80 research outputs found


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    Star fruit cultivation business has become one of the economic supports for people from Karangsari, Blitar. Number of star fruit production continuing to increase by years in which it becomes the background of people from Karangsari in making innovative products from star fruit star fruit. This study aims to determine the feasibility of star fruit juice business. The research was conducted at “Cemara Sari”, Self-Finance Agricultural Training Center and Rural (P4S), in Karangsari, Blitar. The location selection used purposive sampling technique by considering that Blitar is the center of fruit star fruit development in East Java. The allocation time for the study start from August to September, 2014. Star fruit extract business is considered financially feasible. It can be seen from the value of NPV by Rp 45.728.311, -; Net B / C = 4.09; gross B / C = 1.3; profitability = 7.3; and IRR by 89.13

    Analisis Kelayakan Usahatani Budidaya Rumput Laut (Studi Pada Kelompok Tani Belandungan Segoro Pandung di Desa Pagar Batu Kecamatan Saronggi Kabupaten Sumenep)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis besarnya biaya, produksi, penerimaan, pendapatan, serta untuk menganalisis kelayakan usahatani budidaya rumput laut Kelompok Tani Belandungan Segoro Pandung di Desa Pagar Batu Kecamatan Saronggi Kabupaten Sumenep. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Penentuan daerah lokasi penelitian ini dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive) di Desa Pagar Batu Kecamatan Saronggi Kabupaten Sumenep pada bulan Mei 2022 - Juni 2022. Teknik pengambilan sampel ini menggunakan metode sensus dengan total sampel sebanyak 46 orang. Pengukuran variable ini mencangkup biaya, produksi, harga, penerimaan, pendapatan, dan kelayakan. Hasil analisis biaya, produksi, penerimaan, pendapatan dan kelayakan didapat hasil sebagai berikut: biaya yang dikeluarkan selama proses produksi rumput laut sebesar Rp.1.963.580, produksi yang dihasilkan sebanyak 814 kg, penerimaan yang diterima petani sebesar Rp.11.396.000, pendapatan yang diterima petani sebesar Rp.9.434.420, nilai R/C sebesar 5,8, nilai B/C sebesar 5,8 yang artinya usahatani budidaya rumput laut Kelompok Tani Belandungan Segoro Pandung di Desa Pagar Batu Kecamatan Saronggi Kabupaten Sumenep menguntungkan dan layak untuk diusahakan. Hal ini dikarenakan nilai r/c dan b/c >1

    Impact of suboptimal land on shallot plant growth

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    The impact of suboptimal land conditions on the growth of shallot plants, and what strategies can be used to reduce the negative impacts have not been widely implemented. This study aims to review the impact of suboptimal land on the growth of shallot plants by integrating the latest findings from related scientific studies. A literature review was carried out by searching for related scientific publications using the Google Scholar and Scopus database (2020-2023). This review includes an evaluation of shallot plant growth parameters that are influenced by suboptimal land conditions, as well as land management strategies that can be used to increase plant productivity. This study confirms that suboptimal land can have a significant impact on the growth and yield of shallot plants. Through this comprehensive approach, it is hoped that this review will provide in-depth insight into the complexity of interactions between shallot plants and their growing environment

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Pupuk Anorganik (Kasus : Desa Srimulyo Dan Sukodono, Kecamatan Dampit)

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    Inorganic fertilizers are currently still widely used and are the main choice for farmers because they can increase crop productivity. Companies need to pay attention to consumer orientation, which is related to how to find the target market, needs and convince consumers to make a purchase. This study aims to analyze the influence of brand image, price, review, ecology, and credibility on the decision to purchase inorganic fertilizers by coffee farmers. The locations taken are Srimulyo and Sukodono villages, Dampit District, considering that the village is the largest coffee-producing village in Malang. Purposive sampling was used for sampling as many as 35 coffee farmers with the provision of using and purchasing inorganic fertilizers. The data used in the study is primary data collected through surveys with observations, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The research uses SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) data analysis with the PLS (Partial Least Square) approach, and conducts data analysis with the help of SmartPLS 4.0 software. The results of the analysis of respondent characteristics showed that most coffee farmers were dominated by men and the level of education of farmers varied from elementary to bachelor's degree. Most of the respondents' farming experience was from 1 to 50 years with a maximum land area of 2 ha. Testing the inner model obtained a determination coefficient (R-Square) of 60.1% brand image, price, reviews, ecology, and credibility were able to explain the influence on the decision to purchase inorganic fertilizers by farmers. The results of bootstrapping data showed that brand image and ecological had a significant negative effect and reviews had a significant positive effect on the decision to purchase inorganic fertilizers. Factors that do not affect the decision to buy inorganic fertilizers are price and credibilityInorganic fertilizers are currently still widely used and are the main choice for farmers because they can increase crop productivity. Companies need to pay attention to consumer orientation, which is related to how to find the target market, needs and convince consumers to make a purchase. This study aims to analyze the influence of brand image, price, review, ecology, and credibility on the decision to purchase inorganic fertilizers by coffee farmers. The locations taken are Srimulyo and Sukodono villages, Dampit District, considering that the village is the largest coffee-producing village in Malang. Purposive sampling was used for sampling as many as 35 coffee farmers with the provision of using and purchasing inorganic fertilizers. The data used in the study is primary data collected through surveys with observations, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The research uses SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) data analysis with the PLS (Partial Least Square) approach, and conducts data analysis with the help of SmartPLS 4.0 software. The results of the analysis of respondent characteristics showed that most coffee farmers were dominated by men and the level of education of farmers varied from elementary to bachelor's degree. Most of the respondents' farming experience was from 1 to 50 years with a maximum land area of 2 ha. Testing the inner model obtained a determination coefficient (R-Square) of 60.1% brand image, price, reviews, ecology, and credibility were able to explain the influence on the decision to purchase inorganic fertilizers by farmers. The results of bootstrapping data showed that brand image and ecological had a significant negative effect and reviews had a significant positive effect on the decision to purchase inorganic fertilizers. Factors that do not affect the decision to buy inorganic fertilizers are price and credibility