa, N. (1999). Heuristic principles for the design of artificial neural networks. Information and Software Technology, 41(2), 107-117. doi:10.1016/s0950-5849(98)00116-

    Diagnosis of quality management systems using data analytics - A case study in the manufacturing sector

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    [EN] The main objective is to improve customer satisfaction by developing and testing a method to study quality management systems by analysing the key performance indicators of balanced scorecards in manufacturing environments. The methodology focuses on the identification and quantification of relationships between internal and external metrics that allow moving from performance measurement to effective performance management. It has been tested as a case study approach using real data from two complete years of the balanced scorecard of a leading manufacturing company. The results provided a new understanding of how the quality management system works that was used to make systemic and strategic decisions to improve the long-term performance of the company. Industry practitioners with a moderate level of data analytical skill can use it to help managers and executives improve management systems.Sánchez-Márquez, R.; Albarracín Guillem, JM.; Vicens Salort, E.; Jabaloyes Vivas, JM. (2020). Diagnosis of quality management systems using data analytics - A case study in the manufacturing sector. Computers in Industry. 115:245-263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2019.10318324526311

    Intellectual Capital and Balanced Scorecard: impact of Learning and Development Programs using Key Performance Indicators in Manufacturing Environment

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    [EN] Within the current context, the Intellectual Capital has been unveiled as one of the Key drivers for companies¿ long-term profitability and sustainability. This paper proposes a new methodology using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from the Balanced Scorecard of a Manufacturing Company to confirm the impact of Learning and Development Programs in the actual performance of the organization. Statistical Multivariate and Multiple Regression techniques are applied as a systemic approach using KPIs to firstly analyze and confirm the impact of Learning & Development and secondly to design the best strategy for short term financial results and long term sustainability. The proposed methodology was applied in a Manufacturing Company to confirm its validity in practical terms.[ES] En el contexto actual, el Capital Intelectual ha resultado ser uno de los factores clave para la sostenibilidad y viabilidad de las compañías a largo plazo. En este documento se propone una nueva metodología que usa Indicadores Clave de Rendimiento del Cuadro Integral de Mando de una compañía manufacturera para confirmar el impacto de Programas de Desarrollo y Aprendizaje en la eficiencia real de la organización. Métodos Estadísticos Multivariantes y de Regresión Múltiple se han aplicado como técnica sistémica para primero analizar y confirmar dicho impacto y seguidamente diseñar la mejor estrategia para los resultados a corto plazo y la sostenibilidad a largo plazo. La metodología propuesta fue aplicada en una compañía manufacturera para confirmar y validar el método de forma práctica.Sánchez-Márquez, R.; Albarracín Guillem, JM.; Vicens Salort, E.; Jabaloyes Vivas, JM. (2018). Intellectual Capital and Balanced Scorecard: impact of Learning and Development Programs using Key Performance Indicators in Manufacturing Environment. Direccion y Organizacion. 66(diciembre 2018):34-49. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/122578S344966diciembre 201

    Modyfing an attribute control chart: Daudin's methodology

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    Copyright (2012) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Pérez Bernabeu, E.; Sellés Cantó, MÁ.; Carrión García, A.; Jabaloyes Vivas, JM. (2012). Modyfing an attribute control chart: Daudin's methodology. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1431:920-924 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4707651There are many methods that can be applied to each one of the control charts, for instance, Daudin´s methodology, which proposal is to set two stages of decision, and a rule to go on with the second stage. It is always taken two samples and, at first, it is only analyzed the first sample. Then, depending on the rule, it is analyzed the second sample or not, so that a good decision can be made. It is stated that in the existing bibliography there are several studies about variable control charts, concretely, average control charts. On the other hand there are fewer contributions for the attribute control chart.Pérez Bernabeu, E.; Sellés Cantó, MÁ.; Carrión García, A.; Jabaloyes Vivas, JM. (2012). Modyfing an attribute control chart: Daudin's methodology. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1431:920-924. doi:10.1063/1.4707651S920924143

    Using Daudin's methodology for attribute control charts

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    There are many methods that can be applied to each one of the control charts, for instance, Daudin's methodology, which proposal is to set two stages of decision, and a rule to go on with the second stage. It is always taken two samples and, at first, it is only analyzed the first sample. Then, depending on the rule, it is analyzed the second sample or not, so that a good decision can be made. It is stated that in the existing bibliography there are several studies about variable control charts, concretely, average control charts. On the other hand there are fewer contributions for the attribute control chart.Pérez Bernabeu, E.; Sellés Cantó, MÁ.; Carrión García, A.; Jabaloyes Vivas, JM.; Sanchez-Caballero, S. (2011). Using Daudin's methodology for attribute control charts. Annals of the University of Oradea. 10(20):241-244. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/35898S241244102

    Concepto de Calidad

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    En la actualidad, y cada vez de forma más acentuada, la calidad es un objetivo de primera línea en cualquier actividad económica y, por supuesto, en cualquier actividad relacionada con la gestión universitaria (gestión de alumnado, gestión económica, gestión de recursos humanos, administración de centros docentes y departamentos, etc.). Se está convirtiendo en una estrategia de competitividad superando la acepción inicial de estrategia de marketing o de ventas. Para conseguir la calidad es necesario, además de otras premisas que se expondrán más adelante, conocer lo que la palabra calidad significa en su sentido más amplio y no solamente referida al producto o servicio al que se aplica. En esta presentación se describen algunos de los enfoques más utilizados del concepto de la calidadhttps://polimedia.upv.es/visor/?id=50317056-0ca3-2744-9077-e9cea4c1f14aJabaloyes Vivas, JM. (2010). Concepto de Calidad. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/829